You know that MSU scholly gone now Vol. Jayru Campbell body slam

What did just watch? Who is dude? OP, what are you talking about and why does it matter?
his second incident actually.

he sucker punched another player during post-game handshakes inciting a brawl.

but he is a kid. MSU will likely take his scholarship but he'll get another chance.

and rightfully so.

he'll get what's coming with him. son will **** with the wrong one and he'll be humbled, learn and grow from that experience.

False...he tried to fight a white boy in the congratulation line and had to be wrestled to the ground by one of the coaches....

I hope lil homie don't lose his scholarship though, he pretty decent. Surprised Coach Wilcher let this **** get to this point tho, dude literally will whip yo *** with a wooden paddle
False...he tried to fight a white boy in the congratulation line and had to be wrestled to the ground by one of the coaches....

I hope lil homie don't lose his scholarship though, he pretty decent. Surprised Coach Wilcher let this **** get to this point tho, dude literally will whip yo *** with a wooden paddle
How is that any different\? He sounds like the new TO. Cant\ get\ along with anyone
How is that any different\? He sounds like the new TO. Cant\ get\ along with anyone

That's not inciting a brawl...but I'm hearing he locked up in a detention center right now and facing assault charges. He a kid man, let that lil _ out. Take his dream away and they gone create a savage
Yeah he's done. I'd be shocked if MSU gives him that scholly.

Just did some research, and apparently dude has had multiple issues--starting fights at a bball game, sucker punching a player on the opposing team after his team lost, etc.

He has no one to blame, but himself, when those opportunities he has clearly taken for granted dry up due to his reckless and childish behavior.

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That's not inciting a brawl...but I'm hearing he locked up in a detention center right now and facing assault charges. He a kid man, let that lil _ out. Take his dream away and they gone create a savage
Honestly in most cases I would be down that but the fact is he is seemly doing these things constantly means he needs some sort of lesson other wise we got a rich doing shot celeb doing these things.
If he loses his scholarship, he can only blame himself and his parents for not checking him. I can understand if it's an isolated incident but if you start building a rep with a series of incidents, I can't feel sorry for you

That's not inciting a brawl...but I'm hearing he locked up in a detention center right now and facing assault charges. He a kid man, let that lil _ out. Take his dream away and they gone create a savage

alright my mistake I had read he started a brawl elsewhere.

lol at him trying to shake his coach, coach still got it :lol:.

and while I agree he should have another chance and that he's a kid we shouldn't be TOO lenient on him because he might turn "bad" if we don't give him what he wants.

that's toxic logic.

If a kid doesn't behave himself then he doesn't want "it" that bad. If he wants to turn into a "savage" I don't care and neither does society.

That's his choice.
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Nebraska needs to look at him. Bo Pelini would body slam him and we need to get back to recruiting guys with character issues.
Exactly. Money wouldn't change any of these behaviors. If anything it may create an even worse pattern of behavior with drugs, strippers and guns. Since when has money ever stopped a good from being a goon.

Who said anything about money? How about to chance to give a young black man the opportunity to attend school on a full scholarship? You talking about a 16-17 yr old kid right now...I can almost guarantee this boy grew up without a father in the crib, but you quick to label him a "goon" for what though?
All his fault and he deservingly should lose his scholarship.

Bad decision maker, wouldnt want those issues on my team.
Exactly. Money wouldn't change any of these behaviors. If anything it may create an even worse pattern of behavior with drugs, strippers and guns. Since when has money ever stopped a good from being a goon.

Who said anything about money? How about to chance to give a young black man the opportunity to attend school on a full scholarship? You talking about a 16-17 yr old kid right now...I can almost guarantee this boy grew up without a father in the crib, but you quick to label him a "goon" for what though?

the kids a piece of ****. Quit trying to defend him
Who said anything about money? How about to chance to give a young black man the opportunity to attend school on a full scholarship? You talking about a 16-17 yr old kid right now...I can almost guarantee this boy grew up without a father in the crib, but you quick to label him a "goon" for what though?

what does that have to do with anything?

there's people who grew up without a father who aren't violent.

there's people who grew up with their father who are.

the fact he did grow up without a father
does nothing to pardon his behavior.

Now he'll get a another chance, I'm sure of it. Problem is that if he wasn't a special athlete but just a mere special student he might not be afforded a second chance.

And that's where athletes get spoiled.

If he wants that scholarship, from any school, he needs to learn to be receptive to authority. Now is authority always in the right? No, who knows if there's history with that particular guard.

But if he wants to play ball he needs to act right. Period. If he wants to wrestle join the wrestling team and he'll get all the body slams he can handle.

I'm always the first to defend student athletes, hell I think these college athletes should be getting paid BUT I'm not going to pardon these kids because they're kids. They're old enough to have some damn sense.
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Give him another shot. They let the lohans, hiltons, miley, beibers get away with more when they were young, granted they are celebs. But why not give a young boy a chance to make something of himself, especially being from a struggling city. I honestly think msu isn't the move for him anyway. Ship him as far from here as possible to play ball, a change of scenery and peers can work wonders.
kid seems like a serious headcase.......he needs help cause he has a history of this ****.....

seems like prison is in his future 
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Give him another shot. They let the lohans, hiltons, miley, beibers get away with more when they were young, granted they are celebs. But why not give a young boy a chance to make something of himself, especially being from a struggling city. I honestly think msu isn't the move for him anyway. Ship him as far from here as possible to play ball, a change of scenery and peers can work wonders.
Ehh, do like what happens with a lot of athletes in this type of situation.  Let him go to a JUCO for a year or two and earn a scholarship by showing he can keep his head on straight.  He's not entitled to a scholarship and would he really learn a lesson with just a change of scenery?  He'd still have a chance to make something of himself and might actually realize he was close to losing it.

I don't know why you bring up rich, spoiled kids as if that's some kind of justification...and if any of them are good examples of kids who got away with **** and actually grew up.

I'm not seeing the "violence". I see a young kid doing what countless of other young kids did coming up. Now I can admit, that body slam on the toy cop was OD and he should be punished for it, whether it's a boot camp/community service type thing. But I gotta stress that this is a 16 YR OLD KID....16. He didn't get caught shooting a pistol, he didn't get caught with drugs, raping a chick, none of that...He got in fights, very minor fights except the guard incident. It's easy to say **** him, he's a thug but if it's a chance you can change a person and make em better you should do it. Taking his scholarship won't help anything.
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