Yo realtalk, New York may be the worst city ever

I was born and raised in Tucson (still live here)  and to me It all depends on what you're looking for in a city/state.  If you're a naturist at heart then yeah AZ > NY.

I'm not quite sure I would want to live in NYC but it's always been a pleasure to visit.  The ability to walk for miles and pop into a random shop or dessert place at pretty much any given time is awesome.  That's something that AZ lacks.
IDK, I still want to go to New York OP. Seems like there's always something to do out there.
OP is really on something [emoji]128514[/emoji]. How can the Mecca, financial capital of the world be the "worst" city in the world? It's ok to share your distaste, but that doesn't make it the worst city.

With that being said, born and raised here I wouldn't mind living somwhere else. Would love to experience life elsewhere.
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IDK, I still want to go to New York OP. Seems like there's always something to do out there.

Best thing about it coming from the west, you can stay up till 4am and it'd only be 1am our time. Of course mornings are a different story.
Been in New York more than a few times and I enjoyed everytime.

I will say NYC summer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NYC winter.

I swear when I first went to NY one summer people were so nice everyone I met was solid and cool never had anyone act rude or anything. I couldn't understand what people were talking about. Then I came the following Feb and Jesus h Christ you people were pissed off and I got it, it's too ******* cold :lol:

I'd be mad too it's 20degress, ditty *** snow and have to walk 8 blocks. Plus being a brother not getting a ******* cab would piss me the hell off after a while :smh:
NYC is the only place I'd live in the US outside of the major Cali cities/regions and Seattle. Chicago is cool too, but the weather is too extreme. The rest of the US doesn't exist to me
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I have family in New York, so I try to visit every summer or every other summer. Gotta admit... I love the culture and I enjoy my visit every time. I'm from Chicago if it matters. BTW I love my city :D
The tall buildings are annoying, I feel entrapped. I from the DC area so we got city and suburbs but NYC it seems like its just city and nothing for 500 miles. Not my kind of living, I'd be lost as **** too. It's a nice place to visit, live? Naw
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I'd never trade my small town for a big city. I'd love to visit the US at some point, certainly NYC, but living there? Hell no. I live in a town with a population of 5k and wouldn't trade it for anything else.
South ****** be in Wal-Mart parking lots grilling meat on a shopping cart

Isnt rck from Cali

but he likes grilling on shopping carts.
but I did that **** in London 

so its probably more indicative of the Brits 
Y'all can't be serious with Florida, 90% y'all haven't been here .NYC has stop and frisk, prefudice fashion stores( barneys) and some ***** papoose who ever the**** that is.half of y'all come down here to go to full sail so u can be 3rd rate producers who's dream is to have chief keef record in side raggedy studio y'all build with egg cartons and duct tape. **** New york
Let me see another city deal with this
View media item 1185595and rebound as quickly as NY did

as bad as that day was, it showed you how tough NY is, yet compassionate and resilient.
No other city in the US can handle what NY been through. And for that reason alone, NY will always be #1
I will say one thing, the perception that New Yorkers are rude, can't be further from the truth. Maybe I never encountered any true New Yorkers during my visits but they are generally nice folks. I like to visit a minimum a week and the first I always need to reaclimate myself with the subways and have to ask someone how get somewhere or avoid a closure.
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If only ninja was here. This woulda been 354 pages already

FlyNY where you at b? City needs defendin pa
The tall buildings are annoying, I feel entrapped. I from the DC area so we got city and suburbs but NYC it seems like its just city and nothing for 500 miles. Not my kind of living, I'd be lost as **** too. It's a nice place to visit, live? Naw
the height restrictions of the District (not talking about VA or MD) is what holds it back from being considered a "world class city"...

there is lots of money to be made from the massive amount of corporate entities that have offices around the area, but these companies often choose NoVA and MD for their offices...Congress loves to restrict the interest of tax payers that reside in the District to maintain the sorely outdated height restriction policy
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NYC isnt for the avg person, gotta know how to move and talk to all diff kinds of people, so i can see why OP is mad

Even ppl that are born here cant take this city sometimes, its a hit or miss, but this my city, born raised and still living
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