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  1. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread Oct 4: If TNA Has a PPV & No One Watches, Did It Really Happen? (Bound 4 Glory)

    New Day are the best thing on the show right now by a country mile. Seriously entertaining stuff with the trombone!!!! 
  2. nerdistfan

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    Some of your IG's are awesome, keep up the good work. 
  3. nerdistfan

    I have to be honest... VOL. LEANNN

    How so?
  4. nerdistfan

    **The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

    Not feeling that waste coat at all brother... 
  5. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread Oct 4: If TNA Has a PPV & No One Watches, Did It Really Happen? (Bound 4 Glory)

    Don't wanna see Sting win the title brah?
  6. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread July 27-Aug 16: 8/16 Hiroshi Tanahashi Wins the 2015 NJPW G-1 Climax

    Well,   enjoyed the show you bunch of skeletons!!! 
  7. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread July 27-Aug 16: 8/16 Hiroshi Tanahashi Wins the 2015 NJPW G-1 Climax

    Any predictions for NXT tonight? 
  8. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread July 27-Aug 16: 8/16 Hiroshi Tanahashi Wins the 2015 NJPW G-1 Climax

    Any predictions for the Summerslam go home show tonight? 
  9. nerdistfan


    Trailer makes it look awful so surprised to see good views. Will no doubt get around to watching it. 
  10. nerdistfan

    Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

    I joined Tinder like a week before they started charging... 
  11. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread Mar 2-22 | 3/21 Perro Aguayo Jr Passes Away In Tragic In-Ring Accident (AAA)

    I thought Jon Stewart was pretty funny on Raw. 
  12. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread Feb 16-28 | 2/25 NTWT WWE Fastlane PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted

    Wrestling has always made for good click bait.
  13. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread Feb 16-28 | 2/25 NTWT WWE Fastlane PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted

    That main event was brilliant. But one of the few good things on a poor show. 
  14. nerdistfan


    Can you upload photos to Instagram via a PC or does it have to be via a phone? 
  15. nerdistfan

    Wrestling Thread Feb 16-28 | 2/25 NTWT WWE Fastlane PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted

    Tajiri was indeed brilliant. He was amazing in the ring (some of those Super Crazy matches in ECW: Guilty as Charged 99 in particular) and he was hilarious in WWE too. Props to his tag team with Mikey Whipwreck - some of the best moments in the dying days of ECW. 
  16. nerdistfan

    PS4 vs Xbox One vol. I can't decide!

    My XB1 is the worlds most expensive Netflix player. 
  17. nerdistfan

    The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

    May give Oculuss a punt tonight, thanks for the heads up. If it's rubbish, expect a nasty PM tomorrow morning 
  18. nerdistfan

    OFFICIAL VAPING THREAD vol. No trees, alternative to cigarettes

    Bought some cheap juice recently and it was awful. VIP is my brand of choice. Seeing more and more people on the streets vaping which is good to see frankly. 
  19. nerdistfan

    Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

    I met my ex through it and thought I was made for life too. Sadly broke up a little while ago.  So I guess I'm trying to fill that void which is obviously dumb. Doesn't help when you see a nice girl, write her a nice message and she doesn't write back. It can get pretty upsetting truth be told. 
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