YO NT! PC or MAC for school? vol. lets not be biased

Yo NT with school coming up and stuff, I've decided that I need to get a laptop to get some schoolwork done on the go while I'm mobile. I have adesktop at my apartment already, but I know there are going to be times when I just want to chill in the library or some other place and study -- or that Iwant to type up notes in class/download the notes ahead and follow along as the professor is explaining it all to us.

So the big question is -- pc or mac? Pros & cons of both please. I am pretty computer savvy, though it only really pertains to PCs as I have been aroundthem all of my life, and the only times I do use macs are when my friends who have them are around. I'm not an idiot when it comes to these things, I justwant some personal opinions from you guys (though I know that the majority of you are apple riders).

Money isn't really an issue. Obviously the better bang for my buck, but will take any suggestions into consideration. I am aware that PCs are generallycheaper than the comparable MacBook -- so why should I get a MacBook then?

What will I use it for? Homework, documents, web browsing, graphic designing, photo editing, publishing, etc. I might even decide to play games on it too(though I could always just use my desktop, mobile gaming is dope). When it comes to games, I don't really play anything too graphic intensive, i.e.Crysis, but really play games like warcraft/starcraft and the likes. I'll use my 360 for any other type of gaming.

Help a brother out NT!!!!! I'm getting internet at my place tomorrow!
I used to be heavy on PC > Mac. I got a Mac as a graduation gift and I fell in love.

I still prefer to do work on the windows partition of my macbook, but for leisure time and just chilling, the mac is a lot better (in my own opinion.)

If money isn't really a thing, just get a copy of a Windows 7 iso, burn it to a disc, get a macbook, then use bootcamp to put windows 7 on the macbook.

It's what I did, and it's
Originally Posted by soltheman

I used to be heavy on PC > Mac. I got a Mac as a graduation gift and I fell in love.

I still prefer to do work on the windows partition of my macbook, but for leisure time and just chilling, the mac is a lot better (in my own opinion.)

If money isn't really a thing, just get a copy of a Windows 7 iso, burn it to a disc, get a macbook, then use bootcamp to put windows 7 on the macbook.

It's what I did, and it's
OR throw hackintosh on a cheaper dell with the same hardware
If you're not using a Mac for any video editing courses (or the sort), there really is no point in paying for an over-priced Mac.

You can find laptops with better specs for cheaper (and yes I've owned both Mac/PC).
Originally Posted by divinetecknique

Yo NT with school coming up and stuff, I've decided that I need to get a laptop to get some schoolwork done on the go while I'm mobile. I have a desktop at my apartment already, but I know there are going to be times when I just want to chill in the library or some other place and study -- or that I want to type up notes in class/download the notes ahead and follow along as the professor is explaining it all to us.

So the big question is -- pc or mac? Pros & cons of both please. I am pretty computer savvy, though it only really pertains to PCs as I have been around them all of my life, and the only times I do use macs are when my friends who have them are around. I'm not an idiot when it comes to these things, I just want some personal opinions from you guys (though I know that the majority of you are apple riders).

Money isn't really an issue. Obviously the better bang for my buck, but will take any suggestions into consideration. I am aware that PCs are generally cheaper than the comparable MacBook -- so why should I get a MacBook then?

What will I use it for? Homework, documents, web browsing, graphic designing, photo editing, publishing, etc. I might even decide to play games on it too (though I could always just use my desktop, mobile gaming is dope). When it comes to games, I don't really play anything too graphic intensive, i.e. Crysis, but really play games like warcraft/starcraft and the likes. I'll use my 360 for any other type of gaming.

Help a brother out NT!!!!! I'm getting internet at my place tomorrow!
you should get a mac. Heck even if thats not your major or anything, you already have a pc so why not get a mac so you have the best of bothworlds?
I had a PC from my freshman year of college until my the start of my senior year. I switched to mac and there's no looking back. To be it's very easy,works flawlessly and operates so smoothly. I don't worry about viruses and can do everything I did on a PC.

As stated you don't get the same specs you get with the PC, but I recommend macs to everyone I know now.
Our home computer has always been a PC

but ever since my HS gave us apple macbooks when i was a freshmen, I'd NEVER got back to a PC

now that i graduated and my 2nd year in college, im loving my macbook i bought, pricey, but worth every penny!
I went with a Mac and haven't regretted it. My reasons were pretty simple: operating system and battery life.
PC because most software you may need for classes (if any of your classes require software) will be on Windows. Plus Mac prices are idiotic.
I didn't read the OP post but sometimes the required textbooks come with software that is not Mac compatible.
either one is perfectly fine, but if you don't want to worry about program compatibility, go the PC route
Originally Posted by soltheman

I used to be heavy on PC > Mac. I got a Mac as a graduation gift and I fell in love.

I still prefer to do work on the windows partition of my macbook, but for leisure time and just chilling, the mac is a lot better (in my own opinion.)

If money isn't really a thing, just get a copy of a Windows 7 iso, burn it to a disc, get a macbook, then use bootcamp to put windows 7 on the macbook.

It's what I did, and it's
Co-Sign on everything you said.
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