Your favorite NT moment.


Destroyed nearly 70% of NTers' computers.
Originally Posted by soltheman

any thread where jpthe3 attempts to flame someone and half of his post is recycled drake lyrics.

oh yeah lol but that was on nt kl though ..
Def the saba PS thread and the dude who posted the girl's number backfire. I remember that columbia XI thread mentioned earlier. Straight horrible.
That Oh You Mad thread. Dude lost his Pharells and VIIHeaven went to get the sneakers

That dude Bee ended up getting the sneakers
April Fools Day

Young dro and the ipod
Mrscampbell and nktran
ben baller thread
PYP's... and the hidden one's

a bunch of others
Ben Baller thread.

April fools.

Dj Khaled pursuit

The one last week where we found dudes aunt crib lol.
too many to choose, but since no one said "Oh Snapps 88" era/jokes, imma go with that one...

who has pics saved?
when DavidHustlehoff went nuts on the reply button and posted one thing 60 times
ben baller thread
cranks aunt, cranks incest feelings
smush parker
the orlando magic summer league announcers
most embarrassing sexual encounters
All of the booty threads.

Dirty > *

VMA 09

Barack becoming President.

Meth v Steve

Many, many more...
How could I forget the Music Forum's PYP and when abeautifulhaze and ninjahood were going at each other.
The thread where the guy posted some chicks number because she wouldnt give him no play........ but she didnt even know him & he wouldnt post pics so asrevenge NT detectives found his name, his address, his facebook, his aunts address (who he says was dying of cancer) and they started calling the girl too...

Lesson learned
Originally Posted by Dylishis

I haven't been here that long and my NT posting pattern is pretty irregular but that thread from about a week or 2 ago where old boy posted this girl's number and then y'all went and found his auntie's house and @$+%.
Your favorite NT moment.
pyp was usually good for a laugh or two
LitoHustla vs SOO Fresh!
I know people still have pictures of the bullet with SOO Fresh name on it, but does anybody have a picture of all the people that rolled to watch the fight.haha
ok this is not my favorite moment, but i've been chuckling since yesterday about the person who posted the fake suicide poem, got exposed for copy/pastingfrom a website...and then the mod came in and made up his own poem about OP being banned
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

That Oh You Mad thread. Dude lost his Pharells and VIIHeaven went to get the sneakers

That dude Bee ended up getting the sneakers
I love this gif.


But like other people have said, there's way to many moments.

The Harlem Shake Story, Meth and Steve, Oh Snaps and the true blues, first PYP and ones after that, and the list goes on.....

Oh while looking for that gif up there, I came across the Michelin PSd pic of the girl with hot friends.
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