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  1. nerdistfan

    Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness. Documentary On Netflix Season 2

    Finished it this afternoon. What an absolutely mental story. Feel a bit sorry for Exotic, but at the same time, F that dude for treating animals ****. The irony that his biggest fame ever can't be enjoyed behind bars is Shakepearian.
  2. nerdistfan

    Remembering 9/11 ----- 23 Years Later

    RIP to all the victims.
  3. nerdistfan

    March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

    If you haven't seen Nine Legends you are really missing out. It's on sale for $2.99 at the moment, WELL worth checking out.
  4. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread /Wrestle Kingdom 12 Pick'em Link In OP

    Brilliant stuff.
  5. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread /Wrestle Kingdom 12 Pick'em Link In OP Roddy Piper video on Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan
  6. nerdistfan

    Are there any pieces of advice that you feel are overrated?

    "What will be will be." Somebody I cared for followed this advise and it didn't work out well for your boy. F that advise.
  7. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread /Wrestle Kingdom 12 Pick'em Link In OP

    Still one of the best Raw matches ever: 123 Kid vs Bret Hart.
  8. nerdistfan

    NES Classic Mini re-releasing 6/29/18 retail $60

    The only thing holding me back from buying one is the wired controllers. I'm no longer a kid playing games in my bedroom in front of a portable TV. I have a 65" beast 20ft away from my couch. No way I'm sitting on the floor to play Street Fighter in my 30's after a hard day of work. Give me a...
  9. nerdistfan

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    "You guys". Sums up a lot. You're carving your cheap rusty knives, you're frothing at the mouth - and you are unable to land a coherent thought on me. In your mind I'm a WRONGTHINKER because I'm not in your gally of sheep and I don't hate Trump. There's a wider world out there who looks at you...
  10. nerdistfan

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    So because I call the far left scum (they are) you assume I don't think the same of the far right? And that I need to soul search? As if a based, central stance is impossible or something?
  11. nerdistfan

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

  12. nerdistfan

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Save the hyperbole and melodramatic hysteria. I didn't suggest any of these things... and you've just made my point :lol:
  13. nerdistfan

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I love Trump. So many in the mainstream media or public eye get hysterical to raise their profile, try and garner some recognition or attempt to become relevant. Heaven forbid they side witht he WRONGTHINKERS! The hypocrisy of the left is deranged. Proper proper deranged. Too (creepily) eager...
  14. nerdistfan


    Season 7 is proving to be brilliant so far without any source material. Kudos to the producers.
  15. nerdistfan

    Your Next Vacation Destination.....?

    Just booked a trip to Toronto for September, can't wait. Wanted to go for years now.
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