Your ex. You're over her, but are you really?

I still think about THAT ONE girl. Was with her for 4 years starting in 7th grade. We 20 now and I know for a fact she still thinks about me. Her rebound guy that she still with is a little bit lame. And short with messed up teeth. He always throws a fit when Im around

She was hella on me at a party having a good time recently while her boy kinda sat in a corner all emo 

Had four girls after her but shes that one that I cant completely let go of. I mean it was 4 years with her.
Oh well, a better one will come by. Besides, theres money to be made and business to take care of.
I keep finding excuses to text her and find out if she wants to go out on "dates" that i tell her aren't really dates, but secretly they are dates.
Originally Posted by INS

I keep finding excuses to text her and find out if she wants to go out on "dates" that i tell her aren't really dates, but secretly they are dates.

Staying true to the name.
Originally Posted by mjbetch

Anyone date someone for a while (years) break up, move on, but still think about that ex from time to time?

Mind you, I'm having a kid with my current in a month, but for some reason I still find myself thinking about my ex every once in a while. Even my current knows (we were best friends before we got together).

I'm sure it's normal. Is anyone out there in the same boat? Are you truly over her?

She is a former NTer too
Is your ex or your current the one in your avy? In either need more pics.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by INS

I keep finding excuses to text her and find out if she wants to go out on "dates" that i tell her aren't really dates, but secretly they are dates.

Staying true to the name.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service? How so?
Originally Posted by mjbetch

Anyone date someone for a while (years) break up, move on, but still think about that ex from time to time?

Mind you, I'm having a kid with my current in a month, but for some reason I still find myself thinking about my ex every once in a while. Even my current knows (we were best friends before we got together).

I'm sure it's normal. Is anyone out there in the same boat? Are you truly over her?

She is a former NTer too
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

It's like

you purposely made this thread in hopes of getting her attention so she would contact you on some "I MISS YOU TOO LET'S MEET AGAIN DERP"

If you were like that why'd you leave?

Stop crying boi, you sound pathetic right now.

Nah not even

Grizz, you right. Of course I'm not letting it mess with what I got at home. No way, no how.

@pepper nah she knows. I mean I don't dwell on it often, but unjust recently thought of it.
Recently? It's probably because you're about to begin a new chapter in your life, and a part of you wishes that she would have been the one along for the ride.
Hendrix Watermelon wrote:

It's like

you purposely made this thread in hopes of getting her
attention so she would contact you on some "I MISS YOU TOO LET'S MEET AGAIN

Lol that sounds really plausable. She must of had that good good
my ex just broke up with me last night. terrible feeling. I tried to change to becoming a nicer and more caring person, but she just couldnt understand it (how i became so nice so quickly). and she doesnt know that me being nice will last... i feel awful.
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

I used to think about my ex a lot. She was pretty but she messed up. As soon as I got a new girl she had her friend hit me up telling me she had breast cancer. I hit her up to see if it was true and she had this fake @#$ story about how she was starting chemo. I knew she was lying too. That made me feel a lot better. I'm still friends with her on FB, lol

 What kind of person would lie about having breast cancer.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

I used to think about my ex a lot. She was pretty but she messed up. As soon as I got a new girl she had her friend hit me up telling me she had breast cancer. I hit her up to see if it was true and she had this fake @#$ story about how she was starting chemo. I knew she was lying too. That made me feel a lot better. I'm still friends with her on FB, lol

 What kind of person would lie about having breast cancer.
I wish I knew. I called her out on a social network when she was talking about going to south beach for some drinks or maybe just tanning when she was supposedly going through chemotherapy. Apparently she was getting notifications sent to her phone cause she called me with the quickness. Told me I was wrong for broadcasting her illness to everyone and how her own family didn't even know. I wanted to 
 but part of me thought maybe she was telling the truthm she started crying (I'm not good with girls crying) so I stayed quiet. She told me if I didn't believe her I was welcomed to tag along to her next visit.
Over a year later she still has her long hair (Haitian & Chinese mix) which she never lost even after the drama. I've moved on and not upset anymore. I wish people weren't so selfish.
Funny that this comes up. Me and my ex of roughly 2 years haven't really spoken much since September but I see her time to time because we work on the same base when we go to drill. As I passed by her we both said a quick hey but deep down we both knew it was more behind the casual greetings. We hung out later that night and ended up smashing. Even tho we've barely spoken in 8 months it felt like we never skipped a beat... The good and the bad
she later told me that she accepted a law internship across the country for the summer (she's in law school). She also said that she wouldn't have accepted it if we were still together so we could have been together for the summer.

I feel like she's wife material but she is super reserved and was mad sheltered growing up. Sometimes I wonder if I just like the wrong type of girls; the few chicks in the past that I genuinely fell for are the outgoing aggressive type, and all ended up to be freaks

I feel like she genuinely loved me tho straight up.

In those eight months I only ran into like 3 potential chicks
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Funny that this comes up. Me and my ex of roughly 2 years haven't really spoken much since September but I see her time to time because we work on the same base when we go to drill. As I passed by her we both said a quick hey but deep down we both knew it was more behind the casual greetings. We hung out later that night and ended up smashing. Even tho we've barely spoken in 8 months it felt like we never skipped a beat... The good and the bad
she later told me that she accepted a law internship across the country for the summer (she's in law school). She also said that she wouldn't have accepted it if we were still together so we could have been together for the summer.

I feel like she's wife material but she is super reserved and was mad sheltered growing up. Sometimes I wonder if I just like the wrong type of girls; the few chicks in the past that I genuinely fell for are the outgoing aggressive type, and all ended up to be freaks

I feel like she genuinely loved me tho straight up.

In those eight months I only ran into like 3 potential chicks
^whats wrong with freaks homey?
I think about most of my exes from time to time. I think it's natural. I tend to focus (sometimes even obsess) about my progression as a person, and I tend to factor women in that equation as well.

I only ever miss one, though. The first girl I ever cheated on. Major event in my life because up to that point I prided myself on not being a cheater, and I would often say how I could never understand why people would cheat...Until life's circumstances put that on my plate. Sometimes I wonder if it's actually her I miss, or if it's that "innocence" so to speak.

For some reason though almost all of my exes and I are FB friends.
(I hid them from my timeline after breaking up though.)
Originally Posted by Oranix

my ex just broke up with me last night. terrible feeling. I tried to change to becoming a nicer and more caring person, but she just couldnt understand it (how i became so nice so quickly). and she doesnt know that me being nice will last... i feel awful.

Please elaborate.
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