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  1. ricky robot

    Kanye Nickname Generator

    Full name = RICCARDO X
  2. ricky robot


    This whole "Bacon frenzy" that has recently sprung up in society is so lame.
  3. ricky robot

    What city is currently the capital of the world?

    Tucson is the anal orifice of the world.
  4. ricky robot

    Lets play a game: You pick a movie, remove one letter, and give a brief description.

    You Got Serve - A volleyball team struggles to identify its leader Cloverfied - An Irish man learns about his heritage Lake Plaid - Lumberjacks enjoy a fun-filled weekend of water skiing Dis Tric 9 - A pimp starts looking for new talent at a local elementary school
  5. ricky robot

    Lets play a game: You pick a movie, remove one letter, and give a brief description.

    Topic Thunder: A militant Black man poses as a racist White man on the pro-White online message board, When he organized a summit for the members of Stormfront, he sealed their fate.
  6. ricky robot

    Scumbag Steve Rap Video(Quite Possibly The Greatest Thing Ever)

    I've seen this .gif posted millions of times on NT. What the hell is it supposed to signify?
  7. ricky robot

    City with the most beautiful women.....

    Tempe, AZ.
  8. ricky robot


    Most people skipped over this gem. 
  9. ricky robot

    Rep Your College/Alma Mater

    That's not Ball So Hard University. This is: Class of 2011. #GoDevils 
  10. ricky robot

    Want to Change the World? Vol. KONY 2012

    Someone PS this dude's face on the Beanie Sigel "U CORNY" pic? (Caption: (U KONY")
  11. ricky robot

    "Manly" and "Girly" Drinks

    poi: I didn't drink the cider in front of my boss (I was with a group of friends), I just told him about it at work today.
  12. ricky robot

    "Manly" and "Girly" Drinks

    Yesterday I was at a brewery and I had a cider because I had never had one before. My boss told me it was a "girly" drink. It seems like the worse-tasting a drink is, the "manlier" it is considered. Why is that? Discuss.
  13. ricky robot


  14. ricky robot

    SHOTS FIRED! Police fatally shoot Guy with a crowbar outside of Carl's Jr. vol. 10 shots though?!?

    Bottom line: if you're stupid enough to swing a sledgehammer at armed police officers, you deserve to be wasted.
  15. ricky robot

    Official Super Bowl XLVI Thread: New England Patriots vs New York Giants (Rematch) Feb 5th

    Kyle Williams been doing the same !$** since his days at ASU.
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