YO NT! PC or MAC for school? vol. lets not be biased

idr if i posted in here, but mac because i use it for school and the airport helps connecting to random networks hella fast, and idk its light
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by soltheman

I used to be heavy on PC > Mac. I got a Mac as a graduation gift and I fell in love.

I still prefer to do work on the windows partition of my macbook, but for leisure time and just chilling, the mac is a lot better (in my own opinion.)

If money isn't really a thing, just get a copy of a Windows 7 iso, burn it to a disc, get a macbook, then use bootcamp to put windows 7 on the macbook.

It's what I did, and it's
OR throw hackintosh on a cheaper dell with the same hardware
There we go. It's a win/win either way but more so this way OP. U can always upgrade parts on ya PC, a lil trickier w/ a mac
PC always, had a Mac, its like the big expensive toy that looks totally awesome but doesnt do much
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