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  1. scribecity

    YO! Official DECEMBER WDYWT 2010 vol: Pic Quoting is LAME...

    So owning "Gucci and all that stuff" is corny these days? Please explain to me how it's corny. SERIOUSLY. I am genuinely interested in knowing how these name brands are corny. Just because some random people inflicted some type of complex within yourself and now you don't own (you said USED to)...
  2. scribecity

    YO! Official DECEMBER WDYWT 2010 vol: Pic Quoting is LAME...

    So owning "Gucci and all that stuff" is corny these days? Please explain to me how it's corny. SERIOUSLY. I am genuinely interested in knowing how these name brands are corny. Just because some random people inflicted some type of complex within yourself and now you don't own (you said USED to)...
  3. scribecity

    YO! Official DECEMBER WDYWT 2010 vol: Pic Quoting is LAME...

    I see people still aren't hating in moderation. The more hate the better apparently. If you're too broke to afford more, don't hate on a someone who can.
  4. scribecity

    YO! Official DECEMBER WDYWT 2010 vol: Pic Quoting is LAME...

    I see people still aren't hating in moderation. The more hate the better apparently. If you're too broke to afford more, don't hate on a someone who can.
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