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  1. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    my optimism about my residential state is ........ not there anymore god damn Florida man... north of Orlando needs to just split the land between Alabama and Georgia
  2. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    LOT of votes uncounted in Broward... it's gonna flip this whole **** just watch
  3. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Broward gonna put FL on its back tonight
  4. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    This woman is such a piece of ****
  5. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Sarah already look stressed
  6. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Sarah Sanders drinking game ---- a shot every time she says "...I direct you to the President's/outside counsel" during today's briefing We'd all be in the hospital Manafort's case having nothing to do with the WH and being before his time on the campaign would also land us in the ER Triple...
  7. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    But like someone pointed out, in this thread I believe... or maybe it was Twitter Would a judge really let him plead guilty to a charge that wasn't even a crime? What judge is going to let you make a plea for using red ink on a form that clearly says "blue ink only" Can that happen?
  8. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Sooooooo .... A LAWYER, of all people... plead guilty to a crime that wasn't a crime because he didn't know it wasn't a crime? The President of the United States just said this. Andddd.... it was HIS LAWYER. Good god. 2018 is by far the sloppiest, most drunk year of my lifetime.
  9. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Bets on Trump's nickname for Lanny Davis. Lying Lanny already in use Little Lanny already in use Loser Lanny still available? Lame Lanny? Lackey Lanny? - my money is on this one
  10. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Again... TRUMP RAN ON "typical shady politician ****" ... so you sound ridiculous and make no sense. His rallies were literally a "typical shady politician" hate fest
  11. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Trump been a scammer for decades and everyone thought so. It was funny and no one took him seriously because he was just a scumbag NY dude doing scumbag NY things -- manipulating the system and being a douchebag. So anyone that acts surprised or doubts he was the Don we all knew during the...
  12. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    He ran on "draining the swamp" and locking people up for trivial "crimes" --- but now his people are getting locked up for his exact platform... lol #MAGA
  13. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    In what reality do the cops who pull you over for a traffic violation NOT check to see if there's drugs in the car when they smell weed? "Officer, you pulled me over for failing to yield... this weed is none of your business"
  14. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I think Trump is an equal opportunity 'ist -- racist, sexist, classist.... Meaning, he doesn't hate or dislike a particular group of people by default. He's an arrogant prick that doesn't like people he feels are beneath him -- white, black, male, female., whatever... He's a judgemental...
  15. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    LOL @ the fine people of WV screaming "drain that swamp" at their ignorance gathering tonight... now they're chanting LOCK HER UP jesus christ man...
  16. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    ...more like concerned with equal enforcement of the law.
  17. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I love that Trump's copy-paste endorsements always mention, "strong on crime" But none of his team's crimes matter because they're not directly related to Russian interference. As if that has ever mattered when it comes to brown people -- additional crimes being discovered in the process of...
  18. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Sarah Sanders next appearance gonna be flames
  19. 011781

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Trump wants a wall just to have a legacy monument. Just another Trump "property" he can talk about and say he built --- "it's beautiful, it's the greatest wall ever.. even greater than The Great Wall, which is a beautiful wall but this wall ...a lot of people are saying it's the best wall...
  20. 011781

    H&M is under fire for racist hoodie

    I have mixed feelings on the topic... I can side with the majority that this was a horrible idea and SOME ONE should have been like.... nah, this won't end well -- regardless of intention, the PERCEPTION is only going to go one way... it's a no win situation Most kids don't see racial...
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