Offical Nutrition/Fitness Post VOL. weightloss * 2 weeks in *

Originally Posted by atljunkie

damn, i want to lean down quick! im going to explode during "training" and whatnot.
i look at the boxers/cage fighters (nh) and they are leaner than heck.
Im trying to get like that. not an ounce of body fat...

im so motivated right now but those guys have all day to train. thats their life.

fighters are not always that lean. what you see on tv is the result of extreme weight cutting for a fight. their everyday walking around
weight is probably much different. I'm a gym rat and a former wrestler so I know the feeling of extreme weight cutting. sure you may
look lean, but usually all you want to do is eat.

Its good to have that movtivation though.
Yea, i get motivated like that too


I do feel like all i want to do is eat sometimes

I am gonna start taking fish oil (pills) i heard it helps mental sharpness and concentration, i am pretty pumped about it all.

I got a pretty good looking Meal replacement drink

heres the recipe Via Mens Health :

1 cup skim milk

2 tbsp ground flaxseed

1Tbsp reduced-fat peanut butter

1/2 cup frozen blueberries

1 scoop 100% whey protein

looks really good, once i go get the flaxseed and blueberries i am gonna make one

if anyone likes to share a favorite meal/drink, feel free
Its really good that you are all excited to start this transformation.
Motivation is really good, you just gotta make sure you keep things consistent.
Big question here... Is it ever to late to work out... anytime past 9pm ? is it less efficent, as efficent to work out? i dont think it would make adifference, but interested if anyone knows the answer

I jog and do abs on a daily basis

the bowflex is littered with clothes all over it

I will make room for it once I iron all these shirts

More Mens fitness info :

if you cut your food into long strips, or chuncks, you can trick you mind into thinking their is more on your plate then there really is, making your feelfuller then you actually are
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Big question here... Is it ever to late to work out... anytime past 9pm ? is it less efficent, as efficent to work out? i dont think it would make a difference, but interested if anyone knows the answer

I jog and do abs on a daily basis

the bowflex is littered with clothes all over it

I will make room for it once I iron all these shirts

More Mens fitness info :

if you cut your food into long strips, or chuncks, you can trick you mind into thinking their is more on your plate then there really is, making your feel fuller then you actually are

i think the only problem with working out that late is if you try to get to bed early. normally, for me at least, I'm really wired after a workoutsince all the endorphins are going. it usually takes me 2-3 hours before I start crashing.

yeah, I always call the Bowflex the most expensive clothes hanger
cuz everytime i visit someone's home who has one theres clothes hanging on it.

Flax seed oil is maybe a better option. It contains omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium, lecithin,magnesium, fiber, protein, and zinc and also provides approximately 50% more omega-3 oils than what you could get from taking fish oil.

Good luck on your routine, bro, its good to see others so serious about getting into shape. It'll make your life much more enjoyable.
Yup, the biggest negative about late night workouts would only be getting to sleep after. The key is to get nice workouts in, if 9pm is the best time for youto do that then by all means do it. Better than racing through one first thing in the morning when you have less time.

Also with jogging try to increase your speed every so often along with your distance. And as always, look into intervals as well.
Originally Posted by Burn916

^ vitamin water is not the best option, but it's better than downing pepsi's. They use natural sugar, which at least helps a bit. You might want to try the Vita Rain drink from costco, as it is sugar free but still has a strong taste (though not everybody likes it). Gatorade isn't terrible, but it's meant to be consumed when you need to replenish electrolytes (during/after strenuous exercise).

I'll give you a typical day for me:

wake up (around 10:30 so this is lunchtime for a lot of people)- bottle of water, bowl of protein enriched Kashi cereal with nonfat milk (good source of protein, fiber, whole grains), and a multi-vitamin (I'm using ON's Opti-Men) (230 cal, 18g protein)

School - I'm at school for 2-4 hours a day...I'll bring a sandwich bag of raw almonds (make sure you have gum if you're eating these in public
), or some type of healthy snack bar. I try to drink water, but a diet coke is pretty common for me (can't let those professors put me to sleep) (200 cal, 10g protein)

3 pm - small meal...usually some type of leftovers. Yesterday I had a small bbq chicken breast and haiga rice (look it's great) (350 cal, 16g protein)

Work out

Post workout - protein drink...chocolate ON whey mixed with nonfat milk (220 cal, 33g protein)

Dinner - I typically eat either chicken or fish, brown or haiga rice, salad with LIGHT dressing, multivitamin (500 cal, 25g protein)

Couple hours after dinner - plain yogurt, fruit, water (250 cal, 8g protein)

Late night - something healthy...plain yogurt or almonds. Yogurt or milk is good because of the casein protein content (slow digesting while you sleep) (200 cal, 8g protein)

Sleep (around 2-3)

That should be something like 1950 calories, 118g protein...that leaves some room for error as far as calorie intake goes.

I'm not an expert either but I think you can make some improvements...

-Post workout shake, mix it with water only. The whole point of drinking a shake post-workout is that the protein is fast absorbing and goes to yourmuscles quickly to aid in recovery.

-The 500 calorie meal should be the meal before your workout to give you more energy.
-nuts late night is good, but if you dont mind the taste,substitute yogourt with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese has a ton of protein which is slow absorbing, exactly what your muscles need as you are not going to beeating again until breakfast.
Like most people I plan on getting really fit for the New Year.

We'll see what happens.

Hey last year I quit smoking ciggarettes.
Here is what my current meal plan looks like, I'd appreciate any criticism and help so I can improve it...

1. 1 chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 3 clementines

2. Egg whites, 2 slices of whole grain toast, 3 clementines

3. Protein shake and an apple(post workout)

4. 1 Chicken breast, 1 sweet potato

5. 1 cup cottage cheese, Fruit jam(25 calories per 2 tbsp), I use 2 tbsp to help me eat it.

I only drink water, green tea, coffee with skim milk+splenda (to keep me awake, and because I usually crave for something sweet).

What kind of fruits do you guys recommend? Since it's winter here I'm only eating apples, bananas, clementines. I love almost every fruit but I donthave many choices in the next few months.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Here is what my current meal plan looks like, I'd appreciate any criticism and help so I can improve it...

1. 1 chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 3 clementines

2. Egg whites, 2 slices of whole grain toast, 3 clementines

3. Protein shake and an apple(post workout)

4. 1 Chicken breast, 1 sweet potato

5. 1 cup cottage cheese, Fruit jam(25 calories per 2 tbsp), I use 2 tbsp to help me eat it.

I only drink water, green tea, coffee with skim milk+splenda (to keep me awake, and because I usually crave for something sweet).

What kind of fruits do you guys recommend? Since it's winter here I'm only eating apples, bananas, clementines. I love almost every fruit but I dont have many choices in the next few months.
that looks like a good meal plan. I drink a heaping scoop of whey protein with water about 1/2 before a workout also.
imo any fruit is good. i love apples, pears, necturines, whatever looks good at the store.
Ya all fruit is good.
I'm currently hyped on Blueberries, Raspberries, Apples + Bananas.. actually pretty much all fruits, lol.

But ya, its good to have that simple carb w/ protein shakes PWO.
Does anyone know if diet sodas are bad for you? They contain no calories or sugar, but i do know it contains does that affect your health?
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Does anyone know if diet sodas are bad for you? They contain no calories or sugar, but i do know it contains does that affect your health?

Google aspartame and find out... nothing is real proven yet, mostly because they don't have many long-term samples of data yet that i know of.. butit's not looking good. I guess for your short term dieting, it's a better option.. but you should really just get over the taste of soda (this comingfrom the guy who cannot kick the habit to save his life for more than a few months at a time.. i'm working on trying to not eliminate it completely, butmake it very moderated.. once a month or something.. gives me something to look forward to, but won't kill me either).
Thanks for the input guys, I am loving the info, deffiantely gonan stock pile on cottage cheese, yogurts, fruits...

I am stock piled with vegetables and chicken arleady

what kind of meats do you guys suggest for good gains, i always get this impression that chicken is the best choice... what do you guys say? anything else icould eat that is just as healthy?
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Thanks for the input guys, I am loving the info, deffiantely gonan stock pile on cottage cheese, yogurts, fruits...

I am stock piled with vegetables and chicken arleady

what kind of meats do you guys suggest for good gains, i always get this impression that chicken is the best choice... what do you guys say? anything else i could eat that is just as healthy?

Chicken, turkey, most fish are all good.. make sure they're all cooked correctly though, fried chicken ain't what you're lookin for..everything should be grilled if you can help it, or at the very least, oven roasted and as lean as possible.

Beef is okay once in awhile - but again, make sure it's pretty lean... you're better off with chicken and fish though.
All this info is really helpful.

Can anybody help me with a fat burning/HIT cardio program. I'm on a steady weight traing program and diet. I usually weight train then do cardio after. Iwould like to lean down more while keeping my muscle.

Weight Train-monday, wed, friday
Cardio-tues, thursday,sat

I would like to try a circuit training or HIT program on my cardio day. Windsprints, lunges, bear crawls, etc.
thanks for any help
i think if you are dieting hard u gonna need flax seed a boxer i obviously cut alot. so when im dieting, which i havent been doing because i dont havea fight for a looong time i use it. its a good source of fiber,bcuz when u dieting u need fiber or else youll have bubble guts. otherwise from that its adecent source of protein,it helps with energy,and muscle recovery.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What are the benefits to taking flax seed oil?

Do you guys recommend it?

Like I mentioned earlier, flaxseed oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, fiber, protein, andzinc and also provides approximately 50% more omega-3 oils than what you could get from taking fish oil. Not only is it beneficial for physical well being alsomental heath. Your brain is mostly made up of fat(60%), omega-3 fatty acids like found in fish has been propose to aid in clearer thinking and memory. There iscertainly an argument for why cultures with fish as a staple in their diets are so smart, ie Japanese, Chinese, etc.
Is flax seed as sufficient or should I just get the oil version?

How many tbsp per day?

What brand is best?

Any more info is appreciated.
It's good that you're really wanting to do this but be careful with all those vitamins and !*%%. I had a bad experience this year during cross countryseason. I was running a lot of mileage during the season and was burnt out so my dad had me taking a bunch of vitamins and it had me feeling better for a whilebut after a few weeks all it did was get me sick and I had to take two weeks off. So don't over do it with the vitamins and just try to eat as healthy asyou can and workout twice a day.
There is some really bad advice in this post. Clearly, only a handful of people know what they are talking about. I don't mean to be an+%!%, but NTisn't the best place to ask for advice such as this. is my favourite. Give it a go. Good luck!
Originally Posted by atljunkie

HITT (High Intensity Interval Training)

the more instense the more you lose.
involve the whole body to burn fat all over.
dont stop eating. 2200 calories a day sounds about right for you with the -500 calories daily included.
strength training will obviously help burn fat and build muscle.
drink about 80-100oz of water daily!!!
eat 5-6 healthy medium sized meals daily to help speed up metabolism.
obviously stay away from sugar/salty foods and anything white.. (rice, bread, tortillas etc...)
switch up routines.. dont let plateau set in. Mix things up and make it fun.. (sports)
as far as dietary supplements i dont recommend any. (having tried some in the past)
most are just caffeine and give you an extreme jittery feeling.

Best of luck to you and hopefully you can reach your goal..
I wouldnt go as far as saying you could lose 45lbs in about 1 1/2 months but who knows...?
more so around feb/march to be on the safe side.

enough information for you?

pics ??

its my lucky post.. 777

^^Listen to this man...

And losing 1-2 lbs a day is not really healthy... 2-3 a week is more realistic after the initial week or so. Also, do some weight training... I'm6'5" and I'm skinny as &*#$ at 200... you would prolly be fine even at 210-220.

Oh... and @ belle155 ... try
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