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  1. tampadude


    I liked "SoleAIDS" better. Another Icky Dirty Sole
  2. tampadude

    The Official Nike LeBron XII Thread- "July 4th/USA" & "King's Cloak/Red Paisley" 06/27/15

    ^ this Those things are FUGLY...I wouldn't wear 'em even if they were free.
  3. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    You can "suspect" me all you want, but that doesn't make it so. I'm obviously not the one here whose heart is full of hate. Grow up, son.
  4. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    Cool video...and MLK was a great man...but this ain't the 1960s, dude.  Stop living in the past.
  5. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    Well, claiming "systemic oppression" pretty much implies "seeing racism everywhere", so my point still stands whether I'm a clown or not.
  6. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    Really?  What part of "Of course you don't, your people, white people, don't experience systemic racism like blacks" don't you understand? Get a grip, man...seriously.
  7. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    Right...because all us white folks have everything just handed to us, right?  We don't really accomplish anything because "it's all on the backs of the black man", right?  No white person ever deserved anything good that he or she got, because all we do is oppress the black man to get ahead in...
  8. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    Now THAT is funny.  If I hated blacks, why the hell would I waste my time conversing with blacks? LOGIC > YOU
  9. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    Dude...I already acknowledged the stuff about the Ferguson PD more than once in this thread.  Go back and check my earlier posts if you don't believe me.  Bad cops piss me off, too. I am not part of this "systematic oppression" of black people, either, so don't try to hang that ******** on me...
  10. tampadude


    My wife came up with this one... Whaddaya think?
  11. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri THAT is a racist comment.  Well done, sir!
  12. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    I was responding to CashBanks and his "sad life" comment. I don't know what your life is like, and frankly I don't give a ****, but for you to assume that I feel like you're living in hell is just silly.  You do sound like you have some unresolved anger issues, though.
  13. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    Okay...thanks for clearing that up.  Must have missed the FAQ with the acronym list. It still doesn't make me a white supremacist, though.  Like I said in a much earlier post, people should neither be proud of, nor should they be vilified for, something which was an accident of birth, and a...
  14. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    Funny, I was wondering the very same thing about you black people who see "racism" everywhere.  That's "tinfoil hat" thinking, and that IS a sad life. For the record, MY life is friggin' awesome.  No complaints at all.
  15. tampadude

    The Official Nike LeBron XII Thread- "July 4th/USA" & "King's Cloak/Red Paisley" 06/27/15

    Oh, yeah, sorry...must've missed the Pink Pow on the Cavs jerseys.
  16. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    What exactly does SWS stand for?  Some derogatory term for white people, right?  Who's the racist here?
  17. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    No, he's not me, and I'm not him.  Try again.
  18. tampadude

    Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

    I was giving a characteristic of a GROUP as a possible cause of an issue for that GROUP as a whole.  No ecological fallacy there. You were equating a characteristic of a GROUP as the reason for the acts of an INDIVIDUAL in said group.  That's the ecological fallacy. If you cannot see the clear...
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