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  1. bussinessilicitos

    MacBook Kernel Panic

    It doesn't let me run safe mode, as soon as I turn it on it goes to Kernel Panic. I'll try to see if I can do the disk utility if not I guess I'll take it to the Apple store eventhough I don't have AppleCare.  Thanks.
  2. bussinessilicitos

    MacBook Kernel Panic

    It doesn't let me run safe mode, as soon as I turn it on it goes to Kernel Panic. I'll try to see if I can do the disk utility if not I guess I'll take it to the Apple store eventhough I don't have AppleCare.  Thanks.
  3. bussinessilicitos

    Official LIVE BREATHE FUTBOL thread: soccer-inspired clothing: NEW SHIRTS on pg. 7!!

    New website looks great, just picked up some tee's.
  4. bussinessilicitos

    MacBook Kernel Panic

    How did you fix the issue? 
  5. bussinessilicitos

    MacBook Kernel Panic

    I tried to boot it in Safe Mode and it won't let me either the same restart message appears before I can enter Safe Mode.
  6. bussinessilicitos

    MacBook Kernel Panic

    She's in elementary school...
  7. bussinessilicitos

    MacBook Kernel Panic

    So my cousin says she was things deleting from her MacBook, she put it in the trash and tried to empty it. After a while it was still emptying and the computer was not responding and she went to restart it.  Now it has a "You need to restart your computer..." message.  I tried Google and...
  8. bussinessilicitos

    boobs on a rollercoaster , perverts rejoice .......

    Once in Six Flags a chicks panties moved and her +#$#% appeared on the photos, they didn't let me buy the pic. SMH.
  9. bussinessilicitos

    boobs on a rollercoaster , perverts rejoice .......

    Once in Six Flags a chicks panties moved and her +#$#% appeared on the photos, they didn't let me buy the pic. SMH.
  10. bussinessilicitos

    Getting married abroad for 10k

    Damn 30k sign me up
  11. bussinessilicitos

    Getting married abroad for 10k

    Damn 30k sign me up
  12. bussinessilicitos

    delete thread

    You sound mad
  13. bussinessilicitos

    delete thread

    You sound mad
  14. bussinessilicitos

    I just saw the craziest thing in a porno vol. paranormal? PICS p7

    I'm going to have to review this personally. OP I need a link, name of stream, etc.
  15. bussinessilicitos

    I just saw the craziest thing in a porno vol. paranormal? PICS p7

    I'm going to have to review this personally. OP I need a link, name of stream, etc.
  16. bussinessilicitos

    Winners of my GIVEAWAY are......

    What do WE get if we help you win? .Voted.
  17. bussinessilicitos

    Winners of my GIVEAWAY are......

    What do WE get if we help you win? .Voted.
  18. bussinessilicitos

    Am I still a virgin?

    You might be gay OP, go try it with a guy and see what happens.
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