YIKES! Pencils vol. 20k

Aug 12, 2004
Who remembers these?


haha, 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th grade book reports and silent sustained reading...all with the same book
Never in my life did I find the stuff in Magic Eye...that's BS times 6. But I had Yikes pencils, mad Trapper Keepers, but no Zoobooks. Moms never boughtme them, I had to borrow library books to look at animals, but I sure did like the commercials.
Trapper Keeper > *

Still trying to find a DS one from early 90s on ebay............
wow I actually do remember those pencils.

now you've got me wondering... how many repressed memories do people keep that get unlocked when triggered by something such as an image?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

you had to put your pencils in one of these

seen my floormates with one of those in his room the other day. I was
'cause that brought me way back.
there were also those car folders y'all forgetting.
I can't say I remember those pencils, but I definitely remember those pencil boxes, Magic Eye and Goosebumps books...
My pencil game wuz on point with some Yikes! I never let anybody borrow em. I used to cop those and the "snake skin" ones that changed colors. Idon't remember what they were called exactly. They were PENTECH joints.
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