Your boy Barack Hussein took a elbow to the mouth while playing ball... Reggie Love FTW!!

@ people getting their panties in a bunch at OP using dudes middle name.
Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Everone but the OP obviously trying make something out of nothing.

People call George Bush, George W. all the time...
How is that any different?


what a dodo LOL
Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Everone but the OP obviously trying make something out of nothing.

People call George Bush, George W. all the time...
How is that any different?


what a dodo LOL
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Everone but the OP obviously trying make something out of nothing.

People call George Bush, George W. all the time...
How is that any different?

Because it has long been documented those who out of context use his middle name are insinuating he is a secret Muslim domestic terrorist..
No one used his name out of context in this thread. Why are you enforcing a stereotype as if using his middle name in any situation is wrong?

By arguing so much against people mentioning his middle name, you're making it seem like it's wrong in ANY context because the only possible association is to that of a terrorist.

You don't see that your ultra-politically correct liberalism is actually promoting this very stereotype.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Everone but the OP obviously trying make something out of nothing.

People call George Bush, George W. all the time...
How is that any different?

Because it has long been documented those who out of context use his middle name are insinuating he is a secret Muslim domestic terrorist..
No one used his name out of context in this thread. Why are you enforcing a stereotype as if using his middle name in any situation is wrong?

By arguing so much against people mentioning his middle name, you're making it seem like it's wrong in ANY context because the only possible association is to that of a terrorist.

You don't see that your ultra-politically correct liberalism is actually promoting this very stereotype.
Here we go..

Michael Savage But why are there no queries being provoked about SaddamHussein -- I mean, Barack Hussein Obama? If, after all, the arch-enemyof Iraq, his name was SaddamHussein, isn't it logical that us stupid Americans would like to know whythe man who would be president has a name that's similar to our -- to ourenemy in Iraq,Hussein? I mean, let's turn it around. We just killed Adolf Hitler, andnow a man is running for president, and his name happens to be, let us say,Harry Hitler Jones. Say, wow, wait a minute, why would his name be Harry HitlerJones? How dare you raise the question of his middle name being Hitler!That's irrelevant, that his father named him for Hitler! Howdare you ask whether his father named him Hitler or not. It doesn'tmatter if his middle name is Hitler or not. It doesn't matter becausehe's not a Nazi, he's only a descendant of Germany. How dare you raise such aquestion. So I'm gonna raise such a question.
COULTER: Forget the predictionaspect of this. Hillary Clinton would be more conservative than John McCain onillegal immigration, I think, on terrorism if there's a terrorist attack.Both B. Hussein Obama and John McCain, in theevent of a terrorist attack, will go take a tour of Mecca. It's a very frightening time forAmerica,and the one thing that I think Americans can get out of this is themost important thing we have to do is repeal McCain-Feingold. The way -- if youlook at it backwards and see how we ever got a president like Ronald Reagan,it's because he had a few millionaires funding his campaign to run forgovernor of California.I was sitting around with some of my --

MORRIS: There will be a lot of that, but John McCainis a given in this race. The variant is Barack Obama. John McCain is like thelever in the middle. And Obama's positives and negatives seesaw. And that willdetermine the race. And the determinant inthe election will be whether we believe that Barack Obama is what he appears tobe, or is he somebody who's sort of a sleeper agent who really doesn't believein our system and is more in line with Wright's views?

SAVAGE: Doesn't it bring backbeautiful feelings, compared to the filth that they play now? They're simple. Who would put on awhite sportscoat today?He'd get his head stomped. Look who weinherited in this country, from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Barack Hussein Obama,in one generation. A war hero to -- awar hero who commandedthe Allied operations against Nazi Germany was running for thepresidency then. Now we have an unknown stealth candidate who went to amadrassas in Indonesiaand, in fact, was a Muslim despite what Straw Hair will tell you on Softball. Yes, check it out.
DOOCY:Meanwhile, today -- this morning -- remember the old slogan, "It'sthe economy, stupid"? Well, today, Barack Obama is going to kick off hiseconomy tour. He's going to be talking about what he would do if he werepresident of the United States to turn the economy around.

Meanwhile,the John McCain campaign has already said, look, Barack Obama is a guy whothroughout history has raised taxes. Under a Barack Hussein Obamaadministration, you will wind up with higher taxes.

BOORTZ: Well, like I said, if thisis it in this campaign,then this country just deserves whatever is gonna happen to us.

DUPREE: Well, just wait and see. Just watch if that thing keeps coming up in thenext few days.

BOORTZ: Let's ask Obama how manyprayer rugs he has.
[h1]Nick DiPaolo: "There's a reason [Obama] let this much pork into this stimulus package: He's trying to prove he's not a Muslim"[/h1]

HILL: Afist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently. We'll show you someinteresting body communication and find out what it really says.
CUNNINGHAM:And around Ohio,the number [of newly registered voters] is 666,000. Six-six-six. The mark of thebeast. The great majority, of course, are registered by ACORN. The mark of thebeast. And who is the beast? Who gave ACORN $800,000 as part of this criminalconspiracy? Who was the lawyer for ACORN? Who conducted ACORN seminars to tellACORN employees and others how to cheat the system? Barack Hussein Obama. I maydeclare him to be the beast. Six-six-six. It could be the end of all days.



I guess I just imagined it........
Here we go..

Michael Savage But why are there no queries being provoked about SaddamHussein -- I mean, Barack Hussein Obama? If, after all, the arch-enemyof Iraq, his name was SaddamHussein, isn't it logical that us stupid Americans would like to know whythe man who would be president has a name that's similar to our -- to ourenemy in Iraq,Hussein? I mean, let's turn it around. We just killed Adolf Hitler, andnow a man is running for president, and his name happens to be, let us say,Harry Hitler Jones. Say, wow, wait a minute, why would his name be Harry HitlerJones? How dare you raise the question of his middle name being Hitler!That's irrelevant, that his father named him for Hitler! Howdare you ask whether his father named him Hitler or not. It doesn'tmatter if his middle name is Hitler or not. It doesn't matter becausehe's not a Nazi, he's only a descendant of Germany. How dare you raise such aquestion. So I'm gonna raise such a question.
COULTER: Forget the predictionaspect of this. Hillary Clinton would be more conservative than John McCain onillegal immigration, I think, on terrorism if there's a terrorist attack.Both B. Hussein Obama and John McCain, in theevent of a terrorist attack, will go take a tour of Mecca. It's a very frightening time forAmerica,and the one thing that I think Americans can get out of this is themost important thing we have to do is repeal McCain-Feingold. The way -- if youlook at it backwards and see how we ever got a president like Ronald Reagan,it's because he had a few millionaires funding his campaign to run forgovernor of California.I was sitting around with some of my --

MORRIS: There will be a lot of that, but John McCainis a given in this race. The variant is Barack Obama. John McCain is like thelever in the middle. And Obama's positives and negatives seesaw. And that willdetermine the race. And the determinant inthe election will be whether we believe that Barack Obama is what he appears tobe, or is he somebody who's sort of a sleeper agent who really doesn't believein our system and is more in line with Wright's views?

SAVAGE: Doesn't it bring backbeautiful feelings, compared to the filth that they play now? They're simple. Who would put on awhite sportscoat today?He'd get his head stomped. Look who weinherited in this country, from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Barack Hussein Obama,in one generation. A war hero to -- awar hero who commandedthe Allied operations against Nazi Germany was running for thepresidency then. Now we have an unknown stealth candidate who went to amadrassas in Indonesiaand, in fact, was a Muslim despite what Straw Hair will tell you on Softball. Yes, check it out.
DOOCY:Meanwhile, today -- this morning -- remember the old slogan, "It'sthe economy, stupid"? Well, today, Barack Obama is going to kick off hiseconomy tour. He's going to be talking about what he would do if he werepresident of the United States to turn the economy around.

Meanwhile,the John McCain campaign has already said, look, Barack Obama is a guy whothroughout history has raised taxes. Under a Barack Hussein Obamaadministration, you will wind up with higher taxes.

BOORTZ: Well, like I said, if thisis it in this campaign,then this country just deserves whatever is gonna happen to us.

DUPREE: Well, just wait and see. Just watch if that thing keeps coming up in thenext few days.

BOORTZ: Let's ask Obama how manyprayer rugs he has.
[h1]Nick DiPaolo: "There's a reason [Obama] let this much pork into this stimulus package: He's trying to prove he's not a Muslim"[/h1]

HILL: Afist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently. We'll show you someinteresting body communication and find out what it really says.
CUNNINGHAM:And around Ohio,the number [of newly registered voters] is 666,000. Six-six-six. The mark of thebeast. The great majority, of course, are registered by ACORN. The mark of thebeast. And who is the beast? Who gave ACORN $800,000 as part of this criminalconspiracy? Who was the lawyer for ACORN? Who conducted ACORN seminars to tellACORN employees and others how to cheat the system? Barack Hussein Obama. I maydeclare him to be the beast. Six-six-six. It could be the end of all days.



I guess I just imagined it........
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

see, if George Bush's middle name was Hussien and he used it for the thread title you would not be mad for a second.
Hussein is not his last name..

So that is entirely different.. If Obama's middle name was Hussein then I wouldn't say anything..

But it has long been documented those who out of context use his middle name are insinuating he is a secret Muslim domestic terrorist.

And you really don't know me, so you wouldn't know what I would/would not say..

meant middle name, and people are just getting butt hurt over someone using a middle name of a person. 
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

see, if George Bush's middle name was Hussien and he used it for the thread title you would not be mad for a second.
Hussein is not his last name..

So that is entirely different.. If Obama's middle name was Hussein then I wouldn't say anything..

But it has long been documented those who out of context use his middle name are insinuating he is a secret Muslim domestic terrorist.

And you really don't know me, so you wouldn't know what I would/would not say..

meant middle name, and people are just getting butt hurt over someone using a middle name of a person. 

Ha ha, you went through all the trouble of posting all that up yet:
Jello B Afro wrote:
No one used his name out of context in this thread.

Once again, you're the only one yelling fire in a crowded theatre when there's no fire to be found.

By making such a fuss you're actually implying that his middle name is questionable therefore shouldn't be mentioned at all, by anyone, in any situation.

People like you who are so over the top PC share the blame for the negative connotation a name like HUSSEIN has because you cry about it so damn much.

Ha ha, you went through all the trouble of posting all that up yet:
Jello B Afro wrote:
No one used his name out of context in this thread.

Once again, you're the only one yelling fire in a crowded theatre when there's no fire to be found.

By making such a fuss you're actually implying that his middle name is questionable therefore shouldn't be mentioned at all, by anyone, in any situation.

People like you who are so over the top PC share the blame for the negative connotation a name like HUSSEIN has because you cry about it so damn much.
So why was his middle name posted in the topic title? For the hell of it?

How does it make sense to address the issue at hand by including the presidents middle name smart *+%?

Ha ha, you went through all the trouble of posting all that up yet:
He posted legitimate contemporary references to arguments in our political environment..and you post? your feeble #*# little opinion. log off. 
So why was his middle name posted in the topic title? For the hell of it?

How does it make sense to address the issue at hand by including the presidents middle name smart *+%?

Ha ha, you went through all the trouble of posting all that up yet:
He posted legitimate contemporary references to arguments in our political environment..and you post? your feeble #*# little opinion. log off. 
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Everone but the OP obviously trying make something out of nothing.

People call George Bush, George W. all the time...
How is that any different?

Because it has long been documented those who out of context use his middle name are insinuating he is a secret Muslim domestic terrorist..
Agreed. It is silly.  A better thing would be to refer to him as "Barack the Crook" or "Corporate Obama". Those are more fitting and most importantly----- true.
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