YO! Can we discuss Black movies (or the lack thereof) ?...

I only read the OPs post, but here's my take on the topic:

I'm constantly let down by black films time after time. Mainly because they are usually so simplistic and very predictable, also because they typicallydeal with the same topics that the OP mentioned. Now don't get me wrong, there are some exceptions, but they usually follow the same format:relationships-someone cheated-person cheated on finds someone that the ex knew in the past. or something similar to that.

House of payne is garbage imo btw. MAD corny. And what someone mentioned earlier was on point, tyler perry's plays are basically bufoonery, playing onsterotypes and such.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Honestly, I think the reason you don't see many black filmakers/actors is because it's such a long difficult process and it's not appealing.
That is one of the dumbest statements I have heard in awhile. If your statement was close to being true we would not have black doctors, lawyersand etc...
because they are about the same $$%# over and over. whats the difference between soul food and the new Tyler Perry trash? NOTHING AT ALL
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by derryj3

So the new question... yall gonna support "Notorious"

I am...looks like its gonna be pretty good
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

because they are about the same $$%# over and over. whats the difference between soul food and the new Tyler Perry trash? NOTHING AT ALL

um...Nia Long and Mkehi Phifer ( i know i %%###* his name up)
This is an excellent topic and it's also exactly why I brought up the "Boomerang" thread a few days ago.

The quality of Black entertainment is dismal right now and it's not only because of the studios but also because
of a lack of creativity on our part. I have not, can not and will not support anything Tyler Perry does and even
T.D. Jakes for that matter because all of there subject matter/material is based on Black stereotypes and
making farce of overweight Black women, ghetto lifestyle and the like. I can't believe Black folks sit down
in front of their t.v.'s and watch House of Payne or Meet the Browns. WTH do these people find entertaining
about these programs? I just don't understand!

To get back to Ant's point, I don't support these "Black" films, and I use that term loosely because many of them
have a majority Black cast but the film itself is generally written, directed and produced by Whites. I don't support
them because they films are based on stereotypes and rehash the same topics/scenarios over and over. It's to the
point of ridiculous. How many times can a brother having a hard time meet Gabrielle Union, fall in love, have a
falling out, and they she comes to realize he was alright all along? These movies are tired and played and I pity
anyone who enjoys them or supports them.

If black filmmakers would come up with fresh ideas and storylines they could force the studios hand to cough up the funds
necessary to make a quality picture that audiences would come to see. Until they do that, were stuck with Tyler Perry's
How My Man Ain't No Good but I Love Him Anyway, Praise God.
Word to Robert Townsend, and Keneena Ivory Wayans.

But the majority of you are right and the majority of you are wrong. Ant, you walking a thin line in what is called the race against cash or art. Its true thatalot of minority film makers have to make films that border line on racial for any form of success. Like you I get tired of the same old go to church andeverything will work out in the end theme movies. But thats what "we" support. The problem lies with the studios, ultimately the heads are going withmovies they feel will make money. You are right alot of Spike Lee's earlier movies were brilliant. Do the right thing is a movie that was way ahaed of itstime, sort of like Will Smith in six degrees of seperation. The masses are not interested in art, they want humor, and make me feel better about my situtaionmovies. But in order for black filmakers to have creative freedom, we have to keep supporting them in all they do, and when they make a Movie thats aboutsomething we have to go support it. Until then we have to live with this. African Americans are not the only ones who find it difficult to get thier artnoticed. At the indy film festival alot of good works never make it to the big screen.
although i agree that black movies are terrible, the comedies arent funny..and the same 6 or 7 actors are in

each movie, we should support them, or there will be no black movies at all. There will be no oppurtunity for

these movies to get better if there is no market. but you are right, i feel like im watching the same movie over and over

when i watch these black love stories. Edit: slow burn was like the last movie with a black cast that I liked.
The shows are not necessarily 100% stereotypes. Tyler Perry shows actually portray what happens in the homes of black families. Though the episodes arerepetitive...you have to understand that there are people out there who only like shows like this. For every show thats aired...it directed to a specific crowdwho watches them. His shows are directed to the crowd who like shows about black families..that's all. Not everyone will like them, but at the same timenot everyone hate them either.
AirAnt23 wrote:
Do yall know how hard it is to get a movie made? Let alone a major motion picture? The reason we dont have that many good "black" movies is because most of the studios do not believe they will succeed.

So in my opinion, unless you're satisfied with the independent black movies out there. The only way big studios are gonna take a chance on "good black movies" is by supporting the same tired BS like Tyler Perry and TD Jakes.
That's what I wanted to hear. I've had this discussion with a dude in film school. He introduce things to my perspective that I hadn't thought about previously. Such as... the difficulty of getting ANY film made into a major motion picture. So I was hoping to get opinions on what our best option would be. Thank you.
Spike Lee is the only African-American dire4ctor today who has any creative freedom.
I'm glad he was mentioned. Because my sister brought him up before I could. She used him as an example to say that it took him nearly 20 years to have the opportunity to make an Inside Man.

My argument on Spike was that his early movies were clever, damn near brilliant in their social commentary. She says, in any case, he still had to produce the same "type" of film with the support of the Black audience before being able to do something larger.


- they touched on this issue briefly on that CNN program about Black America. they spoke with Spike Lee aboutthe lack of Hollywood's backing (understandably so because it's a business, and they want their money back), but then they interviewed that idiot actorfrom the Cosby show that tried to *%*@ on what Spike was saying, saying that Spike forgets that Hollywood is a business.

- thing is no one is dumb to the fact that Hollywood is a business. and anyone suggesting it to you is insulting your intelligence. its actually a simple fixbut those that have the power are too busy sitting on their hands not willing to help make a change.

- ill give you examples.... Antwone Fisher, 17.5 mil to make and brought in 23.3 mil, this movie was made because Denzel made a personal commitment to bringingFishers story to the screen. Akeelah and the Bee, 8 mil to make and brought in almost 19 mil worldwide, and again someone by the likes of Lawrence Fishburnepushed it and i think helped finance a big part of it.

- the point im trying to make is non-stereotypical black movies can be made, we just dont have anyone willing to get behind these films and foot the bill ifneed be. people kill me with the argument about its a business, yeah, they said the same thing about the horrible programming on BET. to that i say just lookat Master P (who now has his own channel with only positive programming), he did it. they said the same thing about breaking into the music business and howhard it is to own your own stuff and get your own distribution again i say just look at Master P (his record deal and distribution deal at the time was groundbreaking). it's 2009 you mean to tell me Sidney Poitier, James Earl Jones, Oprah, Bill Cosby, etc. none of these individuals could have come up withsomething until now with Tyler Perry?

- they dont want to, thats the problem. true it isnt easy, but once you have so much money with a resume as long as theirs in the game you can do whatever youwant to. had Fishburne and Washington not been hell bent on producing these movies im sure they'd have been looked over like im sure most regular blackmovies that come across studio heads desks are.
We get what sells. Entertainment is a profit first business. Black movies immediately block out 85 % of the target audience. Blacks will see mainstream films.Vice-versa is another story.
YO! Vet, I appreciate the response (and the pm). I wish I had an in with someone who had a little more personal knowledge of what it's like out there inHollywood for Minorities in general.

If we all believe in the abilities of "us", respectively, then we know the issue isn't with there being a general lack of creativity andintelligence in screen writing as much as it is with the studios belief in certain projects.
Black movies immediately block out 85 % of the target audience. Blacks will see mainstream films. Vice-versa is another story.
And that saddens me. If the "majority" is truly turned off by a movie once they see black or brown faces, then there really hasn'tbeen any real change made has there?

AirAnt23 wrote:
YO! Vet, I appreciate the response (and the pm). I wish I had an in with someone who had a little more personal knowledge of what it's like out there in Hollywood for Minorities in general.

If we all believe in the abilities of "us", respectively, then we know the issue isn't with there being a general lack of creativity and intelligence in screen writing as much as it is with the studios belief in certain projects.�


- but that just it, if we go ahead and assume it is as people would like us to believe when it comes to making black films being difficult for�x amount ofreasons. then why not say f the studios and do our own thing? c'mon man, its taken us how long to come to this conclusion? there are people in place (rightnow)�that can make this happen with a snap of a finger but refuse to do so.

AirAnt23 wrote:
Black movies immediately block out 85 % of the target audience. Blacks will see mainstream films. Vice-versa is another story.
And that saddens me. If the "majority" is truly turned off by a movie once they see black or brown faces, then there really hasn't been any real change made has there?


- the movies i posted prove that theory wrong. its just a lame myth for studios to not promote these types of films.

- point is they can be made. someone just has to bite the bullet and make them by any means necessary, like Fishburne and Washington did.

Originally Posted by ghettoeinstein

stereotypes sell

-�you're a sheep. thats exactly what they want you to think. that way you wont seriously demand better quality movies. yeah, sterotypes sell. butapparently so does Akeelah and the Bee, and Antwone Fisher
��people killme with these one liners, thinking they dropping knowledge

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Damn hitting the nail right on the head....The perspective of black movies hasnt changed much since the exploitation films in the 70's
but those were THE BEST though
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

AirAnt23 wrote:
YO! Vet, I appreciate the response (and the pm). I wish I had an in with someone who had a little more personal knowledge of what it's like out there in Hollywood for Minorities in general.

If we all believe in the abilities of "us", respectively, then we know the issue isn't with there being a general lack of creativity and intelligence in screen writing as much as it is with the studios belief in certain projects.�


- but that just it, if we go ahead and assume it is as people would like us to believe when it comes to making black films being difficult for�x amount of reasons. then why not say f the studios and do our own thing? c'mon man, its taken us how long to come to this conclusion? there are people in place (right now)�that can make this happen with a snap of a finger but refuse to do so.

AirAnt23 wrote:
Black movies immediately block out 85 % of the target audience. Blacks will see mainstream films. Vice-versa is another story.
And that saddens me. If the "majority" is truly turned off by a movie once they see black or brown faces, then there really hasn't been any real change made has there?


- the movies i posted prove that theory wrong. its just a lame myth for studios to not promote these types of films.

- point is they can be made. someone just has to bite the bullet and make them by any means necessary, like Fishburne and Washington did.

Originally Posted by ghettoeinstein

stereotypes sell

-�you're a sheep. thats exactly what they want you to think. that way you wont seriously demand better quality movies. yeah, sterotypes sell. but apparently so does Akeelah and the Bee, and Antwone Fisher
��people kill me with these one liners, thinking they dropping knowledge

Your a tool, yo. But i was just answering Ant's question. That is the reason why their is a lack thereof and the majority of films we do getare based around strong stereotypical characters. Most movies are about love and relationships, or have a strong religious undertone. I feel that many actionmovies that are highly successful can seriously have its main characters swapped with African-American actors with enough talent to sufficiently handle thosebig budget films. What have you dropped too examples which are exceptions one is based on a "true story", and the other is just a film which any girlcould of played from any racial background, due to the very visible� non-complex storyline.
If we still have a need for "black" movies there really isn't change either.
You're too hung up on the diction.

There is a DEFINITE need for there to be positive images of people of color on both the big screen and on television.

Be serious.

I feel what you sayin Ant. The market for Black films has be saturated and watered down so much it's sickening. Most of these Black movies, many Blackscan't relate to. I actually thought about doin a screenplay myself but I know it would be damn near impossible to shop because it's not gon fit thetypical stereotype. I also think it has to do w/ a lot of people bein out of touch with reality. They forgot, if they even knew, about what it is like to growup in the inner city.

I'm also tired of seein movies based in NY, LA, Chicago, etc. I understand that they are large cities but there are other interesting places in the US tofilm at.
Anyone see the movie Talk to me with Don Cheadle? It is a really good movie that chronicles the emergence of Ralph Waldo "Petey" Greene around thelate 60's and the era of the Black Panthers. I don't think it was in theatres, but I would recommend it. It's a good flick.
Honestly i believe blacks are making good strides towards breaking down stereotypes on the big screen. More so then any other minority right now. I thinklatinos and asians are more typecast in movie roles at this moment and i think african americans are pretty close to getting out of that hole. Romance/Familymovies arent going to be too hard to branch off from and i think in about 10 years there will be a variety of movies with black families not only in a blackmovie but with other races as well. I think soon after that latinos/asians/and other actors will start to make different kinds of movies too.
I agree with both you and your sister. I mean I'm all for supporting black filmakers/actors but at the same time, if I think is garbage I'm not andI've been feeling that way lately with black movies. I can't remember the last td jakes or tyler perry movie I seen. Theyre to easy to predict. I findit easier to support black actors by viewing movies that they are in. Viola Davis and Taraji Henson were in recent movies that I seen and they did a good job.As long as people support stereotypical, predictable black movies then they are gonna continue to be made. I can't even act like I haven't seen anythough "Soul Plane" comes to mind. I'm trying to get out of it though
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

If we still have a need for "black" movies there really isn't change either.
You're too hung up on the diction.

There is a DEFINITE need for there to be positive images of people of color on both the big screen and on television.

Be serious.


There are plenty of positive representations.
Every Will Smith Film?.....Spike Lee Movies?......Finding Forrester?.....Denzel Washington?....I still am not seeing what a "black" film is?
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