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  1. luckyloser

    Wanting to move to Canada

    Alright folks, I haven't been on here in a while, but wanted to vent/share a little bit. Recently I visited Toronto for the first time ever and throughout all of my travels, I couldn't find anything to complain about during my 1 week stay. The people were really laid back, the food is awesome...
  2. luckyloser

    School me on some projectors

    I'm in the process of converting my game room into a movie/hookah room but I don't know what to look for when purchasing a projector. All I'm gonna be doing with is it watch some movies (probably via macbook pro), play xbox, and possibly watch tv on it. Its gonna be displayed on a solid white...
  3. luckyloser

    I'm about to quit looking for a job completely.

    Alright fam, here's the deal. I got laid off last August from my full time job, and ever since then, I've been looking for work. I always kept 2 jobs throughout my work history, but now it's getting to the point where I don't want to deal with the headaches of searching for a job and dealing...
  4. luckyloser

    Has anybody seen through Hov's BS? (Vol. Eliminating competition)

    The more I analyze this whole "who ruined hip-hop" idea, Jay-Z's name came up the most. 50 Cent is just as guilty but here are a few key points that a lot of people overlook. When Jay became the president of Def Jam, a few key albums got pushed back and nobody noticed. Albums from Redman, Method...
  5. luckyloser

    What do you think about women who drive stick shifts?

    I saw someone tweet about this earlier and it got me thinking. Most of the females I know that drive a stick shift are some of the most coolest chicks I've ever known. The beauty of it is because I knew there was something special about them but I didn't know what it was until I discovered that...
  6. luckyloser

    Losing interest in females (Women of NT feel free to chime in)

    NO THIS ISN'T ABOUT PLAYING FOR THE OTHER TEAM. THIS IS ABOUT LETTING HER DOWN EASILY. I can admit I have this problem, some of y'all can agree too. There's always a cool chick that'll come along, but after weeks of talking and getting to know each other and you figure out that she isn't up to...
  7. luckyloser

    Minnie Riperton Appreciation.

    In my honest opinion, I seriously think Minnie Riperton is the greatest female singer of all time, but it's rare for her name to come up when people are discussing the greatest female artists of all time. Till this day, there hasn't been a female singer that can came close to Minnie's voice...
  8. luckyloser

    Minding your business (vol. hitting women)

    Now this topic has been discussed over and over but what I witnessed last night was unimaginable. I'm not one for a long explanation so I'll make it as short as possible. I went to the club dolo and this one chick was harassing the same dude all night. From what I noticed, it seemed like they...
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