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  1. devonthefineone

    Who's the old guy who always wears Crocodile Dundee style leather hats?

    I see him at alot of the Lakers game sitting on the Baseline.  He was at the OKC and Dallas matchups.  I just saw him on the Baseline in a red leather outfit and a Black hat.  Who is this guy?  He must be pretty wealthy cause he has great seats and always at the big playoff games.  Just curious...
  2. devonthefineone

    Who's the old guy who always wears Crocodile Dundee style leather hats?

    I see him at alot of the Lakers game sitting on the Baseline.  He was at the OKC and Dallas matchups.  I just saw him on the Baseline in a red leather outfit and a Black hat.  Who is this guy?  He must be pretty wealthy cause he has great seats and always at the big playoff games.  Just curious...
  3. devonthefineone

    Ke$ha on the beach in a bikini

    no *#@ whatsoever.
  4. devonthefineone

    Ke$ha on the beach in a bikini

    no *#@ whatsoever.
  5. devonthefineone

    This just in!!!!!!! Wade Phillips fired!!!

    No source. Only common sense. Jerry gave him too many chances.
  6. devonthefineone

    This just in!!!!!!! Wade Phillips fired!!!

    Winning a wildcard playoff game is not enough. He is out!!
  7. devonthefineone

    DUI 2nd. Should I fight it or forget it?

    Niketalk fam. I got a DUI in October 2008. I blew a .04 out of the legal limit of .08. I fell asleep behind the wheel and was found at a red light. Eventhough I blew a .04, I was so sleepy I appeared intoxicated on the video. I got my first in 2004. I haven't been drinking, but I got...
  8. devonthefineone

    OTL on athletes having children out of wedlock....Travis Henry LOL & Dwight Howard featured...

    As long as they having all black guys and including some white guys i'm fine with it. Lebron is the face of the NBA they werent going to include him.
  9. devonthefineone

    Any Niketalkers not voting for Barack because he's black?

    Just thought I'd ask.
  10. devonthefineone

    Ronaldo gets caught up with transvestite

    He was bobbing for apples!
  11. devonthefineone

    Let's petition for the space jams or cool greys to be in a countdown pack!!

    Yes a petition worked for the black cement grey III's before. We can petition for the XII's white/red as well. I like the XII black/whites myself. Three countdown packs of the XI/XII's would be perfect. If anyone knows of that online petition site. Let's get it started.
  12. devonthefineone

    Let's petition for the space jams or cool greys to be in a countdown pack!!

    It worked before with the III's. Nike pays attention to us. If we make it loud and clear, I believe they will give in and produce two countdown packs forDecember. I don't know how to get that online petition started but if anyone can help it will be GREATLY appreciated!
  13. devonthefineone


    why the hell would you fire a coach with a winning record. An excellent record at that considering the strength of the west. His style is what makes thewarriors so exciting. He hasn't always been my favorite but the West is damn good this year.
  14. devonthefineone

    When was the first time you touched the rim?? Vol. Kenny George did it when he was six

    First time i dunked in a ten foot goal i was 14 And no damn 6 year old touched a rim, unless it was let down or someone helped him up, or a trampoline. I'd have to see that to believe that. That's some bull ++!#.
  15. devonthefineone


    I work at best buy in the home theater department. Samsung by far is the best along with sony. They will have the best contrast ratios and refresh rates.
  16. devonthefineone


    I work at best buy in the home theater department. Samsung by far is the best along with sony. They will have the best contrast ratios and refresh rates.
  17. devonthefineone

    I cringe everytime Swin Cash speaks.

    she might not talk that good, but she looks great. I'd beat it like a loney fat boy on saturday night.
  18. devonthefineone

    Which sport involves the quickest thinking.

    Football because of running backs and quarterbacks
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