You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Let me clarify that for you because you always jump to the craziest conclusions and cant seem to believe that other people can possess a shred of the intelligence that you think you possess....

I'm not saying that equal/marriage rights for gay people are not important.

I'm saying that creating a firestorm around the ideologies and monetary contributions of CFA was not a smart move or one that brings the LGBT community significantly closer to getting laws changed in their favor.

Looks like they just put more $ in the coffers of the CFA corporation.
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Let me clarify that for you because you always jump to the craziest conclusions and cant seem to believe that other people can possess a shred of the intelligence that you think you possess....

I'm not saying that equal/marriage rights for gay people are not important.

I'm saying that creating a firestorm around the ideologies and monetary contributions of CFA was not a smart move or one that brings the LGBT community significantly closer to getting laws changed in their favor.

Looks like they just put more $ in the coffers of the CFA corporation.

I am not naïve enough to think that Chick-fil-A would completely eliminate all profits that they would've made in the near future. However I do think that this issue causes people to address the moral concerns as to if they want to continue to support an organization that has such an open and controversial stance.

Your comments are once again inaccurate. The fact that people take fall with Chick-fil-A does not remove the fact that Chick-fil-A is in the wrong here on a more issue that will put them on the wrong side of history in the future. Are bigots free to be bigots? Yes. Are bigots free to continue to support Chick-fil-A? absolutely

Stop making it sound like this is the zenith of opposition towards Chick-fil-A. This issue is only one week old and there is no telling where this may go from here. In fact several companies have withdrawn support and affiliations with Chick-fil-A at large. This is only the beginning.

What do you expect people to do? Ignore Chick-fil-A's blatant and open bigotry and in tolerance towards a large segment of their own customer base?

Of course, you have nothing to contribute to the discussion as you have proven time and time again.

You're not interested in helping others gain rights. The only argument you can make is asking why we should even address the issue at all. You claim to support gay equality but all you can do is make fun of those who are actually trying to do something about it. You claim to support gay equality but you can't bring yourself to actually act as an agent of change yourself. The only value you add is to ridicule.

Every. Single. Argument of yours has been saying why gayarriage when there are other issues?

Well goldenchild why aren't you saving the world else where? Do you have nothing else to do but hold others pursuit of rights hostage?
I could care either way

I just wonder how did gayness become so cool in this country.

I mean whats next? :nerd:
I am not naïve enough to think that Chick-fil-A would completely eliminate all profits that they would've made in the near future. However I do think that this issue causes people to address the moral concerns as to if they want to continue to support an organization that has such an open and controversial stance.
Your comments are once again inaccurate. The fact that people take fall with Chick-fil-A does not remove the fact that Chick-fil-A is in the wrong here on a more issue that will put them on the wrong side of history in the future. Are bigots free to be bigots? Yes. Are bigots free to continue to support Chick-fil-A? absolutely
Stop making it sound like this is the zenith of opposition towards Chick-fil-A. This issue is only one week old and there is no telling where this may go from here. In fact several companies have withdrawn support and affiliations with Chick-fil-A at large. This is only the beginning.
What do you expect people to do? Ignore Chick-fil-A's blatant and open bigotry and in tolerance towards a large segment of their own customer base?
Of course, you have nothing to contribute to the discussion as you have proven time and time again.
You're not interested in helping others gain rights. The only argument you can make is asking why we should even address the issue at all. You claim to support gay equality but all you can do is make fun of those who are actually trying to do something about it. You claim to support gay equality but you can't bring yourself to actually act as an agent of change yourself. The only value you add is to ridicule.
Every. Single. Argument of yours has been saying why gayarriage when there are other issues?
Well goldenchild why aren't you saving the world else where? Do you have nothing else to do but hold others pursuit of rights hostage?

The owner voiced his OPINION about what he felt marriage should consist of. It is not illegal to be gay. It's legal to be married in some states and civil unions are more widespread. The owner is NOT deciding to not service gays.... or not tolerate their presence. He exercised his right to voice his opinion. He also has the right to fund whatever campaigns he so chooses. But that goes beyond the issue. The problem has now "evolved' into what he was funding, but CFA didnt start funding these organizations a week ago. The issue sparked as a result of him stating his personal opinion. Many have an issue with his personal opinion based on religious views so now they want to boycott. Who are the real bigots here? Please read the definition of the term. CFA's owner is also against abortion and funds organizations with common interest. You can eat CFA if you've had an abortion, are gay, and countless other things... You have single handedly turned this thread which could have been a reasonable discussion between people with opposing viewpoints into wild name calling and jumping to absurd conclusions. You are not helping your cause (Whatever that may be)
I just wonder how did gayness become so cool in this country.
Around the same time as screen names like "cartune" became cool. 
I could care either way

I just wonder how did gayness become so cool in this country.

I mean whats next?
Yeah... how dare those queers express themselves...on top of that, they want to be ACCEPTED TOO? Thats just crossing the lines.

Its not like the Jews changing their last names or atheists hiding from the Inquisition. 

I am not naïve enough to think that Chick-fil-A would completely eliminate all profits that they would've made in the near future. However I do think that this issue causes people to address the moral concerns as to if they want to continue to support an organization that has such an open and controversial stance.
Your comments are once again inaccurate. The fact that people take fall with Chick-fil-A does not remove the fact that Chick-fil-A is in the wrong here on a more issue that will put them on the wrong side of history in the future. Are bigots free to be bigots? Yes. Are bigots free to continue to support Chick-fil-A? absolutely
Stop making it sound like this is the zenith of opposition towards Chick-fil-A. This issue is only one week old and there is no telling where this may go from here. In fact several companies have withdrawn support and affiliations with Chick-fil-A at large. This is only the beginning.
What do you expect people to do? Ignore Chick-fil-A's blatant and open bigotry and in tolerance towards a large segment of their own customer base?
Of course, you have nothing to contribute to the discussion as you have proven time and time again.
You're not interested in helping others gain rights. The only argument you can make is asking why we should even address the issue at all. You claim to support gay equality but all you can do is make fun of those who are actually trying to do something about it. You claim to support gay equality but you can't bring yourself to actually act as an agent of change yourself. The only value you add is to ridicule.
Every. Single. Argument of yours has been saying why gayarriage when there are other issues?
Well goldenchild why aren't you saving the world else where? Do you have nothing else to do but hold others pursuit of rights hostage?
The owner voiced his OPINION about what he felt marriage should consist of. It is not illegal to be gay. It's legal to be married in some states and civil unions are more widespread. The owner is NOT deciding to not service gays.... or not tolerate their presence. He exercised his right to voice his opinion. He also has the right to fund whatever campaigns he so chooses. But that goes beyond the issue. The problem has now "evolved' into what he was funding, but CFA didnt start funding these organizations a week ago. The issue sparked as a result of him stating his personal opinion. Many have an issue with his personal opinion based on religious views so now they want to boycott. Who are the real bigots here? Please read the definition of the term. CFA's owner is also against abortion and funds organizations with common interest. You can eat CFA if you've had an abortion, are gay, and countless other things... You have single handedly turned this thread which could have been a reasonable discussion between people with opposing viewpoints into wild name calling and jumping to absurd conclusions. You are not helping your cause (Whatever that may be)
This. Is. Not. About. The. Owner.


This is about the COMPANY'S donations.

Steve Jobs was a ****, but Apple on its own right had its own issues and things to deal with. At least Jobs had enough sense to say that he wasn't going to support ANY charities and avoid the mess all together. 

Ask Mitt Romney. Corporations are people. Money is speech.
What do you expect people to do? Ignore Chick-fil-A's blatant and open bigotry and in tolerance towards a large segment of their own customer base?

So if Chick Fil A was a global company and openly disagreed with most of the other country's age of sexual consent. Is that bigotry too?

Or is it only bigotry when its against the liberal agenda? Or is it only bigotry when a choice seems religiously motivated?
This. Is. Not. About. The. Owner.


This is about the COMPANY'S donations.

Steve Jobs was a ****, but Apple on its own right had its own issues and things to deal with. At least Jobs had enough sense to say that he wasn't going to support ANY charities and avoid the mess all together. 

Ask Mitt Romney. Corporations are people. Money is speech.

If this isnt about the owner...and about the company's donations then it isn't news at all. They've been funding these organizations. The "buy chicken to support traditional marriage day" the "kiss-ins" ...even this thread was made as a result of the owner voicing his opinion. Now the rhetoric has shifted to the Company's donations... surely you know this.
Yeah... how dare those queers express themselves...on top of that, they want to be ACCEPTED TOO? Thats just crossing the lines.

Its not like the Jews changing their last names or atheists hiding from the Inquisition. 

Like I said its cool with. Im just watching from my beach chair. Hope my kids are grown when it becomes socially acceptable to lower the age of sexual consent in this country.

Because at the end of the day pedophiles are people too. They deserve civil liberties

I mean since we're now recognizing people by sexual preferences and all. Just watching :nerd:
Yeah... how dare those queers express themselves...on top of that, they want to be ACCEPTED TOO? Thats just crossing the lines.

Its not like the Jews changing their last names or atheists hiding from the Inquisition. 
Like I said its cool with. Im just watching from my beach chair. Hope my kids are grown when it becomes socially acceptable to lower the age of sexual consent in this country.
What does this have to do with homosexuality or gay rights?

The slippery slope argument doesn't work here. The topics are mutually exclusive.

Oh, and like I said before: You don't get to just say that it doesn't bother you or isn't important to you. This affects society at large if members of that society are not granted the same rights that you enjoy. Choosing to say you don't care is the same as whites who chose to stand on the sidelines while minorities and immigrants fought tirelessly for their own rights. 

You're selfish is all. Just admit it. 
Because at the end of the day pedophiles are people too. They deserve civil liberties

I mean since we're now recognizing people by sexual preferences and all. Just watching 
Are you seriously saying that all gay people are pedophiles? 

There was this guy on Niketalk who actually named himself "cartune" and thought he was cool...

Dude your name is "The Nomad" youre clearly one of those lames who creates a username to make up for his lack of importance in reality

Atleast my "name" is recognized by hundreds of thousands in the real world. And on call by hundreds of important decision makers.

Carry own nerd. :D
What do you expect people to do? Ignore Chick-fil-A's blatant and open bigotry and in tolerance towards a large segment of their own customer base?
So if Chick Fil A was a global company and openly disagreed with most of the other country's age of sexual consent. Is that bigotry too?
Its bigotry if you promote an ideology that promotes unequal rights among citizens. 

Lowering the age of consent isn't even the SAME argument, nor does it address the same topic. 

To say that the age of consent is bigoted would mean that some people had lower ages than others.
Or is it only bigotry when its against the liberal agenda? Or is it only bigotry when a choice seems religiously motivated?
Bigotry doesn't have any qualifications other than its own existence. 
Like I said its cool with. Im just watching from my beach chair. Hope my kids are grown when it becomes socially acceptable to lower the age of sexual consent in this country.
Because at the end of the day pedophiles are people too. They deserve civil liberties
I mean since we're now recognizing people by sexual preferences and all. Just watching :nerd:

This stupid slippery slope argument AGAIN. I've seen you in way too many of these gay rights threads to know that you're not completely ignorant to WHY the slippery slope argument is wrong. Unless you're just really that thick-skulled.

Bring on the beastiality argument too while you're at it. And incest. Don't forget that incest! :smh:
This. Is. Not. About. The. Owner.


This is about the COMPANY'S donations.

Steve Jobs was a ****, but Apple on its own right had its own issues and things to deal with. At least Jobs had enough sense to say that he wasn't going to support ANY charities and avoid the mess all together. 

Ask Mitt Romney. Corporations are people. Money is speech.
If this isnt about the owner...and about the company's donations then it isn't news at all. They've been funding these organizations. The "buy chicken to support traditional marriage day" the "kiss-ins" ...even this thread was made as a result of the owner voicing his opinion. Now the rhetoric has shifted to the Company's donations... surely you know this.

So you might as well say "well since we never did anything before now its too late to care"

NEWSFLASH: Its NEVER too late to care.

Frankly most people didn't know (look around you) HOW bigoted ChikFilA was. So yes, the owners speech EXPOSED CFA to their past activities, but the activities of CFA are the main discussion here. 
Like I said its cool with. Im just watching from my beach chair. Hope my kids are grown when it becomes socially acceptable to lower the age of sexual consent in this country.
Because at the end of the day pedophiles are people too. They deserve civil liberties
I mean since we're now recognizing people by sexual preferences and all. Just watching
This stupid slippery slope argument AGAIN. I've seen you in way too many of these gay rights threads to know that you're not completely ignorant to WHY the slippery slope argument is wrong. Unless you're just really that thick-skulled.

Bring on the beastiality argument too while you're at it. And incest. Don't forget that incest!
1. I don't have a problem with incest as long as we're going to educate them as to why thats NOT a good idea as well as a mandatory genetics and statistics course.

2. Beastiality won't be legal until the other animal has a means of conferring CONSENT to the other animal. Two gay consenting adults can do whatever they want. When the rabbit/frog/horse/dog says its cool in a way that is legally admissible to the court, then have at it. 

2b. If youre looking for a time in history where "beastiality" may have occured, look at genetic studies that show segments/geographic regions of the entire human population have up to 2% Neanderthal DNA. Was it consensual?...I don't know...Times were tough during evolutionary bottlenecks... 
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What does this have to do with homosexuality or gay rights?

The slippery slope argument doesn't work here. The topics are mutually exclusive.

Oh, and like I said before: You don't get to just say that it doesn't bother you or isn't important to you. This affects society at large if members of that society are not granted the same rights that you enjoy. Choosing to say you don't care is the same as whites who chose to stand on the sidelines while minorities and immigrants fought tirelessly for their own rights. 

You're selfish is all. Just admit it. 

Are you seriously saying that all gay people are pedophiles? 
...eloquently spit-roasted, with the apple in his mouth, garnishes and everything. 
Like I said its cool with. Im just watching from my beach chair. Hope my kids are grown when it becomes socially acceptable to lower the age of sexual consent in this country.
Because at the end of the day pedophiles are people too. They deserve civil liberties
I mean since we're now recognizing people by sexual preferences and all. Just watching :nerd:
you gotta try harder. your gimmick has become so contrived.
I could care either way
I just wonder how did gayness become so cool in this country.
I mean whats next?
im convinced you guys say stupid things just to get a reaction.

there is no way people can really be this dense.

EDIT: and what does being a pedophile have ANYTHING to do with anything?

are you really associating homosexuals and PEDOPHILES??? 
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There is no slippery slope argument here. Stop with the "trigger words". I see you all get your ideal from the same source.

I simply wonder like anybody who thinks for themselves. Where did all this sudden support for people who's sexual acts were taboo a decade ago come from.

And whats stopping the next group of people who have a taboo preference from demanding civil rights? Its perfectly normal for a 30 year old to have sex with a 14 year old in a lot of countries they 're people too. I mean since race is now = to what you do in the bedroom.

And Im not comparing homosexuals to pedophiles. "I have gay friends and I despise pedophiles." But wait the same was true about gay people a while ago

Im just not afraid to ask questions
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