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  1. iwantakazoozle

    NT who is she??? some girl from the bronx

    stalker thread.
  2. iwantakazoozle

    Would you adopt a kid, and if so, would you consider one outside your race/ethnicity?

    plenty of people don't like nappy hair, it's not trolling to be honest about it. i don't want to be spending money on perms all the time if i have a choice in the matter.
  3. iwantakazoozle

    Would you adopt a kid, and if so, would you consider one outside your race/ethnicity?

    i like white people's hair. i've always wanted to adopt a white girl and raise her black so i could do her hair. i would adopt an asian or latino kid too or a mixed one if they had good hair.
  4. iwantakazoozle

    Black Man Lynched by White Teens in Mississippi

    And FYI, the number 1 killers of blacks is abortion  abortion isn't murder in the eyes of the law, i don't know what kind of far right-wing propaganda you've been reading. the leading cause of death...
  5. iwantakazoozle

    being short unappreciation

    i'm 5'9" and i used to hate it, but it's cool now. i'm a girl though.
  6. iwantakazoozle

    What are your issues with child support. Fair or unfair.

    it's 2011, a man can CHOOSE not to have sex with a woman who could possibly get pregnant. a lot of "minority" fathers CHOOSE not to pay child support anyway.
  7. iwantakazoozle

    What are your issues with child support. Fair or unfair.

    most men who pay child support don't want full custody anyway, they'd just rather have custody than give "that &@^*#" money. if it were up to most of them they'd do neither. i think it's necessary. a lot of these children are better off simply getting the money and not seeing the father honestly.
  8. iwantakazoozle

    GOP Rep Compares President Obama to a "Tar Baby"

    disagreeing = trolling? i wasn't even saying that he wasn't being racist, i just copied that from the tar baby wikipedia page, so apparently someone's using it that way.
  9. iwantakazoozle

    GOP Rep Compares President Obama to a "Tar Baby"

    In modern usage, "tar baby" refers to any "sticky situation" that is only aggravated by additional contact. The tar baby is a trap that should be avoided.
  10. iwantakazoozle

    Boston man moves into nice Houston Neighborhood, Neighbors don't like him because he is black.

    you're right, i watched it and stand by my first statement.
  11. iwantakazoozle

    Boston man moves into nice Houston Neighborhood, Neighbors don't like him because he is black.

    not watching the video. there's probably more to this story. he was probably very disruptive or something. a lot of people use excuses when they're bad neighbors.
  12. iwantakazoozle

    Real Talk, do you actually know a positive woman that isnt related to you?

    you seem to prefer the company of men.
  13. iwantakazoozle

    Can Men be friends with Women without having ANY sexual intentions?

    there have been a couple girls since then, nothing changed. we're just best friends. guys get confused because they think if they spend a lot of time around someone and enjoy their company they should be in a relationship. like i said, i'm taking responsibility for the outcome of all this...
  14. iwantakazoozle

    Can Men be friends with Women without having ANY sexual intentions?

    i know you mean well, but i think if he had a problem with it he would say something or leave. he knows where the door is and i'm not holding a gun to his head when i ask him to do something with me, so i can only assume that he's happy with the way things are. i mean, i'm no psychic so i just...
  15. iwantakazoozle

    Can Men be friends with Women without having ANY sexual intentions?

    no, we've been friends since before he had a car or money. i like him as a person. besides, it would probably be easier to get rides and money from him if i has pretended to be attracted to him.
  16. iwantakazoozle

    Can Men be friends with Women without having ANY sexual intentions?

    i've had a male bff since i was 11. we have sleepovers and he gives me rides and money and stuff. once he told me that he liked me and i just pretended not to hear him. he's not my type, but i didn't want to say that and insult him, the friendship would have been ruined. we're happier the way...
  17. iwantakazoozle

    NT brothas, do you talk to white women? And if no, why not?

    you're right, i should have never made that post. i was in the wrong. it wasn't my place. i do generalize, so i have no reason to fault anyone else who does so, no matter the group of people. for the record though, i'm not saying ALL black men are one way, i'm simply saying that i don't find...
  18. iwantakazoozle

    NT brothas, do you talk to white women? And if no, why not?

     that's not what i'm saying at all. i'm showing that racism isn't uniquely american, there are good and bad people in all groups. i'm sure he could find good and bad people in any country, so it's not fair to judge american white people and say that white people in the us are more racist than...
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