Yuku Sucking for everyone? Just me?

just got a lot slower today
yuku really sucks, super slow and post always come out wierd,
also the msgs box (showing if you have new msgs) isnt working, sucks for ppl trying to sell stuff :/
It's been pretty snappy today. **jinx**

The only problem I've noticed is that the forum pages are stuck in the past.
Originally Posted by ca5perrr

yuku really sucks, super slow and post always come out wierd,
also the msgs box (showing if you have new msgs) isnt working, sucks for ppl trying to sell stuff :/
yea my message box still shows 1 new message even though I've already read the message.
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Yes. Not even worth posting it takes so damn long to load.
This....sit and wait for 3min before it goes through...not to mention everytime I click a thread it usually takes awhile to load, if it does at all. Hell, even when I'm just trying to get to NT's front page is slow as fugg
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Yes. Not even worth posting it takes so damn long to load.
This....sit and wait for 3min before it goes through...not to mention everytime I click a thread it usually takes awhile to load, if it does at all. Hell, even when I'm just trying to get to NT's front page is slow as fugg
Are the powers that be not aware of this? Trying to post in the game threads is impossible. 10 pages or so get lost on a typical game. Half of the time I try to come here I think my Internet is messed up.
I'm getting close to a real simple solution. I will make a thread when ready to explain it.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Yup. Slow as balls. I dont go on here much anymore because of it.
same here

has meth even posted anything about how slow this !$*! is?
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