When can I by Lakers conference finals tickets?

yan can cook

Jan 25, 2009
Lets be real here guys.

I checked ticketmaster and no luck. Anyone want to point me in the right direction?
if you were a real laker fan...you would know that they havent started selling them yet
they just sold the 2nd round tickets on saturday
Try when they first go on sale. If you dont have any luck, I doubt you will be able to afford it.
Your options are:

1. Ticketmaster
3. Craigslist
4.Ticket Brokers
5.Sell Yourself on the Corner

WCF haven't gone on sale yet. Semis went on sale last week I got tix to game 1&2
Originally Posted by Tarvald Drama Chase

go to the store called Hell.... talk to a Mr. Devil.. and all u gotta do is sell your soul...it works, i did it
Barrystickets, or Stubhub have tickets through season ticket holders.

Conference Finals tickets haven't been released through ticketmaster yet.
you gotta wait... but the lists above are very accurate. as far as ticketmaster goes, found out EXACTLY what time they go on sale cause you are gonna befighting against a lot of people and computer programs (similar to snipe) that are trying to get the max tickets possible to resell and pay their mortgageswith. good luck with tickets man! I'm so glad I got my tickets locked up for the Nuggets vs Lakers Western Conference Finals already (Im getting minethrough a friend who works with the Nuggets)....
Good luck man...
they'll never go on sale.

and yes CP, just like those warrior playoff tickets this year. i read your mind like a book
you have to stand outside staples @ 3am the same night lakers if/when they win the second round.

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