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  1. barronn30

    50 chicken nuggets for $10 bucks at participating McDonalds

    pretty cheap, i would get tired of it easily though.
  2. barronn30

    PS3 vs. XBox Elite

    I prefer the ps3, comes with blu ray player and most of the games I play are ps2 (mine have the backwards compatability) xbox isnt bad either but alot of the games that are good is mostly fps and i usually play those on pc.
  3. barronn30

    How were/are your high school lunches?

    my high school lunch was similar to my JHS. Not sure how it looks like at other states but NYC ppl should know what im talking about. those long white tables, lunch was at 5th floor and once you get in they dont let u leave unless you have a note or you sneak out. food was like hamburgers...
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