Sep 10, 2003
My bro and I are having an argument about Andris Biedrins' game. Need more opinions. Is he soft?

I say YES.

You made a post with no arguments or reasoning. No he ain't soft. If he could handle centers in the NBA then he ain't soft. And dude is a monster onthe boards.
He's not the toughest player in the L but he he aint soft....

Soft is like Vince Carter.
Is this post because he has appendicitis?
*adds JDOTwong to people not to take seriously on basketball, along with countless other NTers*


....are you serious? quantify and qualify your statement-- then you might have a discussion. please think before using the "new topic" button.
What a coincidence? All Warriors fans say No. I knew I was going toget pounded by all the Warriors fans who are all over this board but whatever, I'm going to stick with my answer. I'm going to wait for responses fromnon-Warrior fans before responding to you guys.

I was trying to make it a simple Yes or No question.
I don't think you've watched him play at all. The appendicitis is no joke, and if that's your evidence for calling him soft then
He isn'tthe toughest person out there, but he's far from soft. Maybe because he looks rail-thin u think he's soft, but you need to watch games before making ajudgment.

and you spelled his name wrong too.
so what's the point of even asking the question? And why wouldn't warrior fans give you their opinion when he's on THEIR team?

If you're gonna ask if someone is this or that, at least back it up with some type of reasoning
I don't think you've watched him play at all. The appendicitis is no joke, and if that's your evidence for calling him soft then
He isn't the toughest person out there, but he's far from soft. Maybe because he looks rail-thin u think he's soft, but you need to watch games before making a judgment.

and you spelled his name wrong too.
No, I absolutely did not make it post because of the appendicitis. I've been going back and forth on this argument with Warriors fans eversince last year and I finally decided to make a post about it today because I want to hear others opinions.

I seen more than half of Warriors game this year so far. I seen Biedrins play plenty. There has been games when he was a monster on the boards and I even sawhis 23 or 24 rebound game. But my reasoning on why he is soft is because he does not finish strong, he doesn't hold his position in the post well, hedoesn't bang. How many games have the Warriors let slip away last year and this year because of last minute rebounding? He definitely changes shots withhis ridiculous wingspan but he doesn't give hard fouls. Biedrins is a finesse player, he has no power to his game. That might eventually develop but as oftoday, no power.

Are you Warriors fans happy now?
, one rebounder cannot save a team from being a poor defensive team; a team needs 2-3 good rebounders to be a good rebounding team, the Warriors don'tahve that. Biedrins doesn't finish strong? He has great hands for a big man, and he always throws it down. He has a ton of offensive rebounds, he is strongin the paint. There are those better, but that's just because there are more physical, bigger players, but that doesn't make Andris "soft."

Anyone who can average near a double double in my eyes can't be soft, it just doesn't make sense,

But if you've been having this debate for a year or whatever you say, I don't think we can change your mind.

But in my opinion, no I don't think he's soft.
He doesn't bang well....because the Warriors never work their offense in the low post unless they're posting up guards
. that's more style ofplay than anything. if u seen him play in intl competition he posts up and scores. and like japanair said, he throws it down everytime he gets it down low. ifby soft u mean soft hands, then yeah he's soft.

this post really is hella random though
, i don't know what you're trying to accomplish with this at all. us warrior fans who've watchedbiedrins play more than you don't think he's soft. and trust me, if he was, we'd call him out for it in game threads on a consistent basis.
Originally Posted by JdotWONG

I don't think you've watched him play at all. The appendicitis is no joke, and if that's your evidence for calling him soft then
He isn't the toughest person out there, but he's far from soft. Maybe because he looks rail-thin u think he's soft, but you need to watch games before making a judgment.

and you spelled his name wrong too.
No, I absolutely did not make it post because of the appendicitis. I've been going back and forth on this argument with Warriors fans ever since last year and I finally decided to make a post about it today because I want to hear others opinions.

I seen more than half of Warriors game this year so far. I seen Biedrins play plenty. There has been games when he was a monster on the boards and I even saw his 23 or 24 rebound game. But my reasoning on why he is soft is because he does not finish strong, he doesn't hold his position in the post well, he doesn't bang. How many games have the Warriors let slip away last year and this year because of last minute rebounding? He definitely changes shots with his ridiculous wingspan but he doesn't give hard fouls. Biedrins is a finesse player, he has no power to his game. That might eventually develop but as of today, no power.

Are you Warriors fans happy now?

wow.. like they said.. Warriors don't post their big men often, Nelly likes mismatches so you'll barely see Andris post up unless it's a (youguessed it) mismatch. and rebounding? he's the only real C in the line up and the rest are mostly SFs at the 4 so you can't expect 1 dude to controlthe boards. and not giving hard fouls = weak?

only W's fans have been answering because outside of the fans, no one really knows about Andris' game.
Yea like everyone is saying...he not like a boozer or someone like that who just be beastin fools down low...but he's def not soft...

You wanna see someone who is soft on offense watch camby...he NEVER dunks...he always tries to lay it off the glass and missed half he time...and he'spretty much the same height as least he dunks
soft is Eddy Curry

I mean Beadrins is nnot the toughest guy in the league but he aint down there with bum +!+ Curry
Way to form your argument with an opinion to support your conclusion.

Did you make this thread to troll?

In answer to your statement, no I don't think he's soft, but I don't think he's tough as nails yet either. That's more because he's 180pounds and 21 years old. Give him a couple of years and we'll see. Not to mention the Warriors don't play much of a post up game versus a pick and rolland face up style.
Define "soft".

Because if you're talking "soft" like he plays smaller or weaker than his size, then you're basketball opinion has officially beendisqualified from NikeTalk. He's 22 for crying out loud.

I'd never want to see you post again. Ever.
i dont know if he is or not but he needs to hurry up and come back, my fantasy team is strugglin'
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