Yo NT whats the secret to obtaining a 4.0

May 1, 2006
what do I need? I knnow I need to be organized more but what else? how do you stay consistent?
Getting a 4.0 in college means that you should start off your freshman year getting A's. If you start off with a 3.0 or whatever it'll take you a whileif you happen to get A's after that to get yourself up to a 4.0.

You just have to be about your business in college, knowing how to shift your priorities and most importantly you have to want to do good in school no matterall the fun stuff you may miss and the social life. Also it's important to know not to overload yourself with more classes than you can handle.
the secret it just to take good notes in class, pay attention during the lectures, do all of the homework thoroughly, talk tothe teacher about the material that will be covered on the test. Also studying a little bit every night helps a whole lot.
No joke.. Money
Realtalk, if you want an 4.0 do these simple things.

1. GO TO CLASS! Half of college is just showing up trust me. Don't ever skip for anything. Especially in classes that do attendance. Look at that as a freegrade!

2. Sit in the front of the class.You'll be forced to pay attention this way and not sleep. Plus the prof will see you every class and be more willing tohelp you out.

3. Take good notes. Even if the notes are online take the notes anyways.

4. Go to sleep early. Easier said than done but your brains is MUCH more receptive to information after a goodnight's rest.

5. STUDY.This goes without saying. If you already have good study habits then you should do just fine.

I was a very average high school student 3.1gpa and when I got to college I started doing these things. I'll be 2 spanish classes away from graduatingearly this summer and I've made the deans list all but one semester and made the president's list (4.0) once.

I'm a pre law psy major though. Other majors might be a lot more challenging to where you might need some tutoring.
1. Choosing an easy joke major. Example: Sports Management.
2. Studying smart
3. Studying hard.

1.Relatively Easy Major: I did not go this route, someone else speak for me. Generally, you party everyday, drinkduring the week. Turn in your assignments ontime. Study the day before the test (or an hour before the test) and you'll get a 4.0 if you're reasonablyintelligent. Keep in mind, the word "easy" is relative.

2. Studying smart: You study only what you know for certain is going to be on the exams. Obviously you need to knowwhats going to be on the exams. I'm not talking general study guides, I'm referring to SPECIFIC questions. This is done by obtaining old exams,learning your professors patterns and studying only the old questions. This strategy is good if your professor simply recycles test. Networking is key togetting this done. What ends up happening is you get very good at solving the exam problems, but you end up learning next to nothing in the class. Even worse,you simply memorize the problem and the answer or put the problem x answer on your cheat sheet. If you need the class as a pre-req for another class or a lab,you're screwed. Word to me.

3. Study Hard: You study everything. You do every homework problems on your own and with the HELP of others. Help doesnot include copying answers. You do extra book work. You know those homework problems as the back of the book, that are never assigned or only the odd numberswere assigned? Well you do all of them. You learn the material till you feel you have completely mastered the subject you are studying. You also work on pastexams and practice exams, but these supplement what you've already studied in the book. You attend are lecture where necessary. If you're teacher'sthird language is English, obviously this will be a waste of your time.

The last 2 are geared towards more difficult science related majors. But you business undergrads can use my advice as well. I tend to combine 2 and 3,depending on the class. If it's a non engineering class or a class not related to my discipline, i simply use method 2. Otherwise its a combo of 2 and 3.Don't rely on the professor curving the class. Destroy the curve, always shoot for an A.

Most importantly, you're going to need to have motivation to study. Mine is the 750s and the s550s. Find your motivation and find a way to be reminded ofit everyday.
i seriously believe ANYBODY can get a 4.0 all you need is a free open schedule

-dont work
-set school before anything
-dont go out unless you know you have school handled
-go to every class
-never take a test unless your POSITIVE your going to get an A (im talking studying 8 hours everyday for a week just for one exam)
-do homework
-get good sleep
- STUDY STUDY STUDY. really its not that hard. go to a quiet place with no distraction and make no plans at all for the WHOLE day. it keep you from staring atthe clock and worry about other things. really once you learn how to study for the whole day straight it becomes a lot easier than you think.
-smoke. cigarettes or green. it doesnt matter you need something at the end of the week to keep yourself calm

i ended off my first semester with a 3.75 but thats only because i had work all the time i had to pay rent, girlfriend, and everything. way too hard. if i hadall free time i would have had no trouble at all getting a 4.0
KanyeWestJayZ has got it down pretty good, I would take his advice.
I just do all my work, pay attention in class, I don't have to study but I'm still in highschool all honors and AP courses I'm just reallynaturally intelligent.
Never had less than a 4.0.
How I got a 4.0 last semester

First, prioritize your classes. By week 2 you should start to get a feel for what classes you have to spend more time studying for and what classes you canspend less time studying for. This means having a planner to help you organize what's due when and what day those exams are on.

Second, get a planner!

C, make use of your down time efficiently. When you do get down to studying, don't read for 5 minutes then mess around for the next 10. Efficiency.

4thly, If you have a lot of reading to do, give yourself a 15-30 minute break when you find yourself reading a passage over and over again and it's notsticking, or if your eyes are drifting over everything.

5th, attend every lecture. It helps to reinforce the material into your head. Try to read the material before class too so when you hear the professortalking about it, you'll get what he's saying.

6th, work before party. Get your crap done and don't smoke green during the day. It kills too much valuable time that you can be using; if not forstudying then for other more important things.

Major: Econ
go to class, but the most important thing to remember is that 4.0 does not always translate to success in the real world.
I know lots of kids who had high GPA's who are doing anything real with their lives.
Study hard, take good notes, talk with your teachers, STAY CONFIDENT, stay organized, get as much sleep as you can
Originally Posted by raskass 2050

but the most important thing to remember is that 4.0 does not always translate to success in the real world.
Probably the most important thing one should know going into college. Four guys at GS graduated from Penn w/ a cumulative 2.7 GPA and are runningthings there now. High grades only apply for grad school really. When it comes to employment you get the job by selling yourself and experience. There arepeople w/ 4.0s who don't amount to anything after school because they only focused on books and not the other aspect of college (social).

More props to you wanting to get a 4.0.

EDIT: Seeing how all grades are curved/inflated at the end, no one really has a 4.0 before it. Just work hard and don't stress grades, college will be overbefore you know it.
Originally Posted by kevL7

3.0 is the new 4.0 in college

If you are a full time student (12-15 credits) and are not taking an easy major (i.e. Sport Management) and have a 4.0 you either:

A) are extremely intelligent
B) have no social life
C) all of the above
No social life = YNS

I had a 3.6 and I felt like I didn't have NO type of life.

edit- you have no time to chase girls, you gotta have one or don't at all.
i think talking with teachers and using their office hours would be good advice. i could have gotten better grades if i woulda talked to my teachers lastsemster.
this is unrealted. but i got a 3.3 what do i have to get this semster to have a 3.5 avg. is that even possible?
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Keep an agenda. CHECK IT EVERYDAY. Also, when you study listen to classical music. It helps retain information smoothly.

Is this true?
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