You sickos LOVE subtly taunting a man who cant seem to pee in the public urinal huh?


Oct 1, 2011
i bet you freaks ALL play this little game when going into a public restroom, dont deny it.

you see another guy doing his biz but you dont hear his piss banging up against the porcelain urinal


or you listen to the guy in the toilet stall, and revel in the fact that he can only muster a weak flow, like a broken sprinkler system

you subtly mock him in your head, while you whip out your bishop and release a stream of sterile liquid gold with the force of ten thousand suns.

"THAT'LL show 'em that im the BAWS of this here Best Buy bathroom! that'll show 'em all!"

buncha FREAKS on this board. buncha GROSSIES.

 you're all going going STRAIGHT to Antonville.

Semi Related:

There was a point in time when I would piss on the sides of the toilet when in the company of a lovely lady, but then I said to myself, "Why are you doing that. Man up" Then I started making sure anyone within a 120 foot vicinity will hear my pees.
Just let go, brah.

I had the meanest poo poo I've ever had to take during class last week.

I quietly left class, skipped down the hall (didn't wanna look like I was running) then proceded to make that toilet my lady dog.

I will admit that i have a weak flow when I'm just trying to empty whatever is in there before I take the long trip home right before work.
But when its a full bladder its a different ball game.

I honestly never thought about it though. Now I'm conscious of the times where I go take a leak and its a weak stream... I guess ill hold it till I get home. Thanks bro... -_-

What difference does it make if it sounds like u have been holding your pee till your bladder almost explodes?
i thought it wasnt cool to piss and make alotta noise so would piss at an angle where there would be no noise or i would weaken the flow.
You do these kind of posts every few weeks, and each time, no one cares.
Some random issue/thought that you can't seriously think anyone will want to discuss... yet, here they are.

I guess I could commend you on your dedication to a tired shtick..?
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

You do these kind of posts every few weeks, and each time, no one cares.
Some random issue/thought that you can't seriously think anyone will want to discuss... yet, here they are.

I guess I could commend you on your dedication to a tired shtick..?

   a) you're in here. you care.

   b) my last thread got 9 pages (not that it matters, really.) and i really said pretty much nothing
   c) honestly, why are you so upset?
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Cats been eager to use those aerobic gifs. OPs post wasn't even that long.

It wasn't long at all 
Not gonna lie, I just like the gifs, not entirely sure what's going on with op tho
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Cats been eager to use those aerobic gifs. OPs post wasn't even that long.

I'm sorry to bring such bad taste to a very serious and sensitive thread.
im that dude in the toilet stall, but i stay takin +!#%# though. never heard of comparing rate of urine to another man. 
 ewww you sicko.
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