yo NT, why are you single?

i just aint a one girl's guy...i live in da heightz *shrugs*

problem is some of these girls know this too....
@!+$ Valentine's Day. Not being bitter or a hater, but why you gotta put it on the line, be a heavy simp on one day for someone that's supposed to hold you down the other 364 days in the year?
With that being said my reasons:

1) I'm picky (not NT, maximum superficial picky): I have standards and there are definitely girls, I can date (even have a one night stand) but they aren't the type of girls to begin with in either category.

2) The girls I'm around, typically don't know what they want. They say they want gentleman, they become a %@%!@, treat em like a-hole and all of a sudden they all over my ****. It's backwards society... smh.

3) Not really looking for anyone. I've always been one who "looks" considering a male is typically the "pursuer" in the male/female relationship dynamic. I believe the best relationships people find as I grow older, are the ones you stumble upon and allow to grow naturally, as I've observed as of recent. It's difficult, but probably will be the best for me.

4) I haven't travelled the world enough. I've done dated a good amount of girls on the west coast. What about the east? What about internationally? Don't know, maybe it will change outside of here.

5) Bad luck/timing, or just lack of effort. It happens to all of us... YNS means YNS regardless of what happens.
@!+$ Valentine's Day. Not being bitter or a hater, but why you gotta put it on the line, be a heavy simp on one day for someone that's supposed to hold you down the other 364 days in the year?
With that being said my reasons:

1) I'm picky (not NT, maximum superficial picky): I have standards and there are definitely girls, I can date (even have a one night stand) but they aren't the type of girls to begin with in either category.

2) The girls I'm around, typically don't know what they want. They say they want gentleman, they become a %@%!@, treat em like a-hole and all of a sudden they all over my ****. It's backwards society... smh.

3) Not really looking for anyone. I've always been one who "looks" considering a male is typically the "pursuer" in the male/female relationship dynamic. I believe the best relationships people find as I grow older, are the ones you stumble upon and allow to grow naturally, as I've observed as of recent. It's difficult, but probably will be the best for me.

4) I haven't travelled the world enough. I've done dated a good amount of girls on the west coast. What about the east? What about internationally? Don't know, maybe it will change outside of here.

5) Bad luck/timing, or just lack of effort. It happens to all of us... YNS means YNS regardless of what happens.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

I guess for me...I'm at a point in my life where I'm not afraid of being alone.
Single does not mean alone. People stop telling yourselves this. Alone just sounds negative. Say single. Single is single. Alone means you have nothing/nobody in your life
True. Some of the most lonely people are the ones in relationships. Why? Because that's all they have in their lives. It's the only way they could fill in the loneliness/nothingness. It's not healthy though because that sort of dependence between two people can't last forever.
Make your life meaningful outside of a girl. The girls will flock to you once that happens.

At least that's what I'm hoping for...
This has to be the realest !+@@ I've read in my life. 
 Too late now though. Lesson has been learned.
Back to reading the rest of this thread though.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

I guess for me...I'm at a point in my life where I'm not afraid of being alone.
Single does not mean alone. People stop telling yourselves this. Alone just sounds negative. Say single. Single is single. Alone means you have nothing/nobody in your life
True. Some of the most lonely people are the ones in relationships. Why? Because that's all they have in their lives. It's the only way they could fill in the loneliness/nothingness. It's not healthy though because that sort of dependence between two people can't last forever.
Make your life meaningful outside of a girl. The girls will flock to you once that happens.

At least that's what I'm hoping for...
This has to be the realest !+@@ I've read in my life. 
 Too late now though. Lesson has been learned.
Back to reading the rest of this thread though.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

I dated my ex for almost three years, had physical and verbal fights all the time. Tried to hit me with a two piece and she tapped out in a choke hold....I wish I was lying
I just imagined this scenario in my head.

Yeah it was bad, she is Team Caribbean too! Crazy Trini females....but she was BAAAD 
 She called me last night cursing me out saying New Yorkers should root for the East Coast team in the Super Bowl, what a dumb bi**h
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

I dated my ex for almost three years, had physical and verbal fights all the time. Tried to hit me with a two piece and she tapped out in a choke hold....I wish I was lying
I just imagined this scenario in my head.

Yeah it was bad, she is Team Caribbean too! Crazy Trini females....but she was BAAAD 
 She called me last night cursing me out saying New Yorkers should root for the East Coast team in the Super Bowl, what a dumb bi**h
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Because only ugly girls holla at me.

I have to work har for the girls I'm interested in, and I have no mouthpiece, so stuff jus' doesn't work....



@ "wombat"
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Because only ugly girls holla at me.

I have to work har for the girls I'm interested in, and I have no mouthpiece, so stuff jus' doesn't work....



@ "wombat"
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

-I go too far with the act like your not interested stuff

-I fail to pick up on hints until its too late

-I dont smile
Find a stupid common interest that you can always refer back to (tv show, music, etc.) and something you could tease her about (if she's rude, texts too much, etc).
#1 priority is my goals and traveling. Was in a 6 year roller coaster and I learned so much that I honestly believe I would damn near be the greatest boyfriend ever and that's the problem........... I know my worth and therefore I'm picky as hell. Id love to have this fantastical fairy tale "love" we are sold on but I know that its not real. I have a slogan, "I'm too old for woman my age". I'm "aware" and I'm too real, girls in their 20's simply don't have the maturity and wisdom I'm looking for. I pull chicks from 18 to 42 but I only vibe with the older ones and I honestly don't take young chicks seriously and if you do your a fool. I've had opportunities to +*!*% out girls that are with men they love dearly just because of lust. Lust trumps love this generation and I'm fully in tune with the pulse of human consciousness. It currently isn't condusive to my ideologies on the male female relationship spectrum. That's why I'm single........

Look for a younger chick that's interested in learning that kind of wisdom.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

-I go too far with the act like your not interested stuff

-I fail to pick up on hints until its too late

-I dont smile
Find a stupid common interest that you can always refer back to (tv show, music, etc.) and something you could tease her about (if she's rude, texts too much, etc).
#1 priority is my goals and traveling. Was in a 6 year roller coaster and I learned so much that I honestly believe I would damn near be the greatest boyfriend ever and that's the problem........... I know my worth and therefore I'm picky as hell. Id love to have this fantastical fairy tale "love" we are sold on but I know that its not real. I have a slogan, "I'm too old for woman my age". I'm "aware" and I'm too real, girls in their 20's simply don't have the maturity and wisdom I'm looking for. I pull chicks from 18 to 42 but I only vibe with the older ones and I honestly don't take young chicks seriously and if you do your a fool. I've had opportunities to +*!*% out girls that are with men they love dearly just because of lust. Lust trumps love this generation and I'm fully in tune with the pulse of human consciousness. It currently isn't condusive to my ideologies on the male female relationship spectrum. That's why I'm single........

Look for a younger chick that's interested in learning that kind of wisdom.
1. I'm not even in college yet and the behavior of most of the girls around me is nasty
2. I don't have time. Too busy on my grind
3. I like older, more mature women and usually that means they're way older than me
4. I don't talk to girls I don't know in public
1. I'm not even in college yet and the behavior of most of the girls around me is nasty
2. I don't have time. Too busy on my grind
3. I like older, more mature women and usually that means they're way older than me
4. I don't talk to girls I don't know in public
Because I want to be, but then there's some days where I don't want to be, and that's when the whole other list of "why's" come into play. 

I haven't really tried to look for a girl, because I don't really want one right now, but when I do try to find a girl I wouldn't mind being with I'm extremely picky, standards are equivalent to these dudes on NT that point out of some chicks finger has a mosquito bite on it. 

My initial approach swag is on negative a hundred thousand trillion, I'm terrible at approaching women, after meeting them and even knowing them for just a day I'll be way more outgoing, but the initial approach has me like 
, I just can't do it sometimes and I'll +@$@$ out.

^These and some other stuff.

Some chick in my class I wanted to talk to today but I was shook, I'm about to try and just develop a #*!$ it attitude though and stop trying to be such a +@$@$. What's the worst that could happen? Usually when I try to talk to women I'm successful, and even if I wasn't the feeling of rejection is a much worse feeling than the feeling of regret. I'd much rather try and know I failed instead of always wishing I went for it.
Because I want to be, but then there's some days where I don't want to be, and that's when the whole other list of "why's" come into play. 

I haven't really tried to look for a girl, because I don't really want one right now, but when I do try to find a girl I wouldn't mind being with I'm extremely picky, standards are equivalent to these dudes on NT that point out of some chicks finger has a mosquito bite on it. 

My initial approach swag is on negative a hundred thousand trillion, I'm terrible at approaching women, after meeting them and even knowing them for just a day I'll be way more outgoing, but the initial approach has me like 
, I just can't do it sometimes and I'll +@$@$ out.

^These and some other stuff.

Some chick in my class I wanted to talk to today but I was shook, I'm about to try and just develop a #*!$ it attitude though and stop trying to be such a +@$@$. What's the worst that could happen? Usually when I try to talk to women I'm successful, and even if I wasn't the feeling of rejection is a much worse feeling than the feeling of regret. I'd much rather try and know I failed instead of always wishing I went for it.
Came out of a 5 year and a half relationship 2 years ago which ended badly. So, ever since then, I have been concentrating on me and reaching my goals and priorities of where I want to be at this stage in my life. I do miss having a boyfriend and the companionship that comes along with it, but I just want to enjoy the single life while I still have it.

I am also trying to carefully chose the next person I get with because I want it to be serious where I can settle down.
Came out of a 5 year and a half relationship 2 years ago which ended badly. So, ever since then, I have been concentrating on me and reaching my goals and priorities of where I want to be at this stage in my life. I do miss having a boyfriend and the companionship that comes along with it, but I just want to enjoy the single life while I still have it.

I am also trying to carefully chose the next person I get with because I want it to be serious where I can settle down.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Came out of a 5 year and a half relationship 2 years ago which ended badly. So, ever since then, I have been concentrating on me and reaching my goals and priorities of where I want to be at this stage in my life. I do miss having a boyfriend and the companionship that comes along with it, but I just want to enjoy the single life while I still have it.

I am also trying to carefully chose the next person I get with because I want it to be serious where I can settle down.
I hate that word.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Came out of a 5 year and a half relationship 2 years ago which ended badly. So, ever since then, I have been concentrating on me and reaching my goals and priorities of where I want to be at this stage in my life. I do miss having a boyfriend and the companionship that comes along with it, but I just want to enjoy the single life while I still have it.

I am also trying to carefully chose the next person I get with because I want it to be serious where I can settle down.
I hate that word.
I'm abstinent and nobody wants to buy anything for you or get in a relationship with you when you don't put out.
I live a happy life, regardless.
I'm abstinent and nobody wants to buy anything for you or get in a relationship with you when you don't put out.
I live a happy life, regardless.
This girl I like just broke up with her bf. She's smart, successful and
. My homegirl just hit me up saying this would be a good time to ask her  out but I'm prolly not going to cause I'm stubborn
 unless a girl approaches me it usually leads nowhere.

Forever alone
This girl I like just broke up with her bf. She's smart, successful and
. My homegirl just hit me up saying this would be a good time to ask her  out but I'm prolly not going to cause I'm stubborn
 unless a girl approaches me it usually leads nowhere.

Forever alone
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