Yankees Eliminated from the Playoffs Appreciation Post

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

I like to crack the champagne around this time.

When its A-Rod who makes the last out or has a horrible playoff I like to pull out the cigar

(God damn cigars are killing my pockets in October)
when i saw arod bat in the 7th with the bases loaded, i lost hope.
i dont think there has ever been a bigger superstar who chokes like that guy

I like how dude practically wins ya;ll the '09 chip, but people/media are so quick to tun on A-Rod.
Especially since, Swisher and Tex ALWAYS suck in the PS, but no one calls them on it. 

But oh, let's hate on the past his 3b, who barely played in the second half. 
Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

I like to crack the champagne around this time.

When its A-Rod who makes the last out or has a horrible playoff I like to pull out the cigar

(God damn cigars are killing my pockets in October)
when i saw arod bat in the 7th with the bases loaded, i lost hope.
i dont think there has ever been a bigger superstar who chokes like that guy

I like how dude practically wins ya;ll the '09 chip, but people/media are so quick to tun on A-Rod.
Especially since, Swisher and Tex ALWAYS suck in the PS, but no one calls them on it. 

But oh, let's hate on the past his 3b, who barely played in the second half. 
uh one year he did something.
he's paid the most, of course he's first to blame

swis, teixiera are to blame too
Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

 @ the those who thought the Yanks would do anything in the playoffs.
Their team is SORRY.

They play in a little league ballpark, that's why they have so many homers.

A-Rod is trash

Hughes is trash

It's gonna be rough Yanks fans, ya'll ain't doing nothing for the next 2 or so years. 

Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

200M yeah its sorry.

I know right...
All the money in the world, and ya'lll still don't DO NADA IN THE POSTSEASON.

I don't even know, how you could root for such a poorly run team. 

says mets fan? i haz confused.
All Yankee haters ever have to say is "oh they put all the money into the team blah blah". So what? Paying extra money to make your team better is part of most sports isn't it? Boston did it this year how come it's okay or them?? 2005 Astros did it and they went all the way to the world series (don't remind me of what happened). Yankees are doing what everybody else should be doing. Nobody is stopping the Cubs from buying Pujols, David Ortiz, Rollins and few other free agents to beef their team up right? So what's the big deal? Yankees are still the greatest baseball team in the history of the MLB. Yankees > You're team. Yankees have 27 chips, how many does your team have?
Originally Posted by AJMasta

All Yankee haters ever have to say is "oh they put all the money into the team blah blah". So what? Paying extra money to make your team better is part of most sports isn't it? Boston did it this year how come it's okay or them?? 2005 Astros did it and they went all the way to the world series (don't remind me of what happened). Yankees are doing what everybody else should be doing. Nobody is stopping the Cubs from buying Pujols, David Ortiz, Rollins and few other free agents to beef their team up right? So what's the big deal? Yankees are still the greatest baseball team in the history of the MLB. Yankees > You're team. Yankees have 27 chips, how many does your team have?

Tell em why you mad, son
It took 3 pages for the 27 championships to be brought up. Damn ya'll falling off.

We laugh because your highest paid players are all on the wrong side of thirty. Who gives a 37+ SS and Catcher w/ no arm a multi year $50+ million deal.

Even the Mets gave Piazza the dueces
Originally Posted by AJMasta

All Yankee haters ever have to say is "oh they put all the money into the team blah blah". So what? Paying extra money to make your team better is part of most sports isn't it? Boston did it this year how come it's okay or them?? 2005 Astros did it and they went all the way to the world series (don't remind me of what happened). Yankees are doing what everybody else should be doing. Nobody is stopping the Cubs from buying Pujols, David Ortiz, Rollins and few other free agents to beef their team up right? So what's the big deal? Yankees are still the greatest baseball team in the history of the MLB. Yankees > You're team. Yankees have 27 chips, how many does your team have?
 @ Mets Fans!!!! I was always on your side, I always said "If the Yankees don't win it this year, I hope the Mets do". This has just turned things around, you guys are savages.  The Yankees will be fine because we always have, King Felix, I hope soon to see you in pinstripes. As for A-Rod, what the hell were we thinking signing him till he's 42? Jesus Cashman. We'll bounce back tho
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

always find it funny when fans of teams who have decades without winning a championship bash

have fun though.

i guess this is your championship
I can bash since the Giants won last year




BS Report is gonna be great on Friday. Jack-O has to make an appearance. Bill called him the day after the Sox collapse was complete, so Jack-O owes him.
I cheer every time a large payroll team is eliminated. Go D Backs...then Brewers
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

always find it funny when fans of teams who have decades without winning a championship bash

have fun though.

i guess this is your championship
I can bash since the Giants won last year





had to save that martin gif 
Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

 @ the those who thought the Yanks would do anything in the playoffs.
Their team is SORRY.

They play in a little league ballpark, that's why they have so many homers.

A-Rod is trash

Hughes is trash

It's gonna be rough Yanks fans, ya'll ain't doing nothing for the next 2 or so years. 

Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

200M yeah its sorry.

I know right...
All the money in the world, and ya'lll still don't DO NADA IN THE POSTSEASON.

I don't even know, how you could root for such a poorly run team.                            

CosmicCanon wrote:
I like how dude practically wins ya;ll the '09 chip, but people/media are so quick to tun on A-Rod.
Especially since, Swisher and Tex ALWAYS suck in the PS, but no one calls them on it. 

But oh, let's hate on the past his 3b, who barely played in the second half. 
Yeah, cheering for the Yankees is a hard thing to do.

I chose not to cheer for them, its like rooting for Bill Gates to win the lotto.

200M payroll team making the playoffs is not an "accomplishment", if you don't win the WS season is a complete failure.
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