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  1. shoesonmyfeet

    Black People and the Church

    I never  said you were atheist, not everyones foundation is on the church. No one is asking you to live a lie, do as you please but dont demand people to follow suit.   
  2. shoesonmyfeet

    Black People and the Church

    Oh now I see, dude you just want people to be atheist.You should have just said that in your first post.I guess you were mad because that girl was perfect,but she didnt think like you.You are not apart of the church, makes no sense for you to be saying we.   
  3. shoesonmyfeet

    Black People and the Church

    What is so extreme about a christian not listening to secular music? Long ago this very country didnt play secular music My girl in highschool was a devout christian, she basically explained to me that a lot(not all) of secular music goes agaisnt what she learns from the bible. Im agnostic, but...
  4. shoesonmyfeet

    Rihanna just ethered some chick on twitter

    I guess that is where we disagree, I dont think it was reckless, blunt yes, but not reckless. I dont know how twit works but dont you have to follow someone to @ them. Im assuming she was a fan that was shocked by her actions and lost respect. Many people went way harder on her, hunny saw...
  5. shoesonmyfeet

    Let me tell you a story about myself...

    Pacific ocean lulz
  6. shoesonmyfeet

    Rihanna just ethered some chick on twitter

    Rihanna is is 24(googled it) not a 16 yr old, she thinks she was justified jabbing at homegirl like that. Saw a thread full of her twitter "clap backs".She gets a pass for hood girl behavior cause she is "young" and you got a crush, makes sense   
  7. shoesonmyfeet

    Let me tell you a story about myself...

    Its ok bro
  8. shoesonmyfeet

    Rihanna just ethered some chick on twitter

    you know you're only looking at this one sided right? You know you got a better chance with fattie then rihanna right? I dont see how you guys can defend her with this one the homegirl didnt say "you a stupid %+% for doing a song with him". Glasses is overdoing it, but she does have a...
  9. shoesonmyfeet

    Rihanna just ethered some chick on twitter

    Swagodie is that you rihana   
  10. shoesonmyfeet

    the silent treatment vol. speak on it

    I hate this
  11. shoesonmyfeet

    Rihanna just ethered some chick on twitter

    Some of you MUST be on rihanna payroll or think she will see this thread and let you smash. lol My ex use to be enamored with this girl, but I knew she was a bird when she cussed at a girl cause she tweeted " I cant believe you going back to CB" the girl was like 13 and tweeting back that she...
  12. shoesonmyfeet

    is it Really Not OK to Not Know who Paul McCarteny Is???

    My roomate read the thread and told me to ask you.
  13. shoesonmyfeet

    is it Really Not OK to Not Know who Paul McCarteny Is???

    I ask my roomate who this dude was and he said he did not know, I asked him does he know the beatles and he said "John Lennon's group" lol PLVN are you caucasain?
  14. shoesonmyfeet

    Why being a Power Ranger is a bad career path.

    There goes my dreams.
  15. shoesonmyfeet

    Full Chris Brown and Rihanna Police Report

    OP are you a Fan of rhianna?
  16. shoesonmyfeet

    Virgins of Niketalk, Assemble.

        Those gifs  
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