Wanting to move to Canada

Feb 8, 2012
Alright folks, I haven't been on here in a while, but wanted to vent/share a little bit. Recently I visited Toronto for the first time ever and throughout all of my travels, I couldn't find anything to complain about during my 1 week stay. The people were really laid back, the food is awesome, and the whole environment seemed really chill. The fact that I've met people from all walks of life in 1 city was definitely uplifting for me especially visiting from Raleigh NC. Like I mentioned before, I've been to a few countries, states, and other cities such as Paris, London, Ipswitch, LA, San Francisco, NY, Miami, ATL, and Chicago as well as other US cities and nothing stood out more than Toronto. I'm currently in school to get my degree in computer information systems, but I don't want to move there without anything under my belt to contribute.

With that said, has anyone else ever gone there? If so, how was your experience?
Would you consider moving there?
Any drawbacks?
Given your travel experience, I would say you shouldn't make such a big decision based off a one week sample.
I always wanted to visit Toronto and Canada in general...wonder how much work it would be to move there....
My aunt moved to Edmonton to work for overhaul games. she's an artist for them. She loves living there from what i know, but says it snows too much
Ive been to toronto and ontario.

Totonto is great imo.

People in canada seem extremely late compared to us lol.
I def could not live there but i see why people do.

Theys alot of women in toronto too....fine... FINE filipinas up there

Alcohol is delivered like pizza too.

Imho tho

Us>>>>> canada
I definitely wanna visit a few more times before taking that big step. The ice storms and freezing winters are definitely something that I have to consider.
Montreal is dope, I'd move there if it didn't get freezing cold during the winter.  I used to drive to vancouver a lot when I lived in seattle for a bit and its got better weather.  toronto is nice too but Vancouver and toronto r like american cities but u get the culture with Montreal.  Montreal also is the heavyweight champ for beautiful women in any city of North America even over LA I gotta say.
Toronto is cool, more spaced out than Vancouver, but I loved Vancouver. I feel like its pricey as hell to move to either tho.
I love living in Vancouver, especially with the weather we've been getting (best summer in a long time). It's very expensive and not for anyone that can't handle rain. Out of the Canadian cities west of Ontario, it's the only one I could imagine living in for a long period of time.

I just went back to Houston for the first time in 15 years and it makes me extremely grateful to my parents for moving out of there. I know Houston wouldn't be in many people's top 15 places in the US, but for anyone familiar with Houston, it's about the exact opposite.

Being you're American, Seattle is a good look too.
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These places that people keep saying are expensive, aren't the pay rate pretty decent? I mean, the minimum wage in NC is $7.25 and I hear the minimum wage in Toronto is $10.25. It pretty much balances out IMO. Lets not forget about the free healthcare. I don't mind paying higher taxes if I don't have to worry about medical bills. Hell... I don't' even remember hearing anyone mention anything about medicine up there!
I live in LA and Vegas, been to every major city in the US and many cities period. Even with all the chicks that come to hollywood every year to pursue their dreams, montreal still got it
I respect that you have traveled and formulated your opinion, but It boils down to preference when it's all said and done. I personally prefer Asian and Mexican women and there are a hell of a lot more in Los Angeles than in Montreal.
Yeah definitely to each its own, I just love them french canadian women. You'd like vancouver more than since u into asian chicks
I live in a suburb less than 30 min from the city.

the weather is terrible.
traffic is absolutely dog **** if you have to commute on the freeways
tv is definately frustrating if your a sports fan. Hockey takes precedence over any other sport. Like during the nhl lockout they would spend time talking about that instead of showing other sports news. I know it sounds nitpicky but the overall media just makes you feel far away from whats going on in the united states.
shipping anything outside the border is a pain, the stores in TO dont have that much selection.

however, it is very safe. free healthcare is good, cant name much more positives off the top of my head.

TO is better than where you live, but it may not be the best choice. The houses are expensive right now
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