Xzibit Disses Frank Ocean on Twitter

My last sentence is the issue .. Along with you being an uncle Tom if you co-sign him
And I didn't go at Xzibit ..
I just said who gives a **** about him and his opinion?

For me, being a "Tom" has everything to do with going along with what the industry deems PC, regardless of what the issue is. The sexuality part isn't even the issue for me...i couldn't care less what Frank's sexual preference is. But if you kiss *** and compromise yourself (which I think a lot of rap dudes have done in regards to this Frank situation) for the sake of not going against what the industry deems the appropriate response, you've just sold yourself out. Simple as that.

And the funniest **** about this whole Xzibit thing is that there's only an issue because someone went to him, aka someone else made it an issue. He didn't get on Twitter and go on a rant. He was asked a question and gave his honest response. And now people take issue with dude's personal opinion. It's almost as if people can't have their opinions if it goes against what the mainstream is doing.

I'm not here to debate morals, but i'll be damned if anyone has to bite their tongue just because their opinion may not be the popular one at the moment.
Soo pepole have to kiss Frank Oceans *** now because he's popular and likes penis? **** that speak your mind
Im tired of dudes going with some **** they dont believe in just because its the pc thing to do let X do him if he dont rock with the mo's so what and i dont get how pause is a diss anyway
But this is what they want they want young black men to be soft assimilating or out right *****exuals and dudes playin right into it

Too bad everybody's busy trying to be politically correct to comprehend whats going on.
Oh...so whats going on?
Looks like this dude's career and beliefs are stuck in the past.

At least he's consistent... 
Too bad everybody's busy trying to be politically correct to comprehend whats going on.
basically...i hate how society is forcing this gay thing upon us...like, im a bad guy if i stop listening to someone thats gay...its my choice..yall dont think he singing bout boys, maybe i do..who cares, my choice..

10 years, hell maybe even 5 years ago NO RAPPER would be caught dead saying they back a gay dude..now its like cats so scared of the backlash that they just cosign ol dude..

more power to yall tho..go crank dat frank ocean
First and foremost LOL Xhibit acting like hes not totally washed up and more than likely Frank Ocean wouldn't work with him. I dont think his response was out of line either but its going to start something bigger than him.

On the developing subject that's going on in here, I have no problem with the influx of people rising up to support Frank Ocean coming out. It shouldn't be a big deal that he's gay, but in todays society it is so this is whats going to happen when a person of notoriety does it.

The reason I dont mind it is because I remember the 1st time I ever truly experienced racism. I remember how much it bothered me and how my mom just told me "The next time you want to go around judging someone because of something they cant change just remember that people do it to you all the time cause you're black". IDK if anyone thinks that *****exuality and modern day racism are equal but in a lot of ways I do, so I cant in good conscience be mad that people are supporting him cause I'd want the same courtesy if it came down to it. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if this was the mindset that a lot of the people backing him have as well. People who are much older than I am who felt racism more than I have.

Wouldnt be surprised if people flipped it on Xhibit and started saying stuff like "Oh but you think being discriminated against because youre black isnt ok" I mean cause thats what this is; Him refusing to work with FO because of his sexual orientation. Hes entitled to his opinion, I just think he should know better for reasons stated above.

I dont listen to Frank Oceans music, never have and probably never will. Heard like 3 songs off Nostalgia Ultra, wasnt feeling it, and hes lost me forever most likely.
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To be honest....would frank even work with X ? Lol
That should be the real question.
"Frank, would you do a song with Xzibit?"

And the funniest **** about this whole Xzibit thing is that there's only an issue because someone went to him, aka someone else made it an issue. He didn't get on Twitter and go on a rant. He was asked a question and gave his honest response. And now people take issue with dude's personal opinion. It's almost as if people can't have their opinions if it goes against what the mainstream is doing.
How's "#pause" an honest response?  I'm not sure how someone asking him somehow makes a difference.  Clearly he doesn't have to respond if he doesn't want to and there's no issue but he made it a point to take a weak shot at dude's sexuality.
:lol: 1st off it's Xzibit of all rappers. 2nd, all he said was pause.

Somebody ask Raekwon how he feels about this and then it can be thread worthy.

I want one of you dudes in here ragging on Xz to explain how saying pause is a diss now.
To be honest....would frank even work with X ? Lol
That should be the real question.
"Frank, would you do a song with Xzibit?"

And the funniest **** about this whole Xzibit thing is that there's only an issue because someone went to him, aka someone else made it an issue. He didn't get on Twitter and go on a rant. He was asked a question and gave his honest response. And now people take issue with dude's personal opinion. It's almost as if people can't have their opinions if it goes against what the mainstream is doing.
How's "#pause" an honest response?  I'm not sure how someone asking him somehow makes a difference.  Clearly he doesn't have to respond if he doesn't want to and there's no issue but he made it a point to take a weak shot at dude's sexuality.
How is it not an honest response?  I mean, he "said" it, right?  All I can do is take his tweet as his thoughts on the issue--nothing more and nothing less.  

And you're right, he didn't have to respond.  But he was asked a question and he decided to respond, which is well within his rights to do so.  People don't like his answer and I'm sure now he's being called a homophobe, bigot, etc.  What would you suggest?  Should he just not respond?  Should he lie about it just to appease the folks who won't like his opinion?

This is the problem I have with this.  You say he doesn't have to respond.  But why is he in the wrong if he does?  He was asked a question and usually when that happens, you answer it.  The ONLY reason to say that "he doesn't have to respond if he doesn't want to" is because you disagree with his stance/response.  And that's a problem to me--suggesting that someone be quiet because the end result rubs you the wrong way.  
Xzibit was nice back in the day... does he still make music...? He is kind a non factor these days
When did it become illegal to voice your opinion? Why does he have to support Frank? Dudes are getting their testicles clipped and dont even see it. They want this from our culture we went from NWA and Tupac trying to tear down the the establishment to dudes just rolling over for anything, and its happening in steps right before our eyes
Drake(super soft)»Frank Ocean("bisexual")»____(openly *****exual rapper)»____(transgender rapper) they want you to think this **** is ok why do you think skinny jeans got a push they're emasculating urban youth and dudes are falling for it.
When did it become illegal to voice your opinion? Why does he have to support Frank? Dudes are getting their testicles clipped and dont even see it. They want this from our culture we went from NWA and Tupac trying to tear down the the establishment to dudes just rolling over for anything, and its happening in steps right before our eyes
Drake(super soft)»Frank Ocean("bisexual")»____(openly *****exual rapper)»____(transgender rapper) they want you to think this **** is ok why do you think skinny jeans got a push they're emasculating urban youth and dudes are falling for it.
By the same logic, when did it become wrong to wear skinny jeans? Or express your emotions? Or reveal your your true sexual orientation?
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