Your Wife, Girl-friend, J/O says "Hey, we need to talk..."

Hit her with this op.

It's never a good thing, no matter if it's a your girl or a J/O, and it's always some bull.
Originally Posted by megatron

she read my text messages, facebook messages, emails, niketalk posts, twitter updates, tumblr messages or found something in my car......

@ some you! Honestly, when my girl says she needs to talk, I say cool, turn the TV down and talk. All this nonsense you cats thinking of, like she pregnant or cheated shows your insecurities. SMH!
Either I did something...or I didn't so something & whatever it was I @++$@$ up

I just take it as whatever though, if I did it I did it, if I didn't I didn't. She'll say what she needs to & I'll present my case, I'll try to win but if I don't I'll put it on her good later, and if I do I'll let her make up to me.

Maybe I'm not out there like some of y'all though...and maybe I don't care enough about ++*% but I don't think things like what I've seen in here at all
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