Your Ex changing her status to "single" in facebook UNAPPRECIATION, Vol. yes another girl topic...


but I know the feeling
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Yes time will heal....and as far as the comment with websites ruining lives........this is the generation we live in. People get defaced on all sorts of medias nowadays...whether Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, etc. I think we have all just grown accustomed to it and now get all sensitive about it.
i concur.

"I had this guy leave me a voice mail at work, so I called him at home, and then he emailed me tomy blackberry,and so I texted to his cell,and now you just have to go around checking all these different portals just to get rejected by seven different technologies. It's exhausting."- He's Just Not That Into You.

Just change your status to "single" also. And don't check her page!
Originally Posted by knightngale

she wanted more space? more like another man

forreal tho. U kno she just gave a dude some awesome jawsome and rode him like a school bus before she changed her status right?
Originally Posted by ListenHere

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by knightngale

she wanted more space? more like another man

forreal tho. U kno she just gave a dude some awesome jawsome and rode him like a school bus before she changed her status right?

Complete ignorance. You must have never experienced a real heart break man. Those are the exact words this man does not want to hear. Be easy on him, cheese and rice.
i have experienced real heartbreak. Was wit my girl for 4 years and some change. What i said happened to me
Am i the only one that considers posting n00dz? Sometimes i just get an "I demand satisfaction" feeling with some chicks
I wouldn't say social networks ruin lives, but its what YOU have no business saying that comes back to bite you in the @ss.
Originally Posted by ListenHere

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by ListenHere

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by knightngale

she wanted more space? more like another man

forreal tho. U kno she just gave a dude some awesome jawsome and rode him like a school bus before she changed her status right?

Complete ignorance. You must have never experienced a real heart break man. Those are the exact words this man does not want to hear. Be easy on him, cheese and rice.
i have experienced real heartbreak. Was wit my girl for 4 years and some change. What i said happened to me
My bad fam, me too. Sent me into a depression for a minute....and it just recently happened again, though not to that extent of what happened to you, but my ex moved on real quick :/
i was just kiddin... that @$%# aint happen to me
.... but my ex moved on quick also... o well.

Constructive advice for OP: keep busy like u said... dont talk to her, friends wont work. atleast not this soon... hangout wit ya homies and meet some newchicks
NT stay coming through with the pics

She cute though so I can understand why u upset...but just find ways to kill time.

Don't catch yourself doing nothing coz that's when u start thnking about it
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

First off NT peeps, i dont post that often and never about these kinds of things, but my gf of 3.5 years broke up with me last saturday, for stupid reasons one
of the being she wanted to be alone and was to dependent of me, so i was hoping to give her space, and that she would miss me and come back, until last night i
check facebook on my phone while i was at a party, and i see "EX GF" went from being "in a relationship" to "single.", damn that
hit me hard
, just monday she talked to one of my boys and told him she
didn't want to change her photo or her status, giving me hope of course, and i see this, immediately called her, she wont even give me a chance, its over
and i feel like jumping of a building

...sorry for the rant, time to hit up some tijuana strip clubs, any advice for a broken heart?...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It's not worth it. But I did lol.[/color]

me too
damn op get it together
jumpin ...come on man....theres thousands of woman out never know if you gon meet someone better....
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Wait........mexico has internet?[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]just joking vato[/color]

Originally Posted by j671

jumpin ...come on man....theres thousands of woman out never know if you gon meet someone better....
Exactly. If we're not together then it obviously means there's someone even better than you out there for me.
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