Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Not it is not, try again

SWS means Suspected White Supremacist

It a person who is believe to support the system of white supremacist in America based on their words and actions.

Someone doesn't get label a SWS for just being white.
Okay...thanks for clearing that up.  Must have missed the FAQ with the acronym list.

It still doesn't make me a white supremacist, though.  Like I said in a much earlier post, people should neither be proud of, nor should they be vilified for, something which was an accident of birth, and a situation over which they had absolutely no control.  It doesn't matter to me one ******* bit what your skin color is.  What matters is how you live your life and how you treat others.

If you spent any time with me IRL, you would know that I am not a racist.  I judge people by their actions.  Good folks are good folks, and bad guys are bad guys, regardless of their skin color, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual preference, or whatever.

Mine too. You feel like we're living in hell because we can see the system in place and it gets under our skin that your life is "friggin awesome"?

It doesn't. We don't care.
I was responding to CashBanks and his "sad life" comment.

I don't know what your life is like, and frankly I don't give a ****, but for you to assume that I feel like you're living in hell is just silly.  You do sound like you have some unresolved anger issues, though.
Look at the happy white man lording over the angry paranoid negroes :lol:

Wow...now THAT is a racist comment.  Well done, sir!

Not it is not. That was exactly what you did.

Your comment:

I'll never understand how black people can make someone feels so threatened and insecure that the resort to trying to spread hate let alone on the internet.

That has to be a sad life.

Funny, I was wondering the very same thing about you black people who see "racism" everywhere.  That's "tinfoil hat" thinking, and that IS a sad life.

For the record, MY life is friggin' awesome.  No complaints at all. :pimp:

You completely ignore the fact that the DOJ found ridiculous amounts of systemic racism in Ferguson. So we are not making this up

And then brag about not having that issue. Of course you don't, your people, white people, don't experience systemic racism like blacks

So you're implying your life is better because you're white.

actually what YOU did was racist, not what Sleazy did.

If you can't see that, I dunno what to tell you, man.
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I was responding to CashBanks and his "sad life" comment.

I don't know what your life is like, and frankly I don't give a ****, but for you to assume that I feel like you're living in hell is just silly.  You do sound like you have some unresolved anger issues, though.

No. I'm good. But you sound passive aggressive.
Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

Obama and Hillary have both studied this book. NT liberals are trying to master this tactic.
Not it is not. That was exactly what you did.

Your comment:
You completely ignore the fact that the DOJ found ridiculous amounts of systemic racism in Ferguson. So we are not making this up

And then brag about not having that issue. Of course you don't, your people, white people, don't experience systemic racism like blacks

You're implying your life is better because you're white.

If you can't see that, I dunno what to tell you, man.

What YOU did was more racist than what Sleazy did actually.
Dude...I already acknowledged the stuff about the Ferguson PD more than once in this thread.  Go back and check my earlier posts if you don't believe me.  Bad cops piss me off, too.

I am not part of this "systematic oppression" of black people, either, so don't try to hang that ******** on me.

You say stuff like "You're implying your life is better because you're white".  NO, NO, and NO...I was merely responding to CashBanks "sad life" comment...and my life is awesome, not because of the color of my skin, but because I am a self-motivated individual who worked to put himself through college, stayed out of trouble with the law, and made sound financial decisions, and is now reaping the rewards.  It has NOTHING to do with my skin color.  My parents weren't rich, or famous, or well-connected.  I got what I have on my own, through hard work and smart decisions, and THAT is something I can be proud of.  For anyone, including you, to try to minimize what I have accomplished by crediting it to the color of my skin is disgusting.  Shame on you, sir...shame on you.
Not it is not. That was exactly what you did.

Your comment:

You completely ignore the fact that the DOJ found ridiculous amounts of systemic racism in Ferguson. So we are not making this up

And then brag about not having that issue. Of course you don't, your people, white people, don't experience systemic racism like blacks

You're implying your life is better because you're white.

If you can't see that, I dunno what to tell you, man.

What YOU did was more racist than what Sleazy did actually.

Dude...I already acknowledged the stuff about the Ferguson PD more than once in this thread.  Go back and check my earlier posts if you don't believe me.  Bad cops piss me off, too.

I am not part of this "systematic oppression" of black people, either, so don't try to hang that ******** on me.

You say stuff like "You're implying your life is better because you're white".  NO, NO, and NO...I was merely responding to CashBanks "sad life" comment...and my life is awesome, not because of the color of my skin, but because I am a self-motivated individual who worked to put himself through college, stayed out of trouble with the law, and made sound financial decisions, and is now reaping the rewards.  It has NOTHING to do with my skin color.  My parents weren't rich, or famous, or well-connected.  I got what I have on my own, through hard work and smart decisions, and THAT is something I can be proud of.  For anyone, including you, to try to minimize what I have accomplished by crediting it to the color of my skin is disgusting.  Shame on you, sir...shame on you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Where did I say that. I talking about what your words were implying

Nice Hail Mary troll though B

And brah, if you support the current way race relations in done in America, then you're are part of the problem. The current system is a system of white supremacy, if you're ok with it, then you're ok with white supremacy, and I got every reason to hang that around your neck.

You came in this thread talking about having kids outta wedlock is the black communities problem. And are now shocked and outrages that people label you a SWS.

Child Please
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ah the old "bootstrap" mentality...
Right...because all us white folks have everything just handed to us, right?  We don't really accomplish anything because "it's all on the backs of the black man", right?  No white person ever deserved anything good that he or she got, because all we do is oppress the black man to get ahead in life, right?
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Where did I say that. I said that what you words were implying

Nice Hail Mary troll though B

Really?  What part of "Of course you don't, your people, white people, don't experience systemic racism like blacks" don't you understand?

Get a grip, man...seriously.

Nice way to selectively quote to remove context. The line before that states I was refering to your comment about black people "seeing racism everywhere"

Stop making yourself look like a clown B
Nice way to selectively quote to remove context. The line before that states I was refering to your comment about black people "seeing racism everywhere"

Stop making yourself look like a clown B
Well, claiming "systemic oppression" pretty much implies "seeing racism everywhere", so my point still stands whether I'm a clown or not.
Nice way to selectively quote to remove context. The line before that states I was refering to your comment about black people "seeing racism everywhere"

Stop making yourself look like a clown B

Well, claiming "systemic oppression" pretty much implies "seeing racism everywhere", so my point still stands whether I'm a clown or not.

:smh: :lol:

Too be honest I never really beleived in someone being a "suspected" white supremacist concept. I always thought it was pretty much black and white, cut and dry. Like how could anyone be so ignorance and oblivious to the racist things coming out of their mouth, but you proved me wrong brah. You proved me wrong

TampaDude you Da Real SWS

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Too be honest I never really beleived in someone being a "suspected" white supremacist concept. I always thought it was pretty much black and white, cut and dry. Like how could anyone be so ignorance and oblivious to the racist things coming out of their mouth, but you proved me wrong brah. You proved me wrong

TampaDude you Da Real SWS
You can "suspect" me all you want, but that doesn't make it so.

I'm obviously not the one here whose heart is full of hate.

Grow up, son.
Always seen those that believe in a modern colorblind society painted in the same light as the racist in a position of power exploiting it to disenfranchise.

Both poisonous mindsets. We live in everything but a colorblind society, doesn't take a genius to see and realize it regardless of color or creed.

Optimistic thinking at best, willful ignorance at the least.
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