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  1. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Just drop it. He won't admit to being wrong.
  2. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Clever right? Big ups.
  3. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    So much is wrong with this. Not to mention it's been dropped. Go see cobra.
  4. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    i think we all agreed to mutually chill, becuz it got rowdy. so 11 talk here forth the sake of everyone grabbing a pair if they want.
  5. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    @GrizzlyAnimal dont know yet. my niece works at footaction, so i don't be bothered with that raffle mess. i'm trying to decide if i want to go to NYC, or get these. i just have to let her know by tomorrow.
  6. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Wasn't Banned son. You're just full of sodium and can't do nothing bout potna. Santa came with Ls this year, check your stockings.
  7. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Lol. Ok I'll wait to see which rule is broke.
  8. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Shut up. I won't go further.
  9. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    I love you. There. I know that's all you needed to hear.
  10. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Why bruh, why? It's dead.
  11. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Not starting back up with you, but hear me out. Yall are playing victim now. Go look at my first post. I started a new account to help dead an obvious rumor for the good of the community. I didn't want cats sleeping on these, cuz someone started a lie and they were waiting on a 2nd drop, that...
  12. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Dump if you it's needed, I'm done. But know I only responded, not instigated.
  13. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    That's what people do when they're wrong, but try to save face to maintain some fairy status on the interwebs. Cool, we're finished then.
  14. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    True, it is. But the difference between you and i, is I'm right, and you're full of poo.
  15. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Funny. You say it's flawed, but didn't explain. I mean I broke down my logic, your turn.
  16. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Walk away bruh. You played yourself, now you putting a spin on it.
  17. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Also that's not what I said. I said if everyone got a call for every ticket. This weekend would prove neither you or I right.
  18. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Exactly. I said it before. Truth is the truth. Whether you admit it or not...good day.
  19. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    Then admit it, and stop letting your ego get in the way.
  20. notnewhere

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    LOL you know who's wrong. And he does too.
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