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  1. laislike


    All true & things have definitely been altered but the money won't budge. He makes 1 of the worst decisions an endorsed athlete could make financially by walking away from a market like LA & its max money. Fegan/Adidas wouldn't advise that nonsense.
  2. laislike


    Howard's not going anywhere. He'll remain a Laker as expected. Should've been clear as day for anyone paying attention when he opted in for ORL, that was a strategic move to get to LA by any means & a trade (not a signing) would only accomplish that. Should've been clear as day when Mitch...
  3. laislike


    Knew I was onto something :lol I added Roy as extra incentive for MIN to hand over Pekovic (no qualms about Williams) to ATL & because I'd hope we rid ourselves of MWP so we could afford to eat Roy's contract. At a second glance, Pachulia could remain since Petro expires this year.  Would love...
  4. laislike


    Got you. RealGM Hawk fans want Pekovic by the way.
  5. laislike


    I'd understand the hesitation considering how he came here but it's a deal that would have to be made so I agree. Going back to what I proposed earlier, out of the mentioned teams interested I don't see BKN/SAS/PHX coming up with a better offer than Peace/Williams/Pekovic if MIN played ball...
  6. laislike


    If TOR wanted Nash, should LA take Lowry?
  7. laislike


    :{ Of course I'm a Lakers fan & whoever rep'd, appreciate that. I believe it's better than BKN's proposal of Humphries/Brooks & PHX's Gortat + whoever else floating out there.
  8. laislike


    LAL — Roy/Smith/Pachulia ATL — Peace/Williams/Pekovic MIN — Gasol - Nash/Kobe/Clark/Smith/Howard - Blake/Meeks/???/Jamison/Pachulia • Blake, Meeks, Jamison & Pachulia (though I'd still rather trade Meeks because of the height disadvantage) off the bench then you flip Duhon/Ebanks+ for a back...
  9. laislike


    LAL — Udrih/Korver/Smith ATL — Dunleavy/Peace/Clark/Mbah a Moute MIL — Morris/Meeks/Gasol Nash/Kobe/Korver/Smith/Howard
  10. laislike


    So it makes no sense at all? Alright, goodnight.
  11. laislike


    LOL fine then.
  12. laislike


    LAL — Miles/Walton/Speights/Smith ATL — Gibson/Casspi/Peace CLE — Meeks/Gasol To match contracts, would only have to deal with Walton for a matter of months. ATL's not pulling another Joe Johnson paying Smith max & only a lowly (& stupid) franchise would grant him that with no chance to...
  13. laislike


    LAL — Miles/Walton/Speights/Smith ATL — Gibson/Casspi/Peace CLE — Meeks/Gasol To match contracts, would only have to deal with Walton for a matter of months. ATL's not pulling another Joe Johnson paying Smith max & only a lowly (& stupid) franchise would grant him that with no chance to...
  14. laislike


    This is happening...
  15. laislike


    LAL — Morrow(or Korver)/Walton/Tolliver/Smith ATL — Miles(or Casspi)/Clark/Thompson CLE — Ebanks/Gasol Or do some type of 4-way trade with MIN.
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