You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Why is this thread so long??

Is Chick Fil A refusing service to gay people or something?

Silly Putty has made me want to kill myself before. He is good at what he does. 

He's kinda like those racists on Xbox Live that just never stop.

He's really not though. Look at his weak attempt of clowning me.

He lives for this.
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I love this from you.

It wasn't god's will...but god saved one life while letting 14 others die! Isn't god GREAT?! 

We have free will...but god intervenes to allow us to do things! 

God sends us messages not to kill people...but people still ignore him! 

We have our own power to do what we long as its what god wants! 
As I thought, you did exactly what I thought you would.

You try to spin things into a web of Putty jokes.

Niketalk/The Internet is a stage for your antics. The feeling of belittling and crushing others is like fuel to you. You try so hard to make a fool of others on this stage. Bravo. Good job.

You still failed hard to show where I said that.
Getting exposed is belittling people?

Yeah right son. 

You PM'd me out of the blue...TWICE just to defend "god" and how he let senseless tragedies occur. I had NO intention of even talking to you... YOU brought this on yourself. Then when it got too hot for you, you tried to play it off like you got baited into talking to me. 

You're just mad that you didn't have anything to answer when you got stumped. 

Why does your god allow ONE little girl to get saved but mow down 12 people. 

You can't answer that except with the "well we all have free will...except when god decides to step in and save someone"

So god ALLOWED this to happen.

Tell you what. Lets play by your rules. God exists and he's just arbitrarily going around and allowing bad **** to happen just to screw with people. Occasionally, he'll save one or two people just to let people know hes still there.  

Give me a break. I've got no problem with religious people, when they're not being religious, but don't flood my inbox with your proselytizing and sophistry then get mad when you get called out on it. Don't PM me with your jesus saves message when in fact, I have evidence to the contrary. You got exactly what you asked for. I don't play games with illogical people or ridiculous arguments. I don't respect your view on "god" and frankly when your argument starts falling apart, I'm not going to start defending it FOR you. 

Stop acting victimized when YOU get called out for initiating non-sense with me. 

Do I think you are ridiculous? Absolutely. 

Do I think your arguments made sense? Absolutely Not. 

Will I tell you exactly what I think if you come at me OR would I tell you in person? Absolutely. 

Its always "antics" when someone doesn't agree with you, isn't it?

Don't reply on some "you just like debating and exposing people" steez when in fact, you can't deal with the fact SOMEONE doesn't give deference to your arguments. I don't and I won't start. 

Dudes like you always love to complain when you start popping off but can't handle the response. 

Man up like you thought you were when you decided to flood my inbox. 
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Damn all that.  I will forget any of this existed lonnnnnng before I send any angry PMs 
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You exposed me? How did you expose me Putty? I didn't PM you to defend God. I PM'ed you in hopes of sharing a idea. I didn't PM you to argue with you. You turned it into that because of who you are.

Yeah I backed off. Why would I want to sit and argue with someone I had 0 problems or beef with? You initiated that and wanted to keep it going because of who you are. Go back to when you got banned. Look at Meth's word. This is seemingly what drives you. Arguing. Even when someone isn't trying to argue with you.

I answered your questions. I knew what you were up to after the first reply. You didn't want to talk. You wanted to argue. I didn't PM you for that.

Its what you do. You have NOTHING better to do. No one is scared or intimidated by your words my dude. I just don't have the time nor patience to argue with people for NO REASON.

The loudest ones are the first to be broken.
When did this thread turn into a discussion about God's role in the Aurora shootings? I'm not sure how that's related to Chick-Fil-A...
"Man up like you thought you were when you decided to flood my inbox."


lord Jesus help you.

lol Jesus.

so wait what's new with this Chickfila situation? **** what yall _ talkin bout.
Man up? Lol its the internet. Man up where? This thread? Argue with you? Uh UN girlfriend.
You exposed me? How did you expose me Putty? I didn't PM you to defend God. I PM'ed you in hopes of sharing a idea. I didn't PM you to argue with you. You turned it into that because of who you are.
Oh word? Lets look at the FIRST message you sent me:

That's you, right?  

Yeah I backed off. Why would I want to sit and argue with someone I had 0 problems or beef with? You initiated that and wanted to keep it going because of who you are. Go back to when you got banned. Look at Meth's word. This is seemingly what drives you. Arguing. Even when someone isn't trying to argue with you.
How do you even SOUND right now?

I mean damn. That doesn't even make sense.

Lets get this straight, when you reply, you're doing gods work and being a decent person...when I reply to you then i'm a demonic narcissist whose aim is to manipulate and control conversation.

Makes sense. 

I answered your questions. I knew what you were up to after the first reply. You didn't want to talk. You wanted to argue. I didn't PM you for that.
Son, you said something I disagreed with and you expect me to do what? 

I don't treat you with kid gloves, especially in my PRIVATE MESSAGE INBOX and I'm not about to start doing so either. 

Don't try to tell me that it was "gods blessing" a little girl got saved when 12 other people died and expect that to go over lightly with me.

You sound ridiculous.

Fix your face. 

Its what you do. You have NOTHING better to do. No one is scared or intimidated by your words my dude. I just don't have the time nor patience to argue with people for NO REASON.
Like PMing me twice in two different conversation threads for no reason?  

The loudest ones are the first to be broken.
Where is that one from? Proverbs? 

What's in the good book about being the first one to bark up the wrong tree? 

Man you are a FUNNY dude. 

Real talk, you come at me talking out of the side of your neck, flooding my inbox with "Jesus really loves you" and "you just don't understand god" commentary then when you get shut down you want to act like I'm just some evil minded bigot who thrives on making fun of people.

Nah, homie, your argument sucks and if it fails it only because you didn't do a good job of defending it. Its not my job to go easy on you just because you didn't spend the time to think about who you were going to talk to before hand.

I love this from you.

It wasn't god's will...but god saved one life while letting 14 others die! Isn't god GREAT?! 

We have free will...but god intervenes to allow us to do things! 

God sends us messages not to kill people...but people still ignore him! 

We have our own power to do what we long as its what god wants! 

As I thought, you did exactly what I thought you would.

You try to spin things into a web of Putty jokes.

Niketalk/The Internet is a stage for your antics. The feeling of belittling and crushing others is like fuel to you. You try so hard to make a fool of others on this stage. Bravo. Good job.

You still failed hard to show where I said that.
Getting exposed is belittling people?

Yeah right son. 

You PM'd me out of the blue...TWICE just to defend "god" and how he let senseless tragedies occur. I had NO intention of even talking to you... YOU brought this on yourself. Then when it got too hot for you, you tried to play it off like you got baited into talking to me. 

You're just mad that you didn't have anything to answer when you got stumped. 

Why does your god allow ONE little girl to get saved but mow down 12 people. 

You can't answer that except with the "well we all have free will...except when god decides to step in and save someone"

So god ALLOWED this to happen.

Tell you what. Lets play by your rules. God exists and he's just arbitrarily going around and allowing bad **** to happen just to screw with people. Occasionally, he'll save one or two people just to let people know hes still there.  

Give me a break. I've got no problem with religious people, when they're not being religious, but don't flood my inbox with your proselytizing and sophistry then get mad when you get called out on it. Don't PM me with your jesus saves message when in fact, I have evidence to the contrary. You got exactly what you asked for. I don't play games with illogical people or ridiculous arguments. I don't respect your view on "god" and frankly when your argument starts falling apart, I'm not going to start defending it FOR you. 

Stop acting victimized when YOU get called out for initiating non-sense with me. 

Do I think you are ridiculous? Absolutely. 

Do I think your arguments made sense? Absolutely Not. 

Will I tell you exactly what I think if you come at me OR would I tell you in person? Absolutely. 

Its always "antics" when someone doesn't agree with you, is isn't it?

He isn't acting victimized AT ALL- thats the way you're trying to make him look. By your pm's. it looks like you started the conversation anyways, as well as putting those words into his mouth and taking things out of context to make him look bad (much like you've done to me, and many others). You know what though, that fine- because I'm able to accept you for the person you are. At times, you're likeable- other times you just get way too pushy and even hypocritical (most of us do) but you take it to new heights. I know you dont care, kinda like me. I guess the difference is that I'm thoughtful and considerate of others until they disrespect me. You dont need any disrespect to take a dump on others' feelings,views, opinions, and even their faith. You're one of the types that gets off on it- especially the weak ones. I just dont get it, I may not be religous- but i do believe there is a higher power out there. I've been blessed in my life, and it isn't just luck. You're right about being free to question others and prove your points, but for what? You aren't changing peoples' minds. All you are to a lot of people is a human being with a screen name on NikeTalk and a search engine. You aren't changing Ninjahood's beliefs, or RKO's, or mine- we have life experience and years of time on this planet - and the 3 of us actually do many helpful and righteous things around here (respectively)- i may not agree with everything they say- but i can recognize that their intentions are not bad, and they mean well. You dont mean well, you're an internet bully- not the normal type, more of a mental bully. I'll back down to guns all day (even though i have my fair share- it aint worth it on either side) but mentally- please save it. We dont "back down" to you, we acknowledge that discussing and sharing with you is a fools errand- its pointless. Its like me sharing peaceful thoughts in racial threads around here, i do it with a purpose- and always get the shaft by a few of the people that glorify and embrace racial tension (what they dont think of is that theres many younger members and lurkers that they ARE NOT helping- just making things worse)
TL;DR: "When I reply, its the right thing to do, when you reply its the wrong thing to do."

I don't care if you walk away feel more resolved and entrenched in whatever position you woke up in this morning, but I won't withhold a stance to make you feel better. 

If you first PM to me is that god's "grace" saved 1 girl but allowed 12 to die AND not asking me to "not be upset" is basically asking for me to ignore those who EVEN IN 2012 have magic nonsense they cling to and try to promote. 

I won't deal with it nor will I embrace it. 

Respect is earned. You're not getting my respect talking about magic. Period. 

..ESPECIALLY in a private message. Especially. 

But this thread isn't about that. 
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TL;DR: "When I reply, its the right thing to do, when you reply its the wrong thing to do."

I don't care if you walk away feel more resolved and entrenched in whatever position you woke up in this morning, but I won't withhold a stance to make you feel better. 

If you first PM to me is that god's "grace" saved 1 girl but allowed 12 to die AND not asking me to "not be upset" is basically asking for me to ignore those who EVEN IN 2012 have magic nonsense they cling to and try to promote. 

I won't deal with it nor will I embrace it. 

Respect is earned. You're not getting my respect talking about magic. Period.

..ESPECIALLY in a private message. Especially. 

But this thread isn't about that. 
Who is asking for your respect, though? I can't fathom how unbearable you are to be around in real life..
Hai guise. I've been lurking this thread since it was created and I've finally got to the last page.
I skimmed a bunch of pages, but lulz at "a country's swag."

At first I thought CFA was in the right since they weren't violating any laws.

Then I read about how they donate that money to groups that are trying to make gay marriage illegal.

This whole situation is ridiculous.

I like these type of threads because I get the closet glimpse of what type of person a nter is.
:lol: at calling him a bully though in a thread about religion, Christianity to be exact. What's more bullying than organized religion? Isn't this entire thread about Christians trying to force their views on others, and then furthermore the whole religion founded on if you disagree with us you will burn in Hell for eternity then.Who tries to push their views and lifestyles onto everyone else more than Christians, in some cases even taking stance outside Mosque's and Temple's trying to convince everybody to convert to their belief system.

It doesn't get more bully ish than that. And to make it worst, you're bullies using a belief system based on a Bible that is tantamount to a freaking Dr Suess children's book with all the talking animals, magic, and other just generally impossible happenings.

So yes, it's easy as **** to debunk. When Curiosity tweets back pictures of a city with the streets paved with gold, a gate with St Peter and his master registry of who's been naughty or nice and if they get in or not, and Jesus up there chillin' in the clouds, send me a PM and I'll join you guys' fight. Until then. God and Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy and Kris Kringle are all one in the same.

God himself is kind of a bully anyways. Didn't Jesus destroy the entire world (save for Noah, his family, and 2 of each animal) because he was angry at mankind just 6 chapters into the Bible? Literally, still in Genesis? On like page 7? Just created the world and already mad enough to destroy it?

And small FYI, 14 people died in the Aurora shootings. 2 died later in the hospital
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at calling him a bully though in a thread about religion, Christianity to be exact. What's more bullying than organized religion? Isn't this entire thread about Christians trying to force their views on others, and then furthermore the whole religion founded on if you disagree with us you will burn in Hell for eternity then.Who tries to push their views and lifestyles onto everyone else more than Christians, in some cases even taking stance outside Mosque's and Temple's trying to convince everybody to convert to their belief system.

It doesn't get more bully ish than that. And to make it worst, you're bullies using a belief system based on a Bible that is tantamount to a freaking Dr Suess children's book with all the talking animals, magic, and other just generally impossible happenings.

So yes, it's easy as **** to debunk. When Curiosity tweets back pictures of a city with the streets paved with gold, a gate with St Peter and his master registry of who's been naughty or nice and if they get in or not, and Jesus up there chillin' in the clouds, send me a PM and I'll join you guys' fight. Until then. God and Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy and Kris Kringle are all one in the same.

God himself is kind of a bully anyways. Didn't Jesus destroy the entire world (save for Noah, his family, and 2 of each animal) because he was angry at mankind just 6 chapters into the Bible? Literally, still in Genesis? On like page 7? Just created the world and already mad enough to destroy it?

And small FYI, 14 people died in the Aurora shootings. 2 died later in the hospital
When you call them out on it, you're a bully who likes to argue.

When they do it, they're supposedly respectful and engaged in "just talking." 

They think they're a protected class. 
When you call them out on it, you're a bully who likes to argue.

When they do it, they're supposedly respectful and engaged in "just talking." 

They think they're a protected class. 

You're not a bully. Anyone with a clue knows your shtick. You jump at any chance you have to step on those of faith. There is indeed a difference between talking and arguing.

The thing that is most laughable is your notions of "backing down ". I have 0 need to argue my beliefs with you or anyone else. So based on past arguments we've had, why am I obligated to go back and forth with you when I know the outcome? No opinion will be changed. Its not going to enlightened either one of us. What would be the point?

You said I pm'ed you twice. Yes. That is fact. Now did you mention the 2nd pm was just an article about the shooters doctor becoming worried as the time passed that he was not only a danger to himself but others as well?

You have no respect for those of differing beliefs than that of yours . Do I want or care for your respect? No. I don't care. Will I argue with you about my faith? No. Don't care to. Why waste time? What's the point? The pm's intention wasn't that. You turned it into that.
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Why do any of you argue with this dude putty?
You couldn't stand him on yuku, so why get into it on here.
If you don't like what he posts block him.
Some of you NTers must be gluttons for punishment. :smh:
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