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  1. freewayfrankie

    What song u bumpin rye now?

    A long lost classic for me. Produced by Erick Sermon, 1993. These dudes were Jersey Shorin' then.
  2. freewayfrankie

    A.J.K.O Jordan I Summer 2010 Photos via

    $125 for canvas...a Jumpman on the tongue, and a heel Air-Sole at most.. sorry Gentry.
  3. freewayfrankie

    → The Official: Pac Div Thread: Album: "GMB" Out Now! ←

    Mayor is a modern classic in my opinion, meaning it would have been fresh to death if it was released in '89, and it's just as dope now. Props Pac Divfor that classic L.A. sound made contemporary.
  4. freewayfrankie

    Breaking News::::: NORTH KOREA has fired FOUR short-range missiles..... (South Korea confirms)

    It is a Fox news headline, so they probably only lit off a few bottle rockets. Fox are fear-mongerers.
  5. freewayfrankie

    Celebrity Yearbook Photos Vol.... YeeeAA!!!

    If that is really him, and it may be.. Then there might really be a god.
  6. freewayfrankie

    Celebrity Yearbook Photos Vol.... YeeeAA!!!

    Isn't your profile pic Jay Z's high school pic? sorry couldn't resist..
  7. freewayfrankie

    Celebrity Yearbook Photos Vol.... YeeeAA!!!

    Jamie Foxx's high school look reminds me of Chris Rock in I'm Gonna Get You Sucka
  8. freewayfrankie

    Celebrity Yearbook Photos Vol.... YeeeAA!!!

    I love these type of posts.. I thought at first glance Eva Mendes was Cassie..for real. Fergie Ferg... looks gorgeous, however the crystal meth gave het thebutterface for real. Honestly, look at the difference between then and now.
  9. freewayfrankie

    Nike Air Max 1 2009 Preview Ack Ack!
  10. freewayfrankie

    Where do you stand on ghost writing?

    Oh yeah.. I can't forget Ice Cube.. Amerikka's Most, and Death Certificate had the borrowed pens on Del the Funkee Homosapien and KAM respectively.
  11. freewayfrankie

    Where do you stand on ghost writing?

    In hip hop.. Unless you're Dr. Dre, you're a straight fraud.. Especially 88-89 L.L. Cool J whose stuff was ghostwrote by The LA Posse and Big DaddyKane. Do your homework..
  12. freewayfrankie

    WDYWT June 2009 Vol. Summer is upon us DO NOT QUOTE PICS!!!

    A Powers..Your sneaker and gear game is air tight and I look forward to your posts of daily heat. . No hate and no offense though, when I read your intentionalbad grammar I hear the voice of Ali G in my head.
  13. freewayfrankie

    Penny Foams vs. Jordan XI...and the winner is....

    Took the words out of my mouth. The XI mids are not very comfortable in the uppers fit. The L.E.'s feel great with the softer upper.Foamposites just form to your feet right out of the box, and have full-length zoom air..Foamposites if I had to choose.
  14. freewayfrankie

    Yo Momma Jokes Vol. 30,000

    Yo mama's so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck.. Yo mama's so bald you can read her mind..Yo mama's so old she drove a chariot to highschool..Yo mama's so old I asked her to act her age and the %%@#$ dropped dead..Yo mama's got three teeth, one in her mouth and two in her pocket..Yomama's...
  15. freewayfrankie


    You beat me to that. Those poor kids, that poor family. That guy needs to beaten to death with baseball bats, slowly. There should beconcentration camps for guys like him, and the sad thing is there aren't. My question is, why the hell do they keep inviting him over?
  16. freewayfrankie


    Eminem: The Way I Am, and Artie Lange: Too Fat Too Fish..
  17. freewayfrankie

    Details Pics of Jordan 2009 aka Jordan XXIV

    Looks aside, who in their right mind would pay $190 for the same cushioning set up as a pair of SB's? I sure as hell hope there's some killertechnology and comfort to justify that price point. XX3's were revolutionary in every sense of the word, had full length zoom plus IPS. I need to see...
  18. freewayfrankie

    Check out the quality of these OG I's

    dude, would you mind posting a close of the tech specs on the booklet? I have never, ever, been able to see a close up to actually read it.. muchappreciated.
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