Global Warming my $%!!

Oct 5, 2007
U.N. Forecasters: Global Temperatures to Decrease

Friday, April 04, 2008

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Average global temperatures in 2008 are forecast to be lower than in previous years, thanks to the cooling effect of the ocean current in the Pacific, U.N. meteorologists say.

The World Meteorological Organisation's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, said it was likely that La Nina, an abnormal cooling of sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, would continue into the summer.

If the forecast holds true, global temperatures will not have risen since 1998, prompting some to question climate change theory.

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A small number of scientists doubt whether this means global warming has peaked and the Earth has proved more resilient to greenhouse gases than predicted, but Jarraud insists this is not the case and notes that 1998 temperatures would still be well above average for the century.

"When you look at climate change you should not look at any particular year," he told the BBC. "You should look at trends over a pretty long period and the trend of temperature globally is still very much indicative of warming."

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"La Nina is part of what we call 'variability'. There has always been and there will always be cooler and warmer years, but what is important for climate change is that the trend is up."

Experts at the U.K. Met Office's Hadley Centre for forecasting in Exeter said the world could expect another record temperature within five years or less, the BBC reports, probably associated with an episode of El Nino.

People are jerking us.

Those damn tree huggers.
uhhhhhhhhhhh did you read the article?

he said its cooling this year because of el nino ... but the overall trend is still warming. and i'm pretty sure that figure about 1998 is wrong.

why do people adamantly deny this global climate change stuff as if not facing it will just make it disappear? it's silly man.
probably cuz the "global warming" is melting all the poplar ice caps. Just becuae in some areas things are getting cooler, doesn't mean thatglobal warming is affecting us negatively. So beleive what you want but Im still gonna do my part to save the environment
what if global warming wasnt based on how hot it is getting. maybe they should just call it severe climate change cause its spring break over here in Seattle.and it was just snowing a few days ago. then the next day its 60 degrees. wth. lol
I don't believe in Global Warming, it's just a gimmick to me honestly.

Doesn't Earth have unexplained climate changes every so often, and doesn't it have the ability to heal itself??

We haven't had a major earthquake here in California since '94, the earth just has a weird way of doing things.
Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

probably cuz the "global warming" is melting all the poplar ice caps. Just becuae in some areas things are getting cooler, doesn't mean that global warming is affecting us negatively. So beleive what you want but Im still gonna do my part to save the environment
i cant take anyone seriously that spells polar incorrectly
smh. I never understood why people absolutely refuse to believe in global warming. I mean what's the worst that happens if we're wrong? The air is alittle cleaner? We are less dependent on the rapidly diminishing supply of fossil fuel? We find better uses of energy than oil and aren't held by the ballsby middle eastern countries? But what happens if scientists are right but we don't do anything? I don't think I need to tell anyone.
Originally Posted by KampoutKid

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

probably cuz the "global warming" is melting all the poplar ice caps. Just becuae in some areas things are getting cooler, doesn't mean that global warming is affecting us negatively. So beleive what you want but Im still gonna do my part to save the environment
i cant take anyone seriously that spells polar incorrectly
yeah I dont know how to spell polar. obviously a typo ******kid. i cant take anyone seriously who cant spell campout, freaking sucka. whats yourreal point
Wow.. TS, you lack reading comprehension.. If you had actually read the article and maybe understood it, you'd see that the argument is made that youcan't just look at this particular year but the overall trend.. which says that yes, global warming is indeed a reality..

Now, go read a book..
I don't believe in Global Warming, it's just a gimmick to me honestly.

Doesn't Earth have unexplained climate changes every so often, and doesn't it have the ability to heal itself??

i never thought i'd hear ppl who actutalyly deny global warming. has anyone seen that movie..... the ony by al gore? i mean he's no scientist but hedoes just give u hard facts, and if u look at them, it's pretty obvious something isnt right. yes the earth does have a "random" climate, butit's all within a certain range. right now we're wayyyy out the normal range. and the only thing that could have caused that is us. prettysimple...
Global warming will be what causes the extinction of mankind. No need for a meteor to strike Earth to destroy the planet, we're doing the job ourselves.And we're damn good at it too.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

smh. I never understood why people absolutely refuse to believe in global warming. I mean what's the worst that happens if we're wrong? The air is a little cleaner? We are less dependent on the rapidly diminishing supply of fossil fuel? We find better uses of energy than oil and aren't held by the balls by middle eastern countries? But what happens if scientists are right but we don't do anything? I don't think I need to tell anyone.

-tapping nose- for those saying it's a gimmick....what would be the reasons for this gimmick besides the ones stated above? Even if climatechange/global warming was a diabolical scheme masterminded by environmentalists and the almighty Al Gore it would only end up benefiting the planet andtherefore benefiting us.
vv diggin' the username and avy
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Global warming will be what causes the extinction of mankind. No need for a meteor to strike Earth to destroy the planet, we're doing the job ourselves. And we're damn good at it too.
unfortunately i see this happening in my lifetime
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