Recent content by liquidswords1988

  1. liquidswords1988

    NEW PICS of whips on the street!! Vol. Heat for the winter...

    wow there is some absolute heat
  2. liquidswords1988

    SMH at dude not standing up for his girl

    smh people don't know how to act
  3. liquidswords1988


  4. liquidswords1988

    Dropping the roll of toilet paper in the toilet... UNappreciation

    ____ > dropping toothbrush in the toilet
  5. liquidswords1988

    Is there Another movie that has more "quotables" than SuperBad

    an obvious choice is definitely many quotes just in the first 10 mins alone
  6. liquidswords1988

    Cheaters Appreciation

  7. liquidswords1988


    dying to see this
  8. liquidswords1988

    How much can you bench?

    straight bar deadlift? but yea I haven't lifted since high school football haha...Max was 265
  9. liquidswords1988

    Girl question involving Facebook

    some of these posts are just
  10. liquidswords1988

    Who still wears Lacoste?

    i have a pretty good amount of both...idk I actually like the material on a RL a little more but the fit of Lacoste...Both quality shirts and this out of styletalk is bogus for me haha...Just wear what you want. I got a couple Nautica polos and IZOD too...they get the job done
  11. liquidswords1988

    Why do women...??? Vol. 1

    yea like women who don't complain...oh wait they don't exist
  12. liquidswords1988

    Illegal Downloading.....Vol. 80,000$

    that is bogus! I d/l a lot BUT I also buy a lot of hard copies (actually just came from Borders) but I d/l because it takes up about (literally) 10x less space on my harddrive. Ripping an album to itunes takes up about 600 MB on average while d/l it is about 60 MB
  13. liquidswords1988

    Federal Reserve now is control of ENTIRE financial system.

    SMH @ the fact that if anyone speaks out in opposition of anything Obama related they are automatically labeled a Republican or Fox News viewer.
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