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  1. slowined

    When can I by Lakers conference finals tickets?

    if houston wins tonight or thursday, whens the next game?
  2. slowined

    .::Official 2007 Fantasy Football Thread::. (Sticky Plz)

    keeper help. keep one wide out and rd. benson and harrison. or addai and colston???? i have the chance to trade harrison for addai since the person had alexander already, but would mean i would have to keep colston instead.
  3. slowined

    *Official Laser IV post*- All shoe/ topics here

    got my tracking too....10.5 is on its way.
  4. slowined

    shoe cleaning tips compilation

    for suede and nubuck shoes you guys should try out nordstroms suede renew. it basically colors in the color of the suede since suede fades in color. note: if you try it tape up everything not in suede. it does cange the color. its like spray painting a shoe.
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