Black Man Lynched by White Teens in Mississippi

That's terrible, if i read correctly only 2 people are getting charged???? The main one should go to jail for the rest of his life and the everybody who was with him should get at least 10 years.
these uneducated idiots need to be made an example of.

most of the time i'm not for the death penalty but c'mon now, these people have something wrong with them that cannot be 'reformed'
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

kickstart wrote:
goldenchild9 wrote:
How did I know this was gonna be posted.
This is the mindframe that has allowed these type of incidents to continue for hundreds of years in America.

Constant cycle of passive aggresive closet racism. There must be a way to pass off blame to the "black race" for every incident.

This is truth.. We need to put more focus on senseless killing amongst ourselves.. Stuff like this doesn't happen often, but killing each other is a frequent thing 

Yall know for us intelligent NTers yall will have to show some stats to back up this claim right? 
Also, it would make sense that a race of the same color would be the number one killers of their own kind when placed in impoverished conditions together. None the less, let's not stray away from the fact that these kids committed mens rea and maliciously killed another being because of his race.  They ran over dude, mashed on the pedal and ran over him. Watch the video and watch him disappear from the frame.

And FYI, the number 1 killers of blacks is abortion
As a white person, i apologize to everyone for this type of stuff. We are not all like this. I assure you.
Were some of the initial responses insensitive, yes.

But what was the real intent behind this thread? Was it to mourn the victim or to give Nter's another reason to despise "the man"? Look who the OP is and look at the post history.
If you reread the responses in this thread, no one, NO ONE in here is applauding these boys for committing such a heinous crime; but threads with "Black (wo)man with insert downfall here by this race" pop up almost every few days here. Where is the discussion when the general consensus is that the perps should be murdered or tortured? The threads usually turn into flame fest of the opposing race(s). However on the flip-side, when a White person is the victim, then it is nothing short of a celebration. How is that justified?

@I AM Knowledge

I read your post 4 times. I'm not sure if you were speaking to me (in)directly, but speak on it if you feel--whether people change their mind or not. That's how a discussion gets going. Maybe I have too much time on my hands tonight so I feel like this thread was something to discuss. Idk, but you said a lot but at the same time you didn't. Does that make sense? IF I missed it explain.

On the point of black people (your second post), I wasn't implying that this attack started or ended with black people. Racial attacks happen across the board. A point was being made when Goldeneye implied that all whites are responsible for attacks across the globe. Reference post #54. It goes both ways, which was the main point in bringing up black-on-black crime.

There was NO justification in an innocent person dying at the hands of anyone. Reversed racism is no better than racism experienced by minorities in this country. Hatred drips from goldeneye's posts, if you can't see that then this "discussion" is pointless.

I usually troll threads like these because they had gotten to the point of being ridiculous, but my initial post in here was just poorly worded.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

kickstart wrote:
Aren't blacks the number 1 killers of their own kind?
This is truth.. We need to put more focus on senseless killing amongst ourselves.. Stuff like this doesn't happen often, but killing each other is a frequent thing 
Yall know for us intelligent NTers yall will have to show some stats to back up this claim right? 
Also, it would make sense that a race of the same color would be the number one killers of their own kind when placed in impoverished conditions together. None the less, let's not stray away from the fact that these kids committed mens rea and maliciously killed another being because of his race.  They ran over dude, mashed on the pedal and ran over him. Watch the video and watch him disappear from the frame.

And FYI, the number 1 killers of blacks is abortion

You can post that link and as many statistics as you want
, that's not even important to me.. the fact is, both you and I know well that blacks killing each other is a serious issue (Chicago, Philadelphia, New Jersey etc).. We never seem to create a big buzz about killings within our community.. why is that? 
 And I know being in impoverished conditions and a lack of opportunity plays a part, but we're so damn separated as a people that we know what to do with ourselves.. A lot of these clowns don't value the next mans life anymore.. it's all about self and this false idea of "respect" we play heavy on.. dudes need to learn some history about themselves, I think that's a fairly decent place to start if we're going to turn this @@$% around 
Originally Posted by psk2310

The link below is a better report from What these animals did was premetitated. The 18 year old that master minded the thing, drove the truck over the guy, & led the beating of the guy is only charged with murder. A second 18 year old was charged only with assalt. How in the world did these dudes not get charged with a hate crime. The local DA is even quoted as saying this was a crime of hate. I'm speechless...

You know there is so much prejudice and hatred for muslims after 9/11 but people tend to forget the "christian" right in this country was responsible for Oklahoma City. We may have elected a black president but racism is still alive well. Remember, the Klu Klux Clan is now educated and calling themselves the "christian" right or tea party.
Is a hate crime a more serious penalty?
Originally Posted by kickstart

The threads usually turn into flame fest of the opposing race(s). However on the flip-side, when a White person is the victim, then it is nothing short of a celebration. How is that justified?


give me one example of someone in america being beaten or killed because they are white
it's one thing if someone gets robbed or something

but these dudes literally got in the car, drove to the black part of town, and killed the first person they saw.
Originally Posted by IheartDrums

As a white person, i apologize to everyone for this type of stuff. We are not all like this. I assure you.
why are you apologizing for the race? There's nothing to apologize for if you didn't commit the crime. It's a heinous act carried out by a handful of people who deserve the chair. I'm always the first to call out people on this board for overreacting to so-called racist things, but at the same time I'm not going to sit here and apologize on behalf of an entire race if racially motivated attack happens (if proven to be a racially motivated attack). They're bad people, and they'll get their comeuppance.
Originally Posted by kickstart

Were some of the initial responses insensitive, yes.

But what was the real intent behind this thread? Was it to mourn the victim or to give Nter's another reason to despise "the man"? Look who the OP is and look at the post history.
If you reread the responses in this thread, no one, NO ONE in here is applauding these boys for committing such a heinous crime; but threads with "Black (wo)man with insert downfall here by this race" pop up almost every few days here. Where is the discussion when the general consensus is that the perps should be murdered or tortured? The threads usually turn into flame fest of the opposing race(s). However on the flip-side, when a White person is the victim, then it is nothing short of a celebration. How is that justified?

@I AM Knowledge

I read your post 4 times. I'm not sure if you were speaking to me (in)directly, but speak on it if you feel--whether people change their mind or not. That's how a discussion gets going. Maybe I have too much time on my hands tonight so I feel like this thread was something to discuss. Idk, but you said a lot but at the same time you didn't. Does that make sense? IF I missed it explain.

On the point of black people (your second post), I wasn't implying that this attack started or ended with black people. Racial attacks happen across the board. A point was being made when Goldeneye implied that all whites are responsible for attacks across the globe. Reference post #54. It goes both ways, which was the main point in bringing up black-on-black crime.

There was NO justification in an innocent person dying at the hands of anyone. Reversed racism is no better than racism experienced by minorities in this country. Hatred drips from goldeneye's posts, if you can't see that then this "discussion" is pointless.

I usually troll threads like these because they had gotten to the point of being ridiculous, but my initial post in here was just poorly worded.

You are trolling so just stop. It's pathetic. 
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

kickstart wrote:
Aren't blacks the number 1 killers of their own kind?
This is truth.. We need to put more focus on senseless killing amongst ourselves.. Stuff like this doesn't happen often, but killing each other is a frequent thing 
Yall know for us intelligent NTers yall will have to show some stats to back up this claim right? 
Also, it would make sense that a race of the same color would be the number one killers of their own kind when placed in impoverished conditions together. None the less, let's not stray away from the fact that these kids committed mens rea and maliciously killed another being because of his race.  They ran over dude, mashed on the pedal and ran over him. Watch the video and watch him disappear from the frame.

And FYI, the number 1 killers of blacks is abortion
94% of black victims were killed by blacks.

And no one is taking away from this being a hate crime, that's a fact. There are just a disproportional amount of racial threads that aren't necessarily lifting up the Niketlak community.

Abortion is a choice, which would still leave Blacks as their primary killers. 
Originally Posted by kickstart

Were some of the initial responses insensitive, yes.

But what was the real intent behind this thread? Was it to mourn the victim or to give Nter's another reason to despise "the man"? Look who the OP is and look at the post history.
If you reread the responses in this thread, no one, NO ONE in here is applauding these boys for committing such a heinous crime; but threads with "Black (wo)man with insert downfall here by this race" pop up almost every few days here. Where is the discussion when the general consensus is that the perps should be murdered or tortured? The threads usually turn into flame fest of the opposing race(s). However on the flip-side, when a White person is the victim, then it is nothing short of a celebration. How is that justified?

@I AM Knowledge

I read your post 4 times. I'm not sure if you were speaking to me (in)directly, but speak on it if you feel--whether people change their mind or not. That's how a discussion gets going. Maybe I have too much time on my hands tonight so I feel like this thread was something to discuss. Idk, but you said a lot but at the same time you didn't. Does that make sense? IF I missed it explain.

On the point of black people (your second post), I wasn't implying that this attack started or ended with black people. Racial attacks happen across the board. A point was being made when Goldeneye implied that all whites are responsible for attacks across the globe. Reference post #54. It goes both ways, which was the main point in bringing up black-on-black crime.

There was NO justification in an innocent person dying at the hands of anyone. Reversed racism is no better than racism experienced by minorities in this country. Hatred drips from goldeneye's posts, if you can't see that then this "discussion" is pointless.

I usually troll threads like these because they had gotten to the point of being ridiculous, but my initial post in here was just poorly worded.
You sound like a moron.
I'm not even going to feed into this nonsense.

But to put a perspective on how stupid all of these strawman arguments are....lets never forget that Black People have been getting lynched by Whites before there was even an American inner-city to harbor black on black crime. How about we deal with the topic and incident at hand instead of deflecting?....This incident is not about black on black violence. Its about a heinous crime, the unfortunate victim and the festering racial hatred in America that has been bubbling for far too long.
Disregard the "races" involved for a minute.

Is it still #$$+%$ up?


This is a problem with the only real "race:" the HUMAN RACE.

It's disgusting.

What could possibly have happened to these kids where they thought, "Hey, let's go kill someone, and more specifically, let's kill someone that's black."?
I have no words for anyone who admits to trolling in a thread "like this."  I've been on NT for a while, most of these screen names are new to me, and I don't have any preconceived notions about anyone in here.  I know it's cool to troll online but this is serious. 

I don't have the time to say everything I like, and due to the fact that I'm not attempting to change anyone's perception as I prefaced my first post, my initial comments were more of a rant.

I've never seen a post with a white person being a victim and people celebrating.  So either that statement was a poor usage of hyperbole, or NT has really gone off of the deep end.

But let me explain something.  This nation has a dark history of violence against minorities.  And that history is the sole reason you see a difference in reaction when a white person is the victim of a crime from a black person compared to the inverse. 

I understand that people are more sympathetic to causes and events in which they identify, but I sense an upset tone from many of you posters due to the attention received when a black person is the victim of a hate crime.  Yeah "people get killed every day b, pull your skirt up" right?  Well how many white Emmit Till's have there been?

Hate crimes are here for a reason.

RIP to the victim in this situation, and I won't be back in this thread.

But there are a whole lot of things posted on NT for people to ask, "Why was this posted?"  This article wasn't one of them.

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by IheartDrums

As a white person, i apologize to everyone for this type of stuff. We are not all like this. I assure you.
why are you apologizing for the race? There's nothing to apologize for if you didn't commit the crime. It's a heinous act carried out by a handful of people who deserve the chair. I'm always the first to call out people on this board for overreacting to so-called racist things, but at the same time I'm not going to sit here and apologize on behalf of an entire race if racially motivated attack happens (if proven to be a racially motivated attack). They're bad people, and they'll get their comeuppance.

Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by kickstart

The threads usually turn into flame fest of the opposing race(s). However on the flip-side, when a White person is the victim, then it is nothing short of a celebration. How is that justified?


give me one example of someone in america being beaten or killed because they are white
it's one thing if someone gets robbed or something

but these dudes literally got in the car, drove to the black part of town, and killed the first person they saw. Pg. 7 speaks on it. 
People believe in aliens and other !+%, but is it really that far-fetched for White people to be victims of hate crimes.


Originally Posted by kickstart

Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by kickstart

The threads usually turn into flame fest of the opposing race(s). However on the flip-side, when a White person is the victim, then it is nothing short of a celebration. How is that justified?


give me one example of someone in america being beaten or killed because they are white
it's one thing if someone gets robbed or something

but these dudes literally got in the car, drove to the black part of town, and killed the first person they saw. Pg. 7 speaks on it. 
People believe in aliens and other !+%, but is it really that far-fetched for White people to be victims of hate crimes.



What does any of that have to do with this man being murdered?
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