Anyone who carries the current season record for most rebounds in a game should never be considered soft.

If 26 Rebounds in a game doesn't change your opininion that he doesn't bang like Will Hung, than you must be a salty hater.

Andris Biedrins
Dude's a tycoon.
Define "soft".

Because if you're talking "soft" like he plays smaller or weaker than his size, then you're basketball opinion has officially been disqualified from NikeTalk. He's 22 for crying out loud.

I'd never want to see you post again. Ever.

Holy @%%!! Brutal. It's my opinion for crying out loud. It's not that serious. I notice that Warriors fans still have this "Me against the world" mentality and want to demand the respect. I guess it's part of the "We Believe."

Back to the topic, if you read my second post in this thread, then you could see the reasoning behind my claim and can somewhat make out what my definition on what I think "soft" is.

Some of you made excellent points here and it has made me think, I probably shouldn't have created this thread but I'm still sticking with my opinion.

I'm sure everyone has their own definition of "soft." I already said Biedrins is a effective player but here is my definition: Being that Biedrins is playing a power position, I would define someone who doesn't finish strong, bang down low, protect the paint, commit hard fouls and play with power is soft. Like I said earlier, he doesn't play with power.

This is where most of you will say, the game has evolved so much that centers are perimeter players now and in Nellie's system, they play like this and that. Beidrins has no perimeter game whatsoever so he belongs down there, I want to see him do the above mentioned to reverse my opinion. You can say I'm wrong for expecting him to do all that at 22 years old and he's still developing but under my criteria, for the time being, he's soft in my book.

Your argument against me, he puts up numbers. Dirk, Yao, Gasol, Denver fan in here said Camby (no way in eyes) Troy Murphy and even Illguskas have average(d) double doubles and most have consistently done it during their whole career and they have been criticized heavily for being soft. You can still be an very effective player in this league and still be called soft so I wouldn't necessarily say numbers justifies it.

I admit Biedrins development has been amazing. I would of never thought he'll have the kind of success he's having right now. Maybe it's Nellie's system or Baron, maybe he is a beast waiting to happen. And if he was playing on the Blazers, I'd probably be just as excited but honestly, I think I would still consider him soft. My dude Aldridge is like 2 rebounds away from avging a double double in his second year and I think he is soft too.

But overall, Biedrins being soft is just my opinion. I wanted to see what others thought and see a broader level of opinions, unfortunately, I failed b/c I realized most people on here don't have the opportunity to watch the Warriors play. I'm sure there are many out there that agree with me and as witnessed here already, most don't and I respect that because I can see why you would think I'm wrong but I'm hoping with this essay I typed
, most of you see my point of view and at least think I have somewhat of an argument here.

Btw OneTrust, Blazers will be up there very soon.
i say soft looking but hes definitely not soft when it comes to playing ball.
he gets down there and posts up.. gets boards.. so no, not when it comes to playing ball.
i say soft looking but hes definitely not soft when it comes to playing ball.
he gets down there and posts up.. gets boards.. so no, not when it comes to playing ball.
Because if you're talking "soft" like he plays smaller or weaker than his size, then you're basketball opinion has officially been disqualified from NikeTalk. He's 22 for crying out loud.

I'd never want to see you post again. Ever.
wow this is a bit harsh. and from an admin?

being 22 has nothing to do with ANYTHING
Let's see.

He's still young, his body is still maturing and he could still put on muscle/weight.

He already goes after rebounds like a maniac being outweighed by power-forwards, not to mention centers.

The only knock on him is that he gets pusehd off the ball and cant establish position inside because he's under-sized (weight wise).

But yea, his age has nothing to do with anything.
I notice that Warriors fans still have this "Me against the world" mentality and want to demand the respect. I guess it's part of the "We Believe."
Not're the one who brought this up. You're more than entitled to an opinion,but your original post made you come offacross as a don't give any reasoning behind your claim it's gonna be like that. Warriors fans here for the most part don't have thatmentality here...I think we have a good collection of W's fans here that (for the most part) aren't trolls, and can get a decentbasketball discussion going. But I definitely know some bandwagon W's fans that fit your description

I think you're perceiving Biedrins as soft because he's skinny and can't bang with the strongest in the NBA....that's not "soft",that's "lack of strength" if anything. he still hustles to get the boards/points and for what he lacks in strength he makes up in speed....and ontop of that he catches nearly everything that comes his way down low which is why he can score easy buckets. there's a reason the warriors are hella highon him, and why supposedly (i can't confirm 100%) we wouldn't trade for Garnett if Andris was involved.
Originally Posted by JdotWONG

Define "soft".

Because if you're talking "soft" like he plays smaller or weaker than his size, then you're basketball opinion has officially been disqualified from NikeTalk. He's 22 for crying out loud.

I'd never want to see you post again. Ever.

I guess i understand what you're saying, but you're definition of soft is different than EVERYONE elses. You call anyone who can't bang soft,whether they physically are able to or not. The general definition of soft is someone who doesn't play as physical as they can, plays scared or smallerthan their size, and Biedrins just doesn't play that way. He's tall and skinny and plays as tough as he can, he just doesn't have the bulk to knockpeople around. Soft is a mental thing, and he's definitely soft. A little small maybe, but not soft.
Originally Posted by JdotWONG

I'm sure everyone has their own definition of "soft." I already said Biedrins is a effective player but here is my definition: Being that Biedrins is playing a power position, I would define someone who doesn't finish strong, bang down low, protect the paint, commit hard fouls and play with power is soft. Like I said earlier, he doesn't play with power.

This is where most of you will say, the game has evolved so much that centers are perimeter players now and in Nellie's system, they play like this and that. Beidrins has no perimeter game whatsoever so he belongs down there, I want to see him do the above mentioned to reverse my opinion. You can say I'm wrong for expecting him to do all that at 22 years old and he's still developing but under my criteria, for the time being, he's soft in my book.

i still see your argument as flawed. you think he doesn't play with power? like all these dudes said already, he's undersized (weight wise) soit's gonna look like he's soft but actually he's facing dudes bigger and heavier than him. and i still don't see how not giving hard foulsmakes him soft.. dude goes after blocks not just trying to go jump with them and hammer someone. and "he belongs down there", you really think Nellyhas Biedrins in the game to "bang down low"? if you've watched some Warriors games, like you said you did, you'd notice that he barely postsup and he gets inside thru pick and rolls. his job on the court is to be a rebounder not to "bang down low" or even be an offensive player. alsoW's defense is mostly focused on tipped passes, steals, etc. so they don't stuff the paint and that means he's the only one guarding the paint, orthe only one who's able to.
[h3]OneTrust said:[/h3]
First of all, i know JDotWong and he's a knowledgable NBA fan so he does know, for the most part, what he's talkin bout.

However, Andris is NOT soft man. Like everyone in here has pretty much said, dude goes out there and bangs with the rest of them. His frame and neatly styled hair might make him look like a pansy, but Andris is no sucka.

It's alright man, don't get mad cause the Warriors are legit and the blazers are falling like Alicia Keys. You guys always have next year to look forward to.image

Get off JDot's tip man. One piece of advice for ya... should never got outta BECA.
I'm not a Warriors fan.. but from everything I've seen of his play, he's nowhere near soft..
soft is Eddy Curry

I mean Beadrins is nnot the toughest guy in the league but he aint down there with bum +!+ Curry

How u gonna call Beadrins soft.
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