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  1. numba1stunna038

    Do yall "read" people?

    Theres all kinds of ways one can 'read' another. I'd say that most of the reading is non-verbal. For instance one of the most simple things is eyecontact. Does the person maintain eye contact while in conversation? or are they hesitant? normally people who are confident/trusting do a good job...
  2. numba1stunna038


    I never knew there was a term for this. I've definitely have dreams like this frequently. Recently, i've been having dreams where i'm trying toescape from something or someone and i'm doin all kinds of stufff just being super agile i guess. Every time i'm being chased I always get reeeal closeto...
  3. numba1stunna038

    What are your Goals and Dreams, Lets see if we can help.

    I want to be a Music Producer. I started when I was 17. It wasn't too serious but I enjoyed the hell out of it. When I got to college it became my passion.Instead of reading about/seeing producers that are heavily in the game I thought "Why not start taking steps to turn this dream into...
  4. numba1stunna038

    What Your Taste In Beer Says About YOU.

    Heineken has been the go to drink in my family for YEARS. I don't mind keepin the tradition going. Good stuff
  5. numba1stunna038

    Black Men- Its 2009, why do lightskinned girls get so much preference?

    I honestly think it is because of the way society has been shaped. In America, people of light skin color have been overlyrepresented everywhere; more specifically in the media. People tend to flow into the direction of things they are used to. Therefore, because people are morelikely to see a...
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