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  1. airmaxlows

    oo206oo, I'm calling you out....

    Sorry, but this is my last resort at trying to get a hold of this deadbeat. He won't respond to my PM's, im's, emails, but he is on here postinglike its all good... Nah, but on the real... I came home one day this week after a long day of work and had a nice surprise waiting...
  2. airmaxlows

    Where to turn yourself in?

    So I found out I got this warrant... I would have taken care of it-had i known it existed.... Either way, I know this is not the best place to ask for advice on this type of thing, but if any of yall could help, it would be greatly appreciated... If any of yall have been in this situation...
  3. airmaxlows

    LOL @ Craigs List Casual Encounters...

    I sell stuff on craigs list every now and again, and when sept 1st comes around every year when i either renew my lease or move, im always on there searcingfor some cheap apartment listings.. other than that, i dont really browse the site too much.. but the other night, i was done listing some...
  4. airmaxlows


    time to bring the mask out/dudes on a cash route
  5. airmaxlows


    im trying to see some heat. heres my contribution-nothing too serious, just figured i had to start the thread with a pic. top row: blk grey low, oly low, denim low, blk wht low, red/wht low 2nd row: blk/wht suede mid, vick mid, canada mid, grey/wht mid, grey royal mid 3rd row: dtown mid...
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