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  1. 3stroke

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    I like to taper off the size of my meals as the day goes on. So, big breakfast such as a shake, porridge oats with honey, a banana and an apple. By the last meal of the day I'm down to just a shake or a tin of tuna. That currently works well for me, though I'm in a cutting phase. When I'm not...
  2. 3stroke

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Sorry, for some reason I thought you had mentioned benching. Still, the same principle applies. Good luck
  3. 3stroke

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    bLaZ3n - it is difficult to attribute a definite weight to the bar on a smith machine. This is due to two reasons: 1. A variation between equipment manufacturers. There is no 'standard' 2. Unlike during a barbell bench, you are not actually balancing the barbell itself but instead moving the...
  4. 3stroke

    The future of the NBA is going down the drain vol Lebron James

    Dwight has an extremely wide clavicle by the looks of it, making for that impressive shoulder structure. Rajon Rondo also has a relatively wide clavicle, though obviously without the deltoid development. As people have said, LeBron's gains arent anything mind-blowing. He has added maybe...
  5. 3stroke

    Am I the only one who hates the stat culture of the NBA?

    nice to see someone drop the mark twain quote, though it isn't originally his. correct statistics can be manipulated to further an incorrect arguement
  6. 3stroke

    Welcome back to court, Scottie Pippen

    any word on his statline?
  7. 3stroke

    Most Ripped NBA Player

    Does anybody have a scan/link to that Ben Wallace article in Muscle & Fitness please?
  8. 3stroke

    Offical Nutrition/Fitness Post VOL. weightloss * 2 weeks in *

    There is some really bad advice in this post. Clearly, only a handful of people know what they are talking about. I don't mean to be an+%!%, but NTisn't the best place to ask for advice such as this. is my favourite. Give it a go. Good luck!
  9. 3stroke

    Most Ripped NBA Player

    Ben Gordon may not be as ripped as some of the guys mentioned, but I'm willing to bet his functional strength far surpasses theirs. Pound for pound, he isone of the strongest guys in the league. I'm sure we all know there is a big difference between being ripped and being muscular and strong
  10. 3stroke

    How the hell do people drink protein shakes??!!

    the best by far is BSN Syntha-6. Pricey, but you get what you pay for. they also produce a lean desert protein ( a casein blend - ideal for before bed) whichis nothing short of delicious! aside from that, Reflex instant whey is pretty good
  11. 3stroke

    Official Zoom BB Low Review Thread. *UPDATE*

    they look a lot like an indoor soccer shoe. nice no signature for me thank you,i'm british
  12. 3stroke

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    Tokyo Police Club - A Lesson In Crime EP. Canada pretty much owns. no signature for me thank you,i'm british
  13. 3stroke

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    Josh Ritter - Rumours no signature for me thank you,i'm british
  14. 3stroke

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    Stars - The Night Starts Here another great Canadian band no signature for me thank you,i'm british
  15. 3stroke

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    At The Drive-In - 198d one of my all time favourites. a classic,in my eyes no signature for me thank you,i'm british
  16. 3stroke

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    surprised to see jack penate get a mention in here. right now, The Bronx - Historys Stranglers no signature for me thank you,i'm british
  17. 3stroke


    aw dont spoil my fun collie! somebody must have the pic of him! no signature for me thank you,i'm british
  18. 3stroke


    now would be a great time for somebody to post that imfamous pic of the man himself! does anybody still have it? surely...... no signature for me thank you,i'm british
  19. 3stroke

    Where R They Now ??? NCAA Basketball

    Harold Arceneaux of Weber State ?
  20. 3stroke

    Where R They Now ??? NCAA Basketball

    keith closs (nice shox id btw)
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