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  1. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    it helps but its not completely necessary.... i just got my first midi keyboard last month and id be lyin if i said it made a noticeable difference. beat threads been asleep lately... i'll be back in here at the end of the week to drop some crits/new @*#%. oh yeah and as always DL my cd...
  2. thebigjuice

    Lupe and De La Soul for free this Saturday at USC...

    sadly im pretty sure they wont let you have alcohol in the quad. just be sneaky about it though, last year we downed a fifth of jack in giant liters of coke.theres too many people for thme to really crack down.
  3. thebigjuice

    Lupe and De La Soul for free this Saturday at USC...

    this is gonna be dope. last concert, i was backstage and met just blaze. time before that, i took a piss 3 feet away from xzibit. met him and snoop and de la are one of my all time favorites. anyone who can make it to this concert, i would HIGHLY recommend getting down here. pj...
  4. thebigjuice

    Lupe and De La Soul for free this Saturday at USC...

    Yo I'm a junior at USC, my girlfriend is actually head of concerts this and last year... you can thank her for the line-up.... or me for some passionatesuggestions.... For the guy who wanted to know what time Aquabats goes on, probably around 3:45 (it's an all day concert). I would get here as...
  5. thebigjuice

    Global Warming my $%!!

    uhhhhhhhhhhh did you read the article? he said its cooling this year because of el nino ... but the overall trend is still warming. and i'm pretty sure that figure about 1998 is wrong. why do people adamantly deny this global climate change stuff as if not facing it will just make it...
  6. thebigjuice

    The Game - Higher UNAPPRECIATION!! :(

    nonstoptalk, i appreciate the thoughtful reply. it was a breath of fresh air. admittedly, i can't really put my description of this album into words accurately. I'll think about it some more. maybe i'll make a list of what iconsider the top, and it might give a better idea of what my...
  7. thebigjuice

    The Game - Higher UNAPPRECIATION!! :(

    before you "rip me apart," just read what i said again. notice the use of the word subtle, and notice how i don't attribute the character of thisalbum to the game entirely. I'm not rating this album in the way that a typical NTer would, i.e. ("production is on point" or "50 came hardon that...
  8. thebigjuice

    The Game - Higher UNAPPRECIATION!! :(

    dudes rip the game and the documentary, its all !!#%%@!#. regardless of how you feel about the game, dr. dre, detox, the amount of #@*% riding or name droppingthis dude does, and you can quote me on this, "The Documentary" is one of the most complete hip-hop albums, an ode to hip-hop, a minor...
  9. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    well put....... in other news, JUST got my first keyboard in the mail TODAY. (been using the mouse since day 1).... its an M-Audio Axiom 49 (gift for my 21st b-day). im gonna come aroundwith my first foray into the peripheral world in like a day or two. sit tight and i'll be back with reviews...
  10. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    tom jooks-- "reign" is ok... i like the drum pattern and the way the track moves, but the samples sound weird to me. they clash a bit... if yousmoothed them out, this track would be way more listenable. good start tho. check out a new one i did for a friend of mine, he wanted me to flip the...
  11. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    nothingbefore, that beat is sorta tight but like, the chords are all over the place. it bothers my extremely well-tuned sense of judging other peoples'song structure and direction. the second part, where you do the same little progression but dropped down a little bit, does NOTHING for the song...
  12. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    just for the record, "skeletummy" isn't meant to be rapped over... sorry, i should have made a larger disclaimer. "skeletummy" is thetitle track from my instrumental LP that i just dropped.... you can DL the whole thing from here:
  13. thebigjuice

    Jay Z appreciation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this thread is a redundant waste of space and time learn about it
  14. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    yeah plan that %+$% is nice as hell. u got a quality sound/style. peep my new track from my instrumental album "skeletummy"
  15. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    arent you the guy that always complains about people posting theirbeats without posting any comments on other peoples beats? and just so nobody makes any smart %++ comments like "you posted, wheres YOUR review" i'll just add that i listened to your beat anyway,the drums are real cool, but the...
  16. thebigjuice


    lemme get that OG for the golden gate bridge pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so fresh
  17. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    nothingbefore, the link doesnt work for me. anyone peep "skeletummy"?
  18. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    akurati-- your beats are pretty decent man. im usually not that down with the whole sped up vocal sample thing, so i guess im a little biased here. The drums are alittle weak, and the songs all lack a certain punch, like its all just sample, drums, and bass. you could chop stuff up a little...
  19. thebigjuice

    The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

    im out chea- I'm actually pretty surprised. you sound pretty good considering you're a first timer. beat is pretty cool, all 3 of these are nice offerings, but theyall need some work. Right now, what would probably be best for you in my eyes is starting fresh on some new material. Nothing about...
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