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  1. prjays716

    air jordan XI's to prom

    yea i agree with everyone saying dress shoes, i think that you might regret it later on in life like dam...i wore jordans to prom? feel me?
  2. prjays716

    Yet another female

    lol yea no doubt good lookin with that info Kick and derek, im see what happens with that, and yea it was kind of a difficult position being exactly what yousaid lol
  3. prjays716

    Yet another female

    lol NT is funny, couldnt post a pic my apologies lol
  4. prjays716

    Yet another female

    elaborate on the whole i messed up when i went to her table?
  5. prjays716

    Yet another female

    i never ever do this NT dont know why im even doin this, i mean i got my game on lock no doubt, but this one shorty definitely got me back tracking andreviewing the notes lol. heres the situation, so theres this jamaican chick *im puerto rican if that matters* and ive been feelin shorty, so i...
  6. prjays716

    Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER SHOES...(pics)

    lol redman....i feel the same way lol thats crazy... anything for Ye lol
  7. prjays716

    Random thinking.... vol. Interracial Couples

    interracial relationships make things more entertaining to me imo... dude at the end of the day its what you feelin, if you like black girls then try to bewith one and see how that goes, dont not get with one because you cant see yourself with sure you saw a pair of jordans or nikes...
  8. prjays716

    Should I EXPOSE Her??? (Pics)

    Yea thats true, i agree with HypeBeast, and on top of that who knows what kind of nonsense she will pull to get you back for putting her on blast...femalesdont forget lol so just nip it in the butt and move on
  9. prjays716

    Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER SHOES...(pics)

    i have a couple of questions, help is appreciated, so i was wondering are there low top A cup Pradas black/black patent i saw them but i want to make sure, andwhere would i be able to buy these, i think they are the only appealing a cups to me....maybe a website or something and how much would...
  10. prjays716

    iPOD Touch owners...

    i thought i was the only one with the countless hours spent on artwork lol, i also took it to the next level and started renaming my songs to the appropriatename and artist lol definitely is worth it to me love the touch
  11. prjays716

    This is the funniest thing I've read in a while

    for some reason the voice that was in my head when i read this was that of the old guy from family guy who constantly tries to hit on chris lol, very good read!
  12. prjays716

    Official What Did You Get For X-Mas

    Nothing special, i got a mac, a blackberry, dolce&gabbana colon, and the cdp 11/12 smh at me hating the 11's....
  13. prjays716

    I dont know what you want so here's CASH......Smh

    Im not complaining, smh at growing up, more freedom but less love lol ! na but i would much rather accept money then a gift i wouldnt like, so money gift FTW
  14. prjays716

    Do Y'all Laugh When Somebody Trips And Falls?

    i always laugh because i know if it were me falling someone who saw would laugh so might as well get my laughs in before i become the joke lol
  15. prjays716

    To all my college NT'ers....Currently, what is your hardest class this semester/quarter?

    im doing real good in all my classes. toughest thing about my classes is most probably the time. but other then that, my first year of college is pretty funand easy. idk why haha
  16. prjays716

    The Official WDYWT Air Jordan Edition Vol. 3 (2008!): INTRODUCING THE JUMPMAN LOYALISTS!

    Just some 7s to go out for my grandmothers birthday
  17. prjays716

    WDYWT Air Jordan Edition Vol. 2

    Just these to go to the doctors and chill with the family (too lazy to take a pic of me wearing them but you get the idea) -Snax
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