Your cure to dry lips and palms in this weather/season

Jan 14, 2006
This is kinda dependent on which part of the country you reside in

Its that time of the season again.  my palms are getting really dry and the skin feels chippy.

Same with the lips, it doesn't feel good.  and it looks bad because when your lips dry up, you get this dry white stain on your top lip, like you didn't wipe your mouth after you drank milk

Vaseline is the usual weapon of choice, but it has little effect so far  
Originally Posted by ashleythetall

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

bag balm my man, works wonders for your hands..
this stuff is legit as hell.

my tattoo artist put me on this stuff bc my ink gets soooo itchy
This. Or if you don't have access then Aquafor always does the trick for me. Grab that at any drugstore
Lush Ultrabalm is what I use for chapped lips. One of the best things I've found for my dry and cold climate.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Does that balm stuff have a scent/does it make your hands all slick?
little bit of a scent, but i dont think its a bad scent...not slick maybe a little oily, but i've def had normal lotion products that are much more greasy feeling

Originally Posted by ashleythetall

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Does that balm stuff have a scent/does it make your hands all slick?
little bit of a scent, but i dont think its a bad scent...not slick maybe a little oily, but i've def had normal lotion products that are much more greasy feeling

I dsiagree.. While I swear by it, & it really is great for dry hands, it definitely leaves them greasy, but I just put it on when I'm not doing anything or going out or whatever, or I just put very, very little on, cuz a little is a lot..
And it has a certain smell, kind of like a rubbery smell, only way I can describe it.. definitely not bad tho

But don't let this turn you away from it, cuz it is totally worth it.. 
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by ashleythetall

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Does that balm stuff have a scent/does it make your hands all slick?
little bit of a scent, but i dont think its a bad scent...not slick maybe a little oily, but i've def had normal lotion products that are much more greasy feeling

I dsiagree.. While I swear by it, & it really is great for dry hands, it definitely leaves them greasy, but I just put it on when I'm not doing anything or going out or whatever, or I just put very, very little on, cuz a little is a lot..
And it has a certain smell, kind of like a rubbery smell, only way I can describe it.. definitely not bad tho

But don't let this turn you away from it, cuz it is totally worth it.. 
Will definitely have to try it then, I get dry skin on my hands in the winter anyway, add that with working with cardboard and they look/feel terrible 
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

go to Nieman Marcus... ask for Kiehls lip balm and product... pricey but worth it
This. They sell it at a lot of places though, not just NM. 
But this stuff is by far the best lip balm I've ever used. Nothing else comes close.

They also have this hand salve stuff that is excellent. 
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